Chapter 246
"Due to the disparity in strength between the two sides, Yingbu's resistance did not last long before it collapsed and failed."

"But Liu Bang also paid a heavy price for this. In the fierce battle, Liu Bang stepped forward to take command, but he received an arrow."

Meng Yi: Is there only one general who can go to the battlefield?In his later years, a dignified emperor still has to go to war personally despite his illness? "

Zhu Yuanzhang: Liu Bang was already old at that time and had only a few days to live. How could he have the patience to fight with these heroes and generals? In order to consolidate the imperial power and let the descendants of the Liu family sit on the throne for eternity, he directly adopted the simplest and most brutal killing methods. He wanted to eliminate them forever. Later troubles, Liu Bang's ruthlessness, made all these heroes and generals in danger. Many people were not willing to be killed at their necks, and embarked on the road of rebellion. To be honest, Liu Bang in his later years had no one to use, otherwise he could not let Empress Lu take advantage of him. No matter how much you do, even a prince can't do it.

"Liu Bang has been on the battlefield for a long time in his life. He was injured many times before. He suffered "twelve severe wounds on his body and four were hit by arrows." But he survived all of them.

"But at this time, Liu Bang was not what he used to be. His age was not forgiving, and his physical condition was not as good as before. Although the arrow did not hit the vital point, the wound did not heal for a long time. It became worse day by day, and Liu Bang was gradually bedridden."

"After returning to Chang'an, Liu Bang's condition continued to worsen. He had a premonition that his time was running out, so he once again tried to depose the crown prince Liu Ying and make Mrs. Qi's son Liu Ruyi the crown prince. However, he sadly discovered that the crown prince's status could no longer be achieved. shake."

"Queen Lu was worried about Liu Bang's safety, so she found a famous doctor to treat Liu Bang's injuries."

"Liu Bang's reaction was unexpected. When he saw the doctor, he became furious and said: "I use a commoner to carry a three-foot sword to conquer the world. Is this not destiny?Destiny is in heaven, what's the use of being a magpie! "

"He claimed that life and death were dictated by destiny, and he wanted to obey God's arrangements. As a result, he drove the doctor away."

"Why did Liu Bang drive the doctor away? Did he really want to die quickly? On the contrary, he did this just to live a few more days, so he did not dare to accept the doctor's diagnosis and treatment.

"How dare Liu Bang use the doctor invited by Empress Lu?"

"After the issue of the hero was resolved, the battle for the crown prince in the Han Dynasty became fierce again."

"Although Liu Ying, the son of Empress Lu, has been established as the prince, Liu Bang doted on Mrs. Qi in his later years and deliberately deposed Liu Ying and made Mrs. Qi's son Liu Ruyi the prince. Mrs. Qi and Empress Lu are incompatible rivals. If he really By doing this, Madam Qi's power will rise, and Empress Lu and her family will soon suffer disaster."

"Because of this matter, Liu Bang and Empress Lu, a couple in trouble, have long been inseparable."

"Liu Bang, who was full of scheming, did not dare to accept the doctor's treatment. The only reasonable explanation is that he was worried that the doctor would be bribed by Empress Lu to assassinate him during the treatment, because only if he died, Liu Ying would become the crown prince. An Wen, Queen Lu does have the motive to do this."

"At this moment, King Lu Wan of Yan rebelled."

"Lu Wan is Liu Bang's childhood friend. They were born in the same year, the same month, and the same day. They have been good friends since they were young. Liu Bang regards him as someone he can absolutely trust."

"Lu Wan's rebellion was a fatal blow to Liu Bang. Who else can he trust?"

"Before Liu Bang died, the thing he worried about most was his son Liu Ruyi. He tried his best to avoid the tragedy."

"However, the second year after Liu Bang's death, Liu Ruyi was poisoned to death and Mrs. Qi was made into a "human pig."

"Liu Bang named his favorite son Ruyi, but he used his experiences in his later years to illustrate that even if you are an emperor, you will not have a Ruyi life." Liu Bang: Lu Pheasant, you are a poisonous woman!
Lu Pheasant: Yo!Angry!Am I poisonous?How could you be so ruthless!
"The reason why Liu Bang wanted to depose the crown prince was actually to cut off the power base of Queen Yi Lu's relatives to ensure that the descendants of the Liu family occupied the largest share of power in the Han Dynasty."

"However, Liu Bang is a commoner emperor after all, and his power comes from the barrel of a gun, so the attitude of other military heroes towards this matter must be considered."

"Otherwise, even if Liu Bang relies on his prestige to depose the prince, what will happen next? The great man may die in his second generation."

"Back then, Qin Shihuang deposed the crown prince to support Su, and his foundation for eternity was destroyed in one fell swoop. How could Liu Bang turn a blind eye to the lessons learned from the past?"

"However, the heroes and nobles all sided with the Lu family. As soon as Liu Bang announced that he wanted to depose the crown prince, Zhang Liang repeatedly advised him. However, Liu Bang refused to listen, so Zhang Liang excused himself from illness and stopped taking charge of the affairs."

"The imperial censor Zhou Chang argued vigorously with Liu Bang. Liu Bang asked him what his reasons were. Zhou Chang, who stuttered, just said: "I can't speak, but I know it's impossible. Although your majesty wants to depose the prince, I always refuse to obey the imperial edict. "

"Prince Taifu Shusun Tong even remonstrated: "The prince is benevolent and filial, and everyone in the world has heard of it. Empress Lu has worked hard with your majesty, how can you betray her?If your majesty wants to depose the prince, I am willing to kill him and spill his blood on this palace! "

"If Zhang Liang and Zhou Chang are just uncooperative, then Shusun Tong is a naked threat, and he also points out the key point of the matter - the emperor cannot abandon his sister-in-law (Queen Lu) with whom he has suffered hardships!"

"But, Liu Banggui is the emperor, why can't he turn his back on Empress Lu, a woman of a family?"

Liu Che: If these heroes and nobles truly loved, supported, and were loyal to Empress Lu and her family, there would not have been a palace coup that later killed the Lus. In the final analysis, it was just because the political benefits of being loyal to Empress Lu at that time were greater than being loyal to Liu Bang. big.

Xiaozhuang: You are really the Liu family!Even the ministers knew that Liu Bang's position was partly due to Lu Fei. Others felt that the Liu family had lost their conscience. The hard times were finally over, so they wanted to abandon their poor wife and make Liu Ruyi the prince. He How is it better than Liu Ying?

Li Zhi: Why?Because Lu Zhi did indeed make a mistake later, and if he allowed cholera to continue, something would definitely happen to this big man. The subsequent coup was the cause of Lu Zhi, but in the early stage, Liu Bang wanted to make Liu Ruyi the crown prince. What is the difference between this and deposing the queen?How could these ministers be allowed to follow Liu Bang again?Liu Bang is your great ancestor, so you just look at people with winks?
Cao Cao: Don’t dare to say a word!

Wu Qi: I dare not say it, but you still come out and say a few words.

Zhang Liang: Gaozu's performance in dealing with Empress Lu was indeed unsatisfactory.

Zhu Yuanzhang: This issue cannot be beaten to death with one stick. This minister really thinks too little about the big man. Everyone has to admit that the majority are still for profit.

"Most of the reasons are, well, self-interest."

"At that time, Liu Bang was extremely ill and could not even get out of bed. It was already sunset, but Empress Lu and her descendants of the Lu family were still alive and kicking. Not surprisingly, they were the future core of power in the Han Dynasty."

"Liu Bang is indeed the emperor and can take life and death, but once he returns to the west, his power will be in vain. If the heroes stand on the opposite side of Empress Lu and the prince in order to please Liu Bang, once Liu Bang dies, they will be in catastrophe. "

(End of this chapter)

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