"The rewards are now three solid elixirs, five small return elixirs, one hundred thousand elite cavalry, a pair of diamond armor, twenty snack recipes, a weapon of your choice, and simple arithmetic with modern Arabic numerals plus and minus gears."

"Please pay attention to all the people of the Sui Dynasty. Twenty snack recipes are divided into 600 portions each and distributed throughout the Sui Dynasty."

When the people of Sui Dynasty heard this sound, everyone in the house ran out.

"This is a formula! If they can get it, their lives will change!" All the people have this idea in their hearts, that is, they can change their destiny as long as they grab it.

This is especially true for businessmen. Now businessmen are no longer lowly. If they can grab a share, the business will be more prosperous. They can't let it go no matter what.

Papers filled with recipes were scattered around the world, and the barrage was also very lively.

Li Shimin: This reward has changed!

Wei Zheng: This last modern arithmetic reward should be extraordinary!
Zhu Yuanzhang: Shouldn’t these formulas be the most satisfying?Although it is small, it has solved some people's life problems. I even hope that when it is my turn, I can replace all the soldiers and horses with formula. That is what I want. The prosperity of the world is what an emperor wants most. need.

Lu Bu: Armor?Not only weapons, but also armor!Can Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty put it on display? It must be extraordinary.

Yang Jian: Haha!Thank you Ms. Zhang!Each of these rewards is very popular!Let me tell you, this elixir, everyone in the cavalry knows its ability. As for this arithmetic, I looked at it and it is indeed much simpler than our abacus. Even a five-year-old child can answer the question very simply after learning it. I will show you the armor and weapons.

Star God Armor: Damage reduction 15%, defense 50%, health increased 3%
Star Sword: Ignores all defenses, increases penetration attack by 30%, and rebounds damage by 70%.

Qin Shihuang: This is a set!

Liu Bang: Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, can you use a sword?Why don't you bring it over and let me teach you?

Yang Jian: Who says I can’t do it? As an emperor, there is nothing I can’t do!Proficient in all eighteen martial arts!snort!Don't call my attention.

Lu Bu: Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, your armor is not as good-looking as mine!I'm not envious at all!
Yang Jian: Thank you for not being envious.

Lu Bu: Brother, your armor is so beautiful!Can you send it over and let me touch it twice?

Cao Cao: Hey!Lu Bu, why didn’t I know there was such a side to you?
Lu Bu: Foster father, what do you think of my proposal?

Dong Zhuo: ...

Lu Bu: I didn’t call you, so go ahead!

Dong Zhuo: Lu Bu, you boy, wait for me!

Yang Jian: No, don’t call me foster father. I can’t bear the responsibility. You’d better take good care of yourself!You are miserable!

Li Si: Alas!It’s better for you people from the later dynasties. There are some things that we don’t know about the previous dynasty. According to Miss Zhang, some characters from the dynasty still can’t be represented, and we only have a half-understood form.

"No way, I can only talk about the upper and lower dynasties related to the main characters. If I want to fully understand, I have to start from the Xia Dynasty. The generals, ministers, emperors and many other characters and relationships, there are too many to talk about. ”

Qin Shihuang: I can only say that you can understand the specific situations of two or three characters at a time, but it is impossible to understand them all.

Liu Bang: Just like this time, the emperors before Yuanlang did not know what they did. They only knew that they were the emperors of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the Erzhu family. They could only tell that they were a tribe, and they had no idea how they were formed. clear.

Zhu Di: That’s enough. If Ms. Zhang hadn’t talked about the important things, we might not have been able to make much change until she left.

Zhu Yuanzhang: What the fourth child said is the truth. Miss Zhang probably won’t be able to stay for long, and everyone knows it. "Don't be so sad. Before I leave, I will try my best to give you a satisfactory answer."

"We move on to the next emperor, the sixth outstanding emperor - Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu."

Liu Xiu: I’m actually on the list!
"This emperor, it seems that I have pretty much talked about it before. I still want to talk about it in general. He is also the sixth outstanding emperor, so he still needs to be given face."

"Speaking of lucky people, there is Yang Jian and Liu Xiu. His life is like cheating."

"Before talking about Liu Xiu, we need to talk about an important figure - Wang Mang."

Liu Bowen: Hiss!I originally thought that this person had no ability to govern the country. When I saw Miss Zhang's world, I actually thought of a terrifying question.

Zhu Yuanzhang: I don’t believe in the idea that there are immortals, but who?His ability to govern the country seemed to be copied. After watching Miss Zhang’s World, I also had a scary thought. Is his thinking too advanced?
Qin Shihuang: Are there really immortals in this world?

Liu Che: What do you mean?What do you mean, Zhu Yuanzhang, this man is an immortal?Or is she from Miss Zhang’s world?impossible!

Zhu Yuanzhang: I didn’t say he was an immortal, I just thought he was not a person born normally.

Wang Mang: What are you talking about?Why do I get more and more confused the more I listen?You are really too superstitious!
"I don't believe in gods or immortals, but there are some things that are really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. You said that some people think that there are no immortals in this world all their lives, but when they are suffering from illness and cannot be saved, they have to worship Buddha and pray to gods. , you think it’s not funny!”

"In ancient times, you have a saying about the induction of heaven and man, that is, the person who is destined by God, and the person whom God has identified. This is especially important in the emperor's family."

"If there is a certain auspicious omen among the descendants of the royal family, it will definitely be taken seriously and given the meaning destined by God."

"In fact, many historical celebrities have more or less magical legends like this."

"Is "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" true? His Majesty the First Emperor!"

"I don't know, I, a descendant, don't know, but I know, maybe you know it."

"Does it really not exist? Then why do so many of your emperors believe in immortality?"

"Forget it! This is all my imagination. You haven't succeeded, so what can I say?"

"For those emperors who ushered in a new era, legends are a necessary means to stabilize people's hearts."

"Such as the Fengming Qishan when King Wu conquered Zhou, and the books in the fish belly during the uprising of Cheng Sheng and Wu Guang."

"In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty was under tyranny, people were panicked, and princes were everywhere. Under such a situation, the legend of the telepathic nature of heaven and man became particularly important."

Liu Bang: Miss Zhang, you don’t want to talk about the dream I had, do you? "Wang Mang" and "Death Python" are the white snakes, right?I killed the snake in my dream, so this Wang Mang usurped my man!
"Wang Mang has indeed usurped the throne of the great Han Dynasty. This mythical story also comes from the dream you had about the white snake you chopped off."

"Although Wang Mang is somewhat deified, it is impossible for me to use mythology to talk about Wang Mang. As a descendant, I believe in science."

"In the 400-year history of the Han Dynasty, there were faults for more than ten years. From this, the difference between the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty was derived. The fault that created the Han Dynasty was Wang Mang."

(End of this chapter)

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