Chapter 127
"After the establishment of Yingtian Mansion, Zhu Yuanzhang's sphere of influence bordered on Chen Youliang's territory, and the two sides fought successively. Empress Ma mobilized her family members to sew clothes for the frontline soldiers. Chen Youliang rushed to Yingtian Mansion. Empress Ma used all the money and goods at home to reward the soldiers and boost their morale. .”

"In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. Empress Ma was able to bear all the hardships, but she did not lose her nature. She was still thrifty and simple. .”

"Empress Ma also attaches great importance to her children's education. She treats all children equally, sincerely cares for them, and encourages them to study diligently.

When she found that her children were competing with each other on clothes and utensils, she called them together and said sincerely: "Your father is industrious and simple, and especially does not like luxury. He worries about state affairs day and night. You have not made any meritorious deeds, and you have enjoyed it." He is well-dressed and well-fed, but he does not have the ambition of his father."

"Let them put an end to their wasteful habits. Empress Ma not only showed this in terms of children, but also appointed talented people, cared about the sufferings of the people, and paid a lot of attention to some officials."

"At that time, Prince Zhu Biao's teacher Song Lian had retired and returned to his hometown. His grandson Song Shen was implicated in Hu Weiyong's case and was captured. Zhu Yuanzhang ordered his death."

"Empress Ma quickly begged for mercy: "The private sector hires masters who start well and end well and treat each other with courtesy, let alone the emperor's home, and Song Lian is far away in his hometown, how can he know about the affairs of the imperial court. "

"Zhu Yuanzhang didn't listen, and still wanted to execute Song Lian. During the meal, Zhu Yuanzhang saw that no food or wine was prepared, and asked why. Queen Ma said: "I am doing something good for Mr. Song! ".

"Zhu Yuanzhang was a little sad, put down his chopsticks and left; the next day he ordered Song Lian to be pardoned and resettled in Maozhou."

"Empress Ma also cherishes talents. At that time, the Ming Dynasty established the Imperial College, where students all studied and lived comfortably, but almost all of them had families. Empress Ma said at the time: "Now there are so many talents, it is very worthwhile to be happy, but the students are Too many people are learning to eat, but their wives and children have no source of income. Isn’t this distracting? "

"After Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he ordered the establishment of a red plate warehouse to provide food to the families of Tai students on a monthly basis, and the family food system for Tai students was established from then on."

"Empress Ma also often cared about the sufferings of the people. When there was a famine and a bad harvest, Empress Ma always had barley, rice, and wild vegetable soup for every meal. Zhu Yuanzhang saw this and told Empress Ma that she had ordered relief."

"Empress Ma said: We don't know when floods or droughts will happen. To provide relief, it's better to prepare in advance. Zhu Yuanzhang thought it was reasonable and ordered the establishment of reserve warehouses in various places for disaster relief."

"After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he ordered to search for Queen Ma's relatives and wanted to grant them official positions. Queen Ma firmly refused. Under Queen Ma's persuasion, Zhu Yuanzhang rewarded them with a lot of property without granting them official positions."

"Later, the strict prohibition of relatives from intervening in politics became an important rule of the Ming Dynasty. It was written into the ancestral precepts of the Ming Dynasty and was followed by future generations."

"In 1382, Empress Ma was seriously ill. She knew she couldn't be cured, but she insisted on refusing to let the imperial physician treat her because she was worried that it would hurt the imperial physician."

"On his deathbed, Zhu Yuanzhang asked her what her wish was, and Queen Ma said, "May your Majesty be as prudent as he was in seeking advice and advice, so that his descendants will all be virtuous, and his subjects will be well off. "Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang burst into tears!"

"Empress Ma's greatest contribution was to use her love to correct some of Zhu Yuanzhang's practices and save a large number of heroes and generals."

"As the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang's ruthlessness deserves special mention in history. As a person who can influence Zhu Yuanzhang's decision-making behavior, Empress Ma made a special historical contribution by "saving others with the sword"."

"In the eyes of Zhu Yuanzhang, there is no one who cannot be killed. When Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill Zhu Wenzheng, Queen Ma advised, "Zhu Wenzheng is your nephew. He has made great achievements, so don't kill him." "Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill Li Wenzhong, Queen Ma advised , "Li Wenzhong is your nephew and your adopted son. Let him live."

"Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill Song Lian, so Empress Ma stopped eating and drinking, and knelt down to plead, "Song Lian is the prince's teacher, and the common people respect their teachers, let alone the emperor's family. "

"What's more famous and touching is that when Empress Ma became seriously ill, she refused medical treatment. She knew her man was cold-blooded and ruthless, and even when her life was in danger, she still tried her best to save Zhu Yuanzhang's wounds. Come and save people."

"After the two got married, they shared the joys and sorrows and never left each other. The death of Queen Ma made Zhu Yuanzhang very sad and he never had a queen again."

"Empress Ma gave Zhu Yuanzhang a warm home. At home, Zhu Yuanzhang was not an emperor who was busy all day long, but a husband who was loved by his wife."

"It is precisely because of a virtuous wife like Empress Ma that Zhu Yuanzhang can focus on developing his career without any worries."

Queen Ma: My greatest wish is that Zhu Yuanzhang will be a wise king, able to seek advice from talented people, that his children will be thrifty, harmonious and friendly, that ministers will do more for farmers, that farmers will live and work in peace and contentment, and that the Ming Dynasty will last for generations to come.

Zhu Yuanzhang: I still remember that time, when I was so hungry that I was dizzy, Mrs. Ma actually brought me food to satisfy my hunger. In order to hide it from the guards, she actually put the freshly baked cakes next to her body. In her arms, she walked an unknown distance from the kitchen to the private room, but Ma remained calm and silent.

When the hot pancake was handed over to me, I couldn't imagine how much pain the lady in front of me endured to bring him this hot food.

As for the girl in front of her, the pain of her skin being burned didn't show at all on her face, and her brows and eyes were filled with gentleness.

Thinking of that scene, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had been living alone since he was a child and had suffered so much in the world, felt for the first time that someone cared about him and felt sorry for him, and he couldn't help but burst into tears for a while.

Liu Che: Doesn’t an emperor need to stabilize the political power?Kill if you want?

Li Shimin: I remember that this person was called "one emperor through the ages" by Ms. Zhang. Shouldn't such a cold-blooded person be called a tyrant?

"Zhu Yuanzhang is different from you. His environment has made him cold-blooded, but he loves the people."

"When I explained the Yuan Dynasty, there was one thing I didn't mention, which was the end of the Yuan Dynasty."

"At that time, the Yuan Dynasty was already in chaos. The Mongolian court was imposing excessive taxes and the local gentry was working as a collaborator. Zhu Yuanzhang witnessed this with his own eyes. People everywhere directly revolted and tried to overthrow this cannibalistic era."

(End of this chapter)

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