Chapter 755: There is a return date on the way home
Afraid that He Kaifeng would find out that I was laughing at him, I quickly lowered my head so that he wouldn't see me.

Then the father and son started chatting.

"I asked you to protect your mother, where did you go to play?" He Kaifeng asked him seriously.

"Mom, let Ruirui sleep." Ruirui raised his head and glanced at his most beloved father, and said with no confidence.

"You sleep when she asks you to. Why don't you sleep when I ask you to sleep?" He Kaifeng was very surprised by this question.

"Rui Rui..." Rui Rui thought for a long time and didn't know how to express it. Finally, he grinned with white teeth, his eyes were crooked, and he rubbed his two little hands, "Rui Rui likes dad..."

I seem to see an iceberg melting...

Although Happy City is still a ghost town in the underworld, all the remnant spirits that were deceived before have returned to the world. Dai Bei has always regarded "As long as everyone gives a little love, Happy City will always be spring" as his ghost motto. After his wife and son With the support of Xingfu City, Xingfu City is run with great success.

Not long after, many lonely ghosts who couldn't find a home came here and settled down in Happy City. Dai Bei then reported these lists to the Underworld, allowing them to become qualified hell dwellers. "

When our family left Xingfu City to pick up Sniffles Qiang and Qiaochu from the hospital, we happened to see Yan'er's mother waking up. It was Yan'er who woke her up in her dream.

After being in a vegetative state for so many years, she has forgotten even the most common things of eating and walking. Yan'er's father never abandons her and takes good care of her.

On the day Yan'er was leaving, we went with Yan'er's father to see her off. In order not to irritate Yan'er's mother, we didn't tell her about it.

I finally set foot on my way home again. It’s such a long way home!

After two months away, it is already midsummer, the sun is rampant every day, and Tiandaiming Village is in dire straits when we return to the village.

There had just been a heavy rain for a day and a night, and a flood had devastated the village. Trees were lying in disorder, billboards, street lights and other public facilities were damaged a lot. Houses were collapsed and flooded, and there was garbage everywhere.

Grandpas and aunts took their children to clean up the garbage in front of the door, constantly complaining about the fate of the people.

Because the roads were clogged with garbage and there was a lot of garbage, it was difficult to drive. The bumpy ride made me want to vomit.Seeing that I was feeling uncomfortable, Qiaochu got out of the car and walked with me so that I could get some fresh air and visit my grandpa and the others.

Not far away, there was suddenly a heartbreaking cry. Looking for the source of the cry, I found out that four people had died because of this natural disaster.

This is the largest number of deaths due to floods in Daiming Village so far. The terrain of Daiming Village is not low, and even if there is a flood, it will not be too serious. In addition, there are usually early warnings before heavy rainstorms, and everyone will stay at high places to ensure Safety.These four are exceptions.

The villagers gathered around the four victims and their families, and invariably shed tears of sympathy.

The four victims were a young couple and a highly knowledgeable retired public employee. The state clearly stipulates that accidents involving more than three deaths at a time must be reported to the provincial government within one hour.

Shortly after the village committee reported the incident, police and other public officials came to inspect the accident scene.

The police first dispersed the villagers and set up a cordon, allowing the coroner to make a preliminary assessment of the body as usual.

Although the coroners in rural areas are not full-time forensic pathologists, their help is very timely and needed.

Qiaochu and I found a place with a good view and stood there, and saw the female coroner Lan Duo wearing gloves while inspecting the body while talking to Superintendent Yuan and the recording and reporting staff.

(End of this chapter)

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