Chapter 753: No time to return (150 three)

He trembled and said to himself: "There was a monster in the forest, and it wanted to eat me. I used... I killed it with fruit, pushed it and jumped off the cliff, and perished with it." "

He started crying as he spoke, cried twice and then laughed, crazy and crazy, "Then when I woke up, I was floating in the air, I became a ghost, haha... I am a ghost! But I got the monster's inner elixir.

As soon as I took the inner elixir, I... I became like this, neither human nor ghost nor demon. I was in so much pain until one day... Dai Yang came back, haha... in his heart There is still me, and he actually came back to find me. "

"Ouch--" Xiang Wenyang howled at the sky. Long hair slowly grew all over his body, his ears became pointed, his mouth became more protruding, and his body bent down.

Before, he had a good face, and he had delusions of being persecuted. He neither admitted that he was a pervert, nor that he was a wolf demon. Now that he has recovered his memory and knows himself, he can only admit that he is a wolf from the heart. Will turn into a real werewolf.

He Kaifeng immediately put away the crystal, got into a fighting stance, and ordered the residents of Xingfu City to disperse as much as possible and hide in their homes before coming out.

Dai Bei gave me a pistol and stood on both sides of He Kaifeng, keeping distance to confront Xiang Wenyang.

"You guys get out of the way and let me do it. In order to save time, I will kill him with one move." He Kaifeng said confidently.

"Hmph, what a shameless statement! Even if you are the Young Master of Demon Flame, I will still hit you." Xiang Wenyang waved his wolf claws.

"Is the other half of the password still with him? If they can't get the soul contract back, they won't be able to go back." I reminded He Kaifeng.

This is Xiang Wenyang's capital that even Young Master Moyan doesn't take seriously. He thinks we don't dare to hurt his life.

"The password and the contract are all with me!" Miao Zhizhi suddenly appeared behind me, holding a USB flash drive in his hand. "I just guessed his password, and I also found the contract."

As soon as Miao Zhizhi said this, Xiang Wenyang was shocked, and immediately flew towards Miao Zhizhi. It was too late and then quickly, He Kai flew into the air, with wind on his feet, faint blue light looming, and kicked the huge The werewolf Xiang Wenyang flew a full ten meters away.

Dai Bei dodged past, slapped him again from behind, and beat him until he vomited blood, which was regarded as revenge for Yi Ren.

And I already pulled Miao to know, and ran to a safe zone.

The werewolf was so angry that he stood up with blood in his mouth and rushed towards He Kaifeng, roaring.

He Kaifeng did not move his palm immediately, but opened his legs slightly to receive the earth energy. White light earth energy radiated from his feet, and he closed his palms again.

That is the "Exorcist Command". When using the Exorcist Command, time will slow down and the movements of others will also slow down. This is because the energy of the earth that carries all things is condensed.

It was the first time I saw He Kaifeng use the Exorcism Command, which made me very excited. Will he use it the same as me?
I saw a ball of golden light in his abdomen, a force that was gradually getting bigger and bigger. The golden light shimmered and suddenly spread outward. He opened his eyes and shouted: "Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all qi, clearly shows its existence and its non-existence. The order is to wait until the public’s urgency subsides.”

Xiang Wenyang slowed down and rushed towards He Kaifeng. When he was about to meet He Kaifeng, the bear's billowing golden light rushed towards his werewolf body and then passed directly through it.

Xiang Wenyang let out a shrill roar, "No, this isn't fair——"

Its body gradually became transparent, and finally turned into pieces and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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