Chapter 723: No time to return (120 [-])

"Are mom and dad okay?" Ruirui, who was the first to receive the happiness card, couldn't wait. He couldn't stay in a boring place for too long.

The new household registration officer said in surprise: "You still adopt children? That's right. You can't give birth to children yourself. Hey, isn't it uncomfortable?"

He Kaifeng was going crazy after hearing this, so I quickly picked up Ruirui and ran out.

After we got our identities, we walked out. The streets were much deserted than before, and no one dared to go out.

Occasionally, one or two souls appear and talk to themselves in moderate voices after seeing us.

"Another three idiots got tricked into this."

"Then you are an idiot too?"

"Aren't you the same? By the way, have you written a pledge?"

"I've written it, but there's nothing I can do about it? Can you bear it?"

"How can I stand it? Our soul is weak and our magic power is weak. If we fight against them, it's like eggs against rocks."

"That's right, I heard that another person who didn't write a guarantee letter will be punished today."

"That's not just killing a chicken to scare a monkey and showing us how to do it!"

“Would you like to visit the mass graves?”

"Are you full and too busy? Hurry up and finish your work and go home to wash up and sleep. If you have anything to do, you won't come out."

From this conversation, we know the current situation of Happy City, which is completely controlled by Xiang Wenyang.

"Let's go to the mass grave." He Kaifeng said.

"W-doesn't this look good?" I said sweatingly.

"Then you can close your eyes, but you must follow me." He didn't give us a chance to resist at all, and he took one of us by the hand and pulled us to the mass grave.

Standing in the crowd who were forced to watch, I covered Ruirui's eyes to prevent him from looking at it, but I couldn't help but look at it myself.

The mass graves in Xingfu City are very bloody. Each of the punished souls, some were cut to pieces, were tortured to death, and were in excruciating pain.

Because it is not a real physical body, they will grow new flesh after a few days, and then torture again until they have been punished enough times.

The mass grave was huge, and the piled remains emitted a stench and pitiful ghost cries.

"Speak louder, do you still dare to respect Doctor Xiang?" The executioner asked fiercely with a thick, black-chested, ugly man.

"I don't dare anymore," the tortured soul cried.

The soul below couldn't help but snicker, "This guy is so stupid? Where did you invite Xiang Wenyang?"

"Do you still dare to betray the doctor and Brother Dai?" The man peeled off a little bit every time he asked, not giving the doctor a chance to breathe.

The girl who was forced to watch covered her eyes and cried, trembling.

The oil in a large oil pan next to it was boiling, and a female soul in uniform was lifted up.

The woman was jealous of evil and couldn't bear to see Xiang Wenyang's evil deeds. She couldn't help complaining to her colleagues. As a result, she was sued by her colleagues and was about to be thrown into the frying pan for punishment.

"How dare you not say bad things about your leader behind his back?" the big man as ugly as a yaksha asked loudly.

The female executive next to him couldn't stand the stupidity of her companion anymore, and cursed loudly: "Did you do it on purpose? Are you out of your mind? Do you dare to disrespect Dr. Xiang? Do you dare to speak ill of the leader behind his back?"

"That's what I said obviously, but you have a flaw in your head. You think you are the female executive being punished in this case. I'm afraid of you. I'm still a male executive!" the big man retorted.

(End of this chapter)

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