Chapter 311 Real and Fake Children ([-])

To be honest, I'm really not interested in you. If you take off your clothes and stand in front of me, I can't get up.Stop disgusting me and give you another chance. What is the weakness of the dead dwarf? "

Bai Meier almost took off her clothes, but when she heard such humiliation, she froze and looked at him in disbelief, her face paled, and she couldn't find her own voice, "He Kaifeng, I treated you so Well, you, how dare you treat me like this?"

I took back my steps and covered my mouth hard, really afraid that I would laugh out loud, "Haha, bitch, you are so embarrassed now, aren't you? You dare to seduce other people's husbands."

I was feeling proud when I remembered the "Gnome's weakness" mentioned by He Kaifeng and Bai Meier just now. It was obvious that He Kaifeng was eager to know this secret now.

I thought about it carefully, isn't it the weakness of the blood-eating monster?Well, it seems spicy is quite important!

No play, no play, no play for Bai Meier, no play for He Kaifeng.

I don't think this weakness can be obtained from Bai Meier's mouth.

"I don't believe it. Only Bai Meier can find out the weakness of the blood-eating monster. I want to give it a try." I made a decision in my heart and left quietly.

On the way home, I was a little absent-minded, and as I was walking, I actually went astray.

I quickly took out the flashlight, turned it to the brightest, and looked at the environment. The end of the road under my feet was as dark as ink, and the crows of crows could be heard from time to time, which made people panic.

A piece of shocking information entered my brain: This road leads to a relatively remote suburb of the old district, and there is a newly built cemetery over there.

Although the cemetery is beautiful and large, the country people are traditional and superstitious after all. Most people are not willing to bury their relatives there. Only the bodies of those who died in a foreign land or are unclaimed will be buried there.

Therefore, this cemetery has another name - mass grave, and everyone calls it that.

Mass grave, mass grave, just thinking about the name makes me feel eerie.

He swallowed dryly, calmed down his thoughts, and told himself, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, just think more about yourself as an onmyoji. Although you can't catch ghosts when you just started, at least you know how to protect yourself." "

Hanging the backpack on my back in front of my body, I weighed it, and suddenly felt a lot more secure, turned around and walked back.

Suddenly, a small black shadow passed by and hid around the corner.

"Who is it?" I shouted loudly, shining my flashlight there.

There is actually someone behind me. Could it be that he has been following me for a long time?
Looking around the corner, I felt like the man was still there.

I drew the peach wood sword and walked slowly over. Looking at the peach wood sword, I couldn't help but complain about He Kaifeng. He either took the copper coin sword or the black gold sword, but what he gave me was the peach wood sword. Is this class discrimination? ?

Want to see who is following me?I had to go there quietly so that he wouldn't notice, so I immediately turned off the flashlight and ran over lightly and quickly.

When I came to the corner, I jumped out suddenly. It didn't matter whether the other person was a human or a ghost. It was wrong to follow others anyway. I turned on the flashlight with my left hand and raised the mahogany sword with my right hand to fight.

The light of the flashlight shone on a face that was so bony that almost only the skull remained. There were two eyeballs floating strangely on the two black eye holes, as if they had been stuffed in on purpose.

There are sparse green hairs on the rough human skin, and long green hair on the top of the head. The blue veins on the face are very obvious, all the way to the top of the head, and the teeth are sharp and long, because he breathes "Huchi, Huchi" The ground was ringing.

(End of this chapter)

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