Chapter 1652 Tears of Angels (Ending Chapter [-])

"This dagger is my family heirloom. It is made of black gold. It is a dagger with vitality and spirituality. Unfortunately, it does not recognize me. For thousands of years after it came into my hands, it was almost like scrap metal. Do you two want it? Try it and see if you can make it spiritual."

Wujin is a strange treasure that fell from the sky. After being buried underground for 10 years, it will turn into jet black with a golden glow; but after another hundred years, it will turn into an ordinary black stone.If this material is extracted within a hundred years and combined with the secret techniques of casting and refining, a sword with life and spirituality can be made.

Ji Guang looked at me with trusting eyes and said, "Let Xiaolei try it first."

"My strength is much weaker than yours, I can't do it." I shook my head and refused, "Why don't you give Aurora a try?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's strong or not. As long as it recognizes you, it will use its spiritual power to help you." Daguifa said.

"Okay, let me give it a try." I don't want to waste any more time. I'll find out if it works.

I picked up the black gold dagger. The dagger was black and shiny, as thin as a cicada's wing, and extremely sharp. Under the illumination of the night pearl, it gave off a sharp cold light.

We squatted down, put the dagger into the very small gap, and actually got in, we all showed delighted expressions.

"Wujin Dagger, shall I call you Brother Xiaowu? Brother Xiaowu, can we discuss it first? Lend me some strength first and let me see this door open. My son and husband are behind this door. They They are in dire straits right now and they need me. I beg you!" I put my palms together and prayed.

Holding the Wujin dagger again, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to adjust. The image of Ruirui suffering appeared in my mind. My heart tightened and I opened my eyes, thinking: "Even if it costs me my life, I still have to open this door." Door, Ruirui..." Then he held the dagger, gritted his teeth and used all his strength to pry upward.

Daguifa and Jiguang were not idle either, and used their magic power to push the door upward.

Just as I was fighting against the reinforced iron door, the Wujin Dagger suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light, which made me unable to open my eyes. I only felt the reinforced iron door move and begin to rise slowly.

Boom, boom!The thick reinforced iron door was actually pried open by me.

Da Guifa and Ji Guang quickly held up the iron door and pushed up. I also held up and pushed up. Finally, we succeeded. We pried open the iron door and lifted it up. All three of us went in. After entering, it slowly descended again. , it’s a pity that the two ghost methods and the four ghost methods didn’t come in together.

"Thank you, Da Guifa, I'll give you this dagger." I returned the dagger, and because I was impatient, I held up the dagger and pulled Da Guifa and ran inside.

Ji Guang smiled while running, "I know Xiaolei can do it."

Da Guifa looked at me in disbelief. Seeing that I wanted to return the dagger, he not only didn't take it, but also put the exquisite dagger scabbard into my hand.

He said: "It has recognized you as its master, and now it is yours."

"Ah, how can this be done? This is too precious, but it is your family heirloom." I was so surprised that I dared not accept it no matter what.

"To me, it's just a piece of scrap metal, just like any other dagger, but to you, it's a magical weapon. Please don't refuse, young master, madam. We still have to go in and save the young master?" said the big ghost. .

I quickly inserted the dagger into the scabbard and stuffed it into my coat pocket. "Then put it here first. It's important to save people." Then I ran faster and approached the destination.

Just around the corner, we saw them.

(End of this chapter)

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