Chapter 1649 Tears of Angels (Ending Chapter [-])

Hades hell.

The night curled up, hugging the earth tightly, the hills were dark, the fields were gloomy, and the night opened its black mouth like a monster, as if it was about to swallow it all up at any time.

Today's underworld is particularly dark. Even the blood-colored clouds in the sky have disappeared without a trace. The black sky is low and silent.

Suddenly, a chaotic noise came from the east side of hell. The noise, roars, and the clash of swords were intertwined, lingering in the sky above the Dongxu Hall.

This was the situation five minutes after Kai Feng led the Pluto Palace guard team and broke into Dongxu Hall. The reason why Kai Feng was able to mobilize the Pluto guard team was all because of the token given by Pluto to the Great Ghost.

Although the number of the escort team is not large, they are all elite soldiers. At least their momentum is much stronger than that of breaking into the tiger's den alone.

The Four Great Ghosts and Hell Dog Xiaoji, I, dressed in night clothes, guarded the door of Dongxu Hall. We saw that the door of Dongxu Hall was breached by Kai Feng and the inside became a mess, and then we sneaked in quietly.

"Come with me!" Xiaoji greeted us, and ran towards the backyard tremblingly with a small body, and the five of us walked lightly behind him.

Xiao Ji kept sniffing the ground with his nose, walking around and saying to us: "There are many secret passages in Dongxu Hall that can lead to private houses outside. I have to confirm which secret passage has Rui Rui at the intersection." And Jill’s body odor.”

"You accompany Xiaoji to confirm, and I will explore the way." The big ghost looked around, and his figure floated away.

Watching Xiaoji fight alone, I really wish I had a dog nose.

One minute and ten minutes passed, but I still couldn't find it. It was really worrying!
Finally, at No. 20 minutes, Xiaoji suddenly said in an awkward tone: "I have an urgent need to pee. Put down the water first. You guys wait for me."

After saying that, he turned around and ran into a bamboo forest to solve the three urgent problems. Ji Guang said impatiently: "You have to hurry up. If you don't come out in 2 minutes, we will go in to look for you, regardless of whether you are out of the house or not."

Si Guifa was speechless, "You're just a dog, why are you afraid of being seen?"

"Shall we get closer?" I still followed him uneasily.

After walking two steps, Xiaoji's voice came from behind the bamboo, "Come here quickly, it smells like Ruirui's urine." When Xiaoji said this, he suddenly let out a shrill dog bark, and we could no longer hear his voice .

We quickly ran over and found a big hole behind the bamboo, as if the ground had collapsed, and Xiaoji fell into it. Seeing that his head and body were stuck in the soil, only his two short hind legs were left struggling. After struggling and kicking, we all breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help laughing.

Siguifa jumped down and pulled Xiaoji out. Just as he pulled it out, the sand below suddenly loosened, and the landslide further worsened.

"Come up!" We yelled at them, and before we could say anything, even the place where we were standing collapsed, and all five people and one dog sank with the sand.

I just felt that my face was covered with dirt, and I could only hold my breath. After about five seconds, my body fell into the air and landed on the ground. Because it was covered with dirt, the fall didn't hurt very much.

I closed my eyes and spat violently, "Bah, bah, bah! Cough, cough, cough..." I spit out the dirt in my mouth, wiped it off my face, and patted it off my body. There was also sand in my hair, and the four ghosts followed. I'm just as embarrassed.

Da Guifa raised his head and looked at the landslide. There was a big hole above, and we were standing in a tunnel.

"What is this place?" I asked, looking around.

(End of this chapter)

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