Soft and cute female mage

Chapter 234 The Man-Eating Ancient Kiln

Chapter 234 The Man-Eating Ancient Kiln

The house was actually not completely dark.

After the oil lamp was extinguished, a soft light could be seen coming from the bottle covered with a layer of blue oilcloth, vaguely reflecting the complex carving patterns on the bottle wall, which was really beautiful under the blue light.

Fang Ling examined it carefully, and found that the lines engraved on the wall of the bottle were strange and complicated, which looked like patterns but were not. It was somewhat like an inscription, and it didn't look like it was for people in the world.

"Go, write down all the contents above."

Under the weak light, Fang Ling wrote vigorously, fearing that if he waited a little longer, the bottle would not be able to withstand the burning of the fire of the five elements, and he would not be able to afford to pay for anything bad or bad.

However, I came up with whatever I wanted, less than halfway through the copying, when I heard the slight cracking sound of the porcelain pieces in the bottle.

Fang Ling watched as fine lines began to appear on the porcelain bottle, spreading rapidly around like spirit snakes.

"Don't worry about it, keep going."

Although Fang Ling kept his hands busy, he had already gone through the words of the slick old man eight hundred times in his mind, thinking about it over and over again, and he was afraid that the money he had in his hand was not even enough to compensate for the porcelain tiles.

Just when Fang Ling finished finishing the Linglong embroidery on the bottle, there was a click, and the whole bottle shattered.

At the same time, Fang Ling's mind was also pounding, and he only hoped that even if the compensation could not be fully charged to Yunxu Palace, it should also be credited to Changting's servant, and he must not be involved.

Chang Ting obviously didn't have the consciousness of wanting to compensate the bottle, so he just lit the lamp again, and when the ink of the copied drawing was a little dry, he turned it over, ticked the back carefully with a pen, and then raised his eyebrows. :
"Just as Jin Xuan said, beauty drunkenness is indeed a cannibal."

Fang Ling was very puzzled, "What exactly did Jin Xuan tell you?"

"Look for yourself." Changting said and handed the copy to Fang Ling.

Fang Ling dubiously imitated Changting's appearance and turned the paper to the back, only to see that the densely packed characters hidden in the pattern looked much more pleasing to the eye through the back of the paper.

It must have been originally engraved on the inside, so it looked in the opposite direction from the outside. In addition, most of the words were very sloppy when they were engraved, with many continuous strokes. This led to Fang Ling's eyes looking at the inscriptions that looked like the underworld.

Although the shape of the bottle body and the painting on the surface are not exquisite, they are quite satisfactory. In comparison, the Linglong embroidery inside is indeed a bit rough.

Either Jin Xuan's skills were not as exquisite as the oily old man said, or Jin Xuan engraved these contents in a hurry.

These conjectures were confirmed after Fang Ling read the full text.

The exquisite embroidery that is so hidden only tells one thing throughout the article, and that is the firing method of Meiren Zui.

Among them, the ingredients, kneading materials, glazing, temperature, etc. Although Fang Ling didn't understand the kiln mouth very well, the last step made her feel terrified.

Why can't those kiln workers who have been working in the Jin family's ancient kiln all year round use the same glaze and the same temperature and fire to produce a beautiful beauty?Why is it that even though Meirenzui is so popular and hard to find, the Jin family ancient kiln can only occasionally produce Meirenzui?

Including why Jin Xuan refused to inherit his father's business when his family was pushed to the forefront.However, after Jin Shunye lit the kiln and disappeared, Jin Xuan broke down the kiln in disregard of the safety and anger of his family when he opened his first furnace of beauty drunk. All the answers are because the beauty drunk is really a cannibal.

According to Jin Xuan, the most important point in firing beauty drunkenness is that after [-] hours of opening the kiln, a living person must be sacrificed to the kiln, and the transpiration of blood will instantly permeate the entire kiln to produce such bright colors.

Jin Shunye accidentally fell into it when a kiln worker was inspecting the furnace, accidentally obtained it, and became famous in one fell swoop.Later, he was confused by interests and went astray, and he got out of hand.

After Jin Xuan learned about this, in order to prevent his father from harming innocent kiln workers, he lied that there was a ghost in the kiln demanding his life, so that the kiln workers did not dare to keep vigil at night.

However, Jin Shunye saw that the tribute was delayed and the Jin family was in great trouble, so he could only set himself on fire to make the last batch of beauties drunk.

So when Jin Xuan learned of his father's disappearance and saw the beauties fired in the kiln, he was so intoxicated that he smashed all the finished products in a frenzy.

Needless to say, Jin Shunye harmed others and himself, but he didn't know that the wealth and honor he pursued for a lifetime actually caused his two sons and daughters to end up like this.

And Jin Xuan didn't expect that the rumors that the ghosts of the ancient kiln were dying for their lives fabricated by themselves at the beginning would become true after the gathering of unjust souls and the passage of time.If it wasn't for being subdued by Changting that day, I'm afraid it will definitely harm one party many years later.

The next day, Fang Ling was still staring at a table of broken porcelain in a daze.

This harmful beauty would be broken into pieces if she got drunk, but this was the only thought Jin Xuan left for Qiaoer.

What's more, Qiao'er doesn't know the inside story, even if telling her the truth is meaningless except to increase grief, but if she doesn't tell her, how can the bottle explain to Qiao'er?
However, that guy in Changting still acted like he had nothing to do with him.

Thinking about it, Zheng Shouyi took him in for his own sake, so it didn't matter to him whether Zheng Shouyi and his wife complained about him.

In other words, he doesn't care about one more person being resentful. After all, there are so many people to offend on weekdays. He doesn't itch as much as he has lice or worry about debts, so he lives a casual life.

As expected, Chang Ting accepted the book without any psychological burden, and said, "Do you want to follow me to do something important?"

After thinking for a while, he added: "The kind that can be recorded in your merit book."

Fang Lingzheng was still bored, and he could only reply weakly when he heard the words: "Can you let me die immediately?"

"This matter may be a bit dangerous, and it shouldn't be difficult to die."

(End of this chapter)

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