Soft and cute female mage

Chapter 148 Reflection

Chapter 148 Reflection
That night, the entire Witch and Gu Sect was up and down, and the rumors of He Lianfeng killing his mother and brother were widely spread.

It happened that the sect leader was away from home and He Lianchi came to power. Therefore, all the people who had contact with He Lianfeng were affected. Even He Lianfeng's biological mother, the third lady, was banned overtly and covertly.

I don’t know how He Zhao broke out of the siege and found Fusheng.The usual cold arrogance turned into a look of exhaustion on his face, and his body was covered in scars.

He handed Fu Sheng an exquisite and exquisite glass pendant, and said:

"This matter is very dangerous and should have been done by me. But the sect master has not returned yet, and the third young master is in charge. Young Master Feng is afraid that tonight will be a disaster.

As a bodyguard, I should follow you to the death. "

After finishing speaking, he fell to his knees on the spot, kowtowed heavily to Fusheng three times, then got up and left.

Fang Ling picked up the exquisite glass pendant and saw that it was exquisitely shaped and crystal clear. When he shined it against the torch, it was strange that the bright red liquid in the exquisite bead in the center could flow.

I couldn't help but ask: "Why did he give you this?"

"The situation was urgent, He Zhao had to contain He Lianchi, and he didn't have time to say more.

It is only said that my wife's body will definitely be transported here, and holding this exquisite glazed pendant will ensure that I can get in and out without any worries.

If clues can be found, He Lianfeng's grievances can be cleared. "

Regarding Fu Sheng's determination, Fang Ling couldn't help but think of what Xian Yue once asked him, so he asked:
"Since I haven't seen it with my own eyes, how can I conclude that he was wronged?"

Fu Sheng was in a hurry when he heard the words.

"Although he has a young master's temper and is arrogant and domineering, he will never do such outrageous things as killing his relatives and mothers.

Speaking of it, this matter is all because of me, if I cause him to lose his life, I am afraid that I will never have a good time in my life. "

At this point, Fusheng's eyes seemed to be a little wet.

Fang Ling patted Fu Sheng on the shoulder and said:
"Okay, no. Now that the old Sect Master He is in charge, no matter what, he won't let He Lianchi kill He Lianfeng."

Seeing that Fusheng's mood had eased, Fang Ling asked, "Have you checked Madam's body?"

"Not yet. There is a pool ahead. The water inside is green, and I think it is poisonous.

I only have two fire pockets on me.I was afraid that the guards would find out before, and I kept sneaking into the waterway outside, and even got wet.The remaining one was finally ignited, and it went out as soon as it arrived here.

I had no choice but to wait here until late at night, hoping to wait for the guards outside to fall asleep, and at least go out and find someone useful before coming in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I got here, I heard movement outside, I thought I was the disciple on duty and found something, so I had no choice but to pretend to be the Gu-suppressing corpse in this cave. "

Fang Ling got angry when he thought about this, gave Fusheng a violent shudder and said:

"You scared me to death, you know that?"

Fusheng covered his head and retorted unconvincingly:

"Why did you hit me again? It's because you are cowardly."

Fang Ling stared at Fusheng.

"I don't know who is nine years old and still afraid of thunder..."

Fu Sheng gave Fang Ling a blank look, fearing that she would say the second half of the sentence, he hurriedly said:

"Good men do not fight with women."

Fang Ling finally defeated Fu Sheng in the quarrel. He felt refreshed and refreshed all over his body. He didn't even pay much attention to the sinister aura that filled the cave.After rushing Fusheng, he went to the pool he mentioned.

Although I don't think I have to go in and out every day here, I do have to go in and out a few times every few years.Is it possible that you carry a ladder every time you come in?

If this is the case, for the group of perverts from the Wugu sect, the person who designed the cave must be chopped down eight times to make a human pig.

Sure enough, after passing by a hideous corpse that had been tortured to death, the two came to a wide pool.

The cave here has suddenly opened up a lot, just like a hollow vase. It seems that we are about to reach the hinterland.

Not only has the cave opened up here, but even the rough cave walls have gradually become smoother and smoother. However, the brown-colored, unpleasant-smelling clay has become darker in color and is now completely black-brown.

As Fu Sheng said, the pool is as wide as the cave wall and about four or five feet long.A pool full of dark green stinky water with a fishy smell, it's not a good thing to look at.

Fang Ling held the torch closer, trying to see if there was a secret door inside.

Before Fu Sheng could speak to stop him, he saw Fang Ling exclaimed and fell to the ground.I saw Fang Ling panting heavily in shock.

It turned out that just as he was staring, Fang Ling suddenly saw a huge, swollen and pale human face in the green water of the pool.And that pale face looked inexplicably familiar, it was clearly her own.

Fu Sheng laughed and said:

"Are you frightened? This witch and Gu sect loves to play with these bluffing things.

It is estimated that there is something like a bronze mirror installed at the bottom of the pool.It's just that it looks really creepy through the magnification and twisting of the faint green pool water. "

Fang Ling didn't feel relieved when she heard this. She was startled just now, and she should have a look of panic on her face.But the thing that looked like him in the pool was clearly smiling.

Fang Ling sacrificed a bit of spiritual power into the pool, and if he didn't explore it, he would just let it go, but when he probed, it was like being struck by lightning.

This cave is definitely not something to be taken lightly, and there must be a lot of mystery in such a layout.

I don't know what kind of alchemy has been applied to the wall of the cave, but it can keep the evil spirit here from condensing and not dissipating, as if a closed jar seals all the breath here.

Even if he and Xianyue worshiped at the entrance of the cave during the day, they couldn't detect the slightest thing wrong here.

In any case, as long as it comes, it will be safe.Now that you have entered the hole, it is too late to regret it.

Fang Ling immediately held the photo in his hand, and wanted to get down on the ground to find the secret door of the mechanism.Not wanting Fusheng to grab the dagger, he handed the torch to her and said:

"Leave men to do these menial tasks. A girl lying there is like a trampled toad, no wonder she is so old..."

When Fang Ling heard this, he wondered how long ago did this kid learn such choreographer's words, and without hesitation, he kicked Fusheng on the butt.

Fu Sheng almost fell into the water, was startled, and immediately said angrily:

"Fang Ling, what are you doing?"

"I want to cheer you up!"

Frustrated, Fusheng turned his head and resentfully moved the dagger along the edge of the green misty water to feel it.

Fang Ling held the torch, but his hands were full of spiritual power, always on guard against the reflection in the pool water that slowly moved with him and Floating Life.

There was indeed a bronze mirror in the water, but Fang Ling could be sure that those reflections were not from himself or Fusheng.

Because as the torch moved slowly, Fang Ling vaguely saw a corpse floating slowly in the middle of the pool.Like the previous four corpses, this one had disproportionate limbs.

What was even more unusual was that his own reflection became longer and longer in the flames, and when it came into contact with this corpse, it actually slowly hid itself under that corpse.

This is not a reflection, it looks like a kind of evil derived from the reflection.

(End of this chapter)

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