Soft and cute female mage

Chapter 127 Escape from Kaiyang Palace

Chapter 127 Escape from Kaiyang Palace

Master Changji was having tea in the side hall. He thought everything had been going well recently and he was in a good mood.

Hearing that Fang Changqing's trauma has healed very well, he even smiled and said:
"Girl, your food these days has not been in vain. Although my junior brother is a bit ridiculous, his medical skills are indeed unparalleled.

Although your father's five senses have not fully recovered, don't worry.

At the Dharma assembly the day after tomorrow, elders from various sects gathered together to open altars and perform rituals to pray to heaven and earth to cure illnesses and seek longevity.

Under the blessing and devotion of everyone's exercises, he must be able to recover soon. "

Hearing this, Fang Ling fell to the ground excitedly and said repeatedly:
"Thank you so much, Master! I can't repay you for your kindness. I only hope that Master will sow good causes and reap good results. From now on, he will have a smooth road and achieve positive results as soon as possible!"

Master Changji raised his hand to support him, and said with a helpful smile:
"You don't have to feel sorry for me, it's just a little selfishness of mine. I wrongly blamed you that day and caused you to suffer unwarranted disasters.

As for Xian Fan, even though he is not a disciple of Yunxu Palace, now that Yunxiao Palace has returned to the sect of Yunxu Palace, I should repay you this justice.

If you don't make up for your father and daughter elsewhere, you will leave a cause and effect bond in vain, and it will be useless to my practice. "

Fang Ling never imagined that Master Changji could be such an open-minded person.

After all, he is in a high position, he is used to flattery, he is able to maintain a clear mind, he is not driven by interests, he is not caught in intrigues, he is not afraid of worldly fame and fortune, he is good at scheming without delusions, he is good at eloquence but not lying, It is not easy to concentrate only for the Taoist.

What's more, someone like him can express his selfish thoughts clearly, which makes him even more upright.

Fang Changqing over there has been very excited since he heard the news, but his five senses were not complete, so he could only urge Fang Ling to pack his things with his tongue out in a muffled voice.

"Wild beans! So the swallows can't live in it? How can the skinny man taste better?"

"Dad, don't worry about it. The yard over there is very big, and even a few more people can live there. The house has been packed up a long time ago. Just put your heart in your stomach and recover."

"Ginkgo? That swallow has a ginkgo? That's a great tail!"

Fang Ling saw that Fang Changqing had heard something wrong, so he could only lie next to his ear and loudly said:
"I told you to take good care of your illness!"

"Boiled ginkgo? Eat it even if you are incompetent, and you will be poisoned if you eat it."

Fang Ling saw that Fang Changqing had heard that he was cooking ginkgo again, so he didn't bother to explain, so he just followed him:

"I know, put a few less, not more.

Chang Yu sneered when he heard the inappropriate conversation between the father and daughter.

"It's only you who can understand. I don't know why you moved there in a hurry? Just cook me a few more meals and you will be wronged to death? The father and daughter are a pair of white-eyed and wolf!"

"That incompetent, tender one can't be let go. Well, it's just Sen Yi, Fa Bian..."

Seeing Chang Yu Daoist's unhappy face, Fang Changqing hurriedly explained.

But there was a lot of babbling with his tongue out, but Changyu Taoist priest didn't understand a word.I couldn't help interrupting him irritably, and asked Fang Ling:

"What did he say?"

"My father said that he will never forget your kindness in his life. He went there because it is close to the Taoist altar and it is more convenient. Please don't think too much about it."

Chang Yu snorted coldly, and said angrily to Fang Changqing:

"Aren't you deaf this time? I think you, old boy, are just pretending to be deaf and mute on purpose!"

Fang Changqing sneered embarrassingly: "It's smooth, hahaha..."

Fang Ling didn't need to translate this sentence, Chang Yu could understand it himself, what did you mean by the wind?Just wanting to run away.

Chang Yudao gave him a blank look and didn't bother to talk to him.

But this is really something to blame Fang Changqing.Although he is incapable of five senses, his brain is not stupid.

It's fine to lie in this gloomy Kaiyang Hall all day long, the key is that the neurotic Chang Yu Lao Dao is too crazy.

It's fine if someone is there, if there is no one there, the old man will always shake his bag of sharp knives and silver needles, aiming up and down his whole body with malicious intentions, and making gestures twice from time to time.

Baobuqi, one day this bad old man drank two more sips, and then dissected his dead body that was in the house there.

Even after he walked away, he still quietly stuffed Fang Ling with a small medicine bottle, claiming that it was a new drug specially developed for Fang Changqing.

As for the efficacy of the medicine, it ranges from injury to muscles and bones, infertility, down to insanity and madness, and bringing the dead back to life. It can be called a medicine for tigers and wolves.

Fang Ling naturally knew what the old man was thinking and didn't bother to correct his wording.

Since people have said so, just put it away carefully, thank you is of course a thousand thanks, and whether to eat or not has to be discussed in the long run.

Guantiao is indeed much closer to Huaguang Altar than Kaiyang Hall.

Although it is only necessary to return to the Yifa this time, as long as the horoscope of birth and fate can be returned, it is naturally the best to participate in person.

On the day of Double Ninth Festival, when to open the altar, when to chant scriptures, and when to pray for blessings are all good times. Fang Changqing is injured now, and it is indeed much more convenient to live close.

Fang Ling also has his own calculations here, although he said that he will go down the mountain in a few days, but Shifang Suo Lingyu can't get it back for a day, so he always finds some excuses to stay.

Therefore, the house has been tidied up a long time ago, so now it's better to just carry the baggage and let people go over.

Fusheng didn't know where he had gone wild again, and there was no one in the yard.

In Lanqing Bieyuan, Fusheng was struggling to carry a bucket of water to water the vegetables.

To say that this old lady is also strange, not to mention the procurement of Yunxu Palace, even Yunxu Palace itself has some gardens for growing melons, fruits and vegetables.

She just wants to open such a small vegetable field in Lanqingjing to toss herself.

While pouring water on the ground, Fu Sheng was resentful.

"You're working so hard today, who are you going to see in a hurry?"

He Lianfeng was locked in the yard and couldn't get out. Ever since Fusheng came, he had been bickering with him all day long.

"Go away!"

Fusheng never looked down upon this unlucky person.

"Just don't want to see me like that? I'm almost moldy in this yard, can you die if you just say a word to me?"

What he said was true.Although there is He Zhao by his side, he always adheres to his duty as a guard and cannot be beaten with three sticks.How can Fu Sheng like to talk back so much?
However, Fu Sheng may have seen through a bit in the past few days, this person is really a shameless bastard, the more embarrassing him, the more energetic he is.So simply ignore him.

Seeing that Fusheng still ignored him, He Lianfeng took advantage of Fusheng's turn to water the ground and quietly stretched out his foot to kick the barrel towards the edge of the field.

"I heard that you have a sister who is very pretty. Can you recommend her to her?"

He Lianfeng continued to speak without saying a word.

Floating life is still watering the ground.

Seeing that Fu Sheng was determined to ignore him, He Lianfeng stretched out his foot and pushed the wooden barrel.

Pushing three times and not pushing, when Fu Sheng turned around to scoop water again, the bucket fell to the ground with a plop without any suspense, and all the water in it was spilled clean.

Fu Sheng remembered that he had put the barrel firmly, so he glanced at He Lianfeng, and sure enough, he saw that fellow was very pleased.

Furiously, he picked up the remaining bucket of water and poured it over.

He Lianfeng was furious, and scolded: "Screw! Little bastard, are you going to fight me bravely?"

Then he overturned Fusheng to the ground.After all, Fu Sheng is not very old, and he is a thin and fair student, so he doesn't have the brute force of He Lianfeng.It was restrained in three or two strokes.

"Is it still unruly?" He Lianfeng smiled triumphantly.

"Damn! You're going to kill me here!" Fu Sheng cursed.

"Why kill you? I just think you're funny, just playing with you."

He Lianfeng said carelessly.


Fusheng glared at He Lianfeng fiercely and shouted.

He Lianfeng saw that Fusheng's fair and clean body was splashed with mud for no reason, and he smeared another handful of mud on his face with some humor before saying:

"If you want me to let go, how about introducing your sister to me?"

Seeing that Fu Sheng nodded obediently, he slowly let go.

Fu Sheng got up quickly, and as soon as he stood up straight, he beat and kicked He Lianfeng, cursing at the same time:

"Your grandma's recommendation! You bastard! I can't kick your grandson to death! You still want to hit my sister? Pooh!"

I saw He Lianfeng running away with his head in his arms, begging for mercy with a smile:

"Grandpa, grandpa, I made a mistake, stop hitting me!"

Fusheng hated He Lianfeng so much these days that he couldn't beat him.

Want to use some shady tricks, he also has a house slave who follows him like a shadow and secretly guards him all the time, he is very difficult to mess with, and Fushengziwen is no match for him.

In addition, this prodigal young master is quite shameless and often bullies others, causing Fusheng to suffer a lot of wronged in the past few days.

At this time, seeing that He Zhao did not show up, and was probably sent elsewhere, he seemed to have an opportunity, and he was particularly ruthless.

Even He Lianfeng, a burly man in his early twenties, couldn't stand it anymore, so he made a move against the guest, turned over and pressed Fusheng into the mud pit again, and shouted:
"Okay, stop hitting, you really don't remember me?"

"Not only do I remember it! I know it even when it turns into ashes!"

"On the night of August [-]th, the one on the tree." He Lianfeng reminded.

Fu Sheng stopped his movements, as if he remembered something.

Seeing this, He Lianfeng slowly let go of his hands, turned over and sat in the mud pit.

Fu Sheng also sat up from the mud pit, the two of them were like mud monkeys, you looked at me and I looked at you.

Fusheng was surprised, "So it's you?"

He Lianfeng was triumphant, "It's not too late to thank you now."

Fusheng: "If I had known it was your grandson, I should have surrendered you as soon as possible."

He Lianfeng laughed loudly, "What a little brat who repays kindness with revenge."

 It was wrongly passed on before, and it was easily changed, but the chapter name could not be changed.I don't know what's going on.

  Forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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