Quickly wear salted fish, she won by lying down

Chapter 406 Unlimited Live Broadcast 23

Suddenly, a bunch of people screamed and cried, and many people began to find spaceships to leave, hoping to take refuge in space bases in other countries.

However, various space bases are now in short supply of supplies. Their base is gone and it seems impossible to rebuild it. Who will accept their people? After all, if they accept it, they will consume their own supplies, and their supplies... After the explosion just now, no shadow was seen. I don’t know where the explosion went.

It's a good idea to go to them if you don't have supplies, so apart from accepting some scientists and children, no one is willing to accept adults who are not technicians - after all, politicians and businessmen have to do this. What?

Seeing that other space bases did not accept them, those who came to space because they had money and rights, not because of science and technology, had no choice but to return to the ground in a spaceship, hoping to return to the ground somehow. , they still have a way to survive - in addition to the supplies in the sky, they actually also have some supplies hidden on the ground, so that if something happens in the sky, they can return to the ground and still have supplies so they can survive.

It's just that... the ground is in chaos now, and it's not certain whether they can reach their dark base smoothly.

Not saying whether these people can find the refuge base they secretly arranged alive, but saying that their supplies in the air were naturally not destroyed by the explosion, but Linlang saw this and quickly invaded the supply cabin, activated the supply cabin, and let the supply cabin Return to the planet quickly.

Because of the chaos at the time, no one noticed that Linlang had gotten these supplies back.

This space transport capsule is not small, it is a giant spaceship that can feed these people for a hundred years. Linlang then landed the spacecraft in an open area of ​​a nearby deep mountain and old forest.

The reason why it stopped at this place was because Linlang needed some time to make some extraction settings for the spacecraft, so Linlang stopped at this place so that no one could find it for a while.

This spaceship actually has an access control system, so it is very convenient for Linlang to modify it.

At present, Linlang modified the material access settings of the spacecraft, setting that each person can only take out one piece of food per day; if it is something like rice and noodles, it will set how long the person can no longer take it according to the weight, just like taking away ten Jin noodles, it is stipulated that this person cannot take it again within ten days.

The reason why Linlang made such a setting was to allow more people to eat, rather than letting the food fall into the hands of some people, otherwise it would not be in vain.

In addition, punishment measures have also been set up. For example, once someone takes something beyond the setting, they will not be able to get out and will be stopped by the guard robot in the cabin. Such a material cabin is naturally defended by robots; if someone is in the cabin, Fighting for supplies will still be dealt with by robots.

Linlang also improved the intelligence center of this supply cabin. Previously, the intelligence level of this planet was average. It was still in the stage of big data collection and cultivation and could not process it on its own. Now after Linlang's changes, it is smarter and can manage this supply cabin well. , let the supply cabin operate according to Linlang's ideas after Linlang left, and save more people.

The supply cabin also has its own weapons and protection systems. The more intelligent supply cabin can also be used when someone attempts to take this supply cabin as their own or snatch other people's supplies. As long as it receives a report, the supply cabin can list that person. Enter the blacklist and do not allow the other party to enter; in order to prevent false accusations, Linlang connected the material cabin to the satellite network. Artificial intelligence higher than this era can determine the identity of the person by invading the mobile phone or surrounding cameras of the person being reported based on the whistleblower's words. Whether this is true or not will determine whether the person should be blacklisted.

And because Linlang has improved the intelligence level of the material cabin management center, it controls the robot, and the robot's intelligence level will also increase.

I hope that after she leaves, the supply cabin will be able to operate normally and help more people.

And these supplies that can feed the people in that space base for hundreds of years, no matter how many people come to collect them, cannot feed these people for hundreds of years, but it should not be a problem to feed them for a year or two. After all, Linlang is rationed according to the minimum quota, and with It is different for those people who have lived with enough food and drink for a hundred years. They can last longer.

I just hope that after these supplies are used up, the space base will start mass production of synthetic starch, or maybe it will rain. This is all she can do.

Linlang soon told the villagers about the supply cabin, saying that he had discovered it, and immediately took the villagers there to collect the supplies.

Since it was not far from here, everyone found it quickly. Seeing that there really was such a good thing, they couldn't help but be overjoyed. Immediately, they each received ten days' worth of flour and came back - they were afraid that they would only receive a bag of instant noodles or something like that. After that, more and more people knew about this thing. It was too crowded when I received it every day, so I just received the flour. It was so much that I could eat it for a long time. There were too many people coming later, and it was difficult to receive it. , I won’t go there for the time being and will eat flour at home.

Flour does not need to be boiled and can be made into stir-fried noodles and eaten, so everyone brought the flour back.

Of course fried rice is fine, but it’s not as delicious as flour, so most people get flour.

Everyone who received the flour was very happy, after all, it had been a long time since they had eaten flour.

Everyone felt that they were alive again.

The news that there were supplies here quickly spread from person to person.

Because the spaceship is huge and has a lot of supplies, no one is grabbing supplies for the time being. Everyone goes to the spaceship to get supplies. After all, when there are supplies, who is stupid enough to grab other people's supplies and start a fight with others, might be beaten to death. , wouldn’t you like to just go and get it?

Linlang, on the other hand, was secretly watching these people. Once he found someone with particularly high points—mostly people who had killed and eaten many people—approaching him, he would kill such people. Firstly, for the sake of The second reason for getting points is to prevent these evil people from coming and harming other good people who don’t have points in the future.

She only wanted to save good people, but she never thought about saving bad people.

Three days later, Linlang's survival time was up and he left.

In the past three days, Linlang traveled hundreds of kilometers around, killing many people who heard that there were supplies here, ran here, and among them had a lot of points.

She wants to deal with those who would cause harm to ordinary people as much as possible.

Not only her, but other players are also trying their best to kill these people with points - it has to be said that the appearance of the supply ship in the last few days has caused a large number of people to appear around, many of whom have a lot of points, which makes it difficult for them to Players no longer have to work hard to find it. They can harvest points by squatting nearby, allowing these people to enjoy the blessings of following Linlong.

Linlang's audience, on the other hand, is becoming more and more confused now: "Can anyone tell me how she discovered the supply cabin?"

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