However, the number of deaths is not the key to victory or defeat.

A prompt came from Baize's side, "Our central defense tower is being attacked."

At this moment, his DPS team members are still chasing the opponent's tanks in the bottom lane, while Su Yan's home team has already stolen the tower and sneaked home.

Bai Ce cursed secretly and quickly directed the damage team members in the bottom lane to go home and guard the tower.

Su Yan calculated the time, they should come back to defend, so she ordered the frontline team members to retreat to avoid the enemy's sight.

Seeing that the other party had retreated, Bai Ce thought that the other party had gone home collectively, so he relaxed his vigilance.

But what Bai Ce didn't expect was that Su Yan did not rush to let the team members go home, but chose to ambush in the middle.When Bai Ce's DPS team member appears in the middle, engage in a forced team battle.

Now comes Su Yan's area of ​​expertise, which is to attack the enemy's contracted beast's weaknesses, and methodically command the friendly master's layout planning and skill release sequence.

Su Yan won the team battle.

The price Bai Ce paid for this was that all the defense towers in the upper middle road were destroyed, leaving only the two core defense towers alone in the central city.

At this point, Baize no longer dared to attack rashly and turned to defense.

Su Yan switched from defense to offense.

The advantage lies on Su Yan's side.

Half an hour later, Su Yan destroyed the opponent's crystal and won.

Bai Ce took off the control headset dejectedly and asked Su Yan curiously: "You also play the tower demolition game? What rank?"

His focus was completely different from Su Yan's.

Su Yan raised her eyebrows and asked, "Do you think this is a game?"

Bai Ce: "What else?"

"What if it was a real battlefield? Your comrades will pay the price with their lives because of your decision." Su Yan said calmly.

In Su Yan's opinion, this is not a game.

Bai Ce was silent for a while, and something seemed to have changed mentally.

Fei Ming listened to the conversation between the two and felt a hint of admiration for Su Yan's insights.

It is really good for students of this age to have such ideological awareness.

"Okay, let's set the task. Complete all these levels within three days." Fei Ming operated the machine to open the level selection page.

There are a total of fifteen levels, all of which are battles with human-machine command. The map environment and the attributes of the charioteers are very different.

Su Yan and Bai Ce need to choose a reasonable lineup of charioteers for different levels, and also consider environmental factors. For example, in the Glacier Valley map, they cannot choose fire charioteers. This is basic common sense.

However, some levels will have one or two fixed man-machine team members, which will be restrained by the enemy and the environment. At this time, the command and decision-making ability of the two people will be tested.

In the following time, Fei Ming handed over the venue to the two of them, and they began to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the simulated command training.
As soon as Fei Ming left, Bai Ce started to let himself go.

"Damn it, the employer's house has been robbed again!"

"Why is this man-machine so powerful?"

"I suspect that the team members assigned to me are mentally retarded and cannot understand commands?"

"Fuck! Lost again."

Su Yan: "."

The two trained all afternoon. Bai Ce finally got tired and took off his headset. He turned to look at Su Yan and said, "Sister, you are working too hard."

Su Yan just passed the fourth level, and the victory screen popped up on the screen.

Bai Ce took one look at it and said "Awesome".

He has tried this level more than a dozen times and still hasn't passed it. "You chose the wrong attribute." Su Yan glanced at the screen on Bai Ce's machine and gave some casual instructions.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ce wondered.

Su Yan walked over, made a few operations, and readjusted the elemental attributes of the human-machine master. "The core output of the opponent is the devil fish, and the counter-injury is terrible. All the attributes you bring take into account the output damage, which is of course wrong."

Su Yan did it two or three times and taught Bai Ce how to adjust the lineup step by step. "Okay, try again when you have time. You should be able to pass."

Bai Ce suddenly realized, "That's it, thank you."


"By the way, let's add a message. Let's discuss it again when we have time. I don't believe I can't beat you." Bai Ce was eager to win.

"Okay." Su Yan sent the communication.

In the evening, Su Yan had a simple meal, and instead of going back to bed in a hurry, she went to the command training ground to face the machine again and started to break through the levels again.

Half a month has passed since the start of school.

In the past half month, Su Yan has arranged various trainings very tightly. She can always be seen in major training grounds. Even when she goes to bed, Su Yan is practicing swordsmanship in the training space.

The freshmen in the combat department all looked familiar to each other, and Su Yan's title of "Volume King" became popular on the college forum.

#How to evaluate the "students" in school? It feels like the whole world is forcing me to work hard#
This topic has become a hot search topic on the college forum, and the comments below are in full swing.

[The king of papers has to be my freshman sister Su. 】

This comment is very popular, and most of the replies below are freshmen.

[Fortunate enough to meet Sister Su at the training ground, jpg attached.At eight o'clock in the evening, Sister Su was still training with weights. 】

[You are so beautiful and you work so hard, why should you live! 】

[I am in the same training camp as Su Yan. I feel that Senior Jiang has given her a lot of preferential treatment. She is not a related party, right? 】

[Anyone can be a guanxi household. Don’t you know that Su Yan is from a barren star? How could she be a guanxi household? 】

[Isn’t it normal for people with strong abilities to be given preferential treatment? 】

[You can’t tell whether your abilities are strong or not right now. Let’s wait and see after everyone awakens their shared talents. 】

teacher's office.

Fei Ming had just finished a conducting class when he heard Teacher Man and other teachers next door discussing topics about the new students.

"The freshmen in this class are really talented. There are a few young talents entering the military area." Next to Man Yan was a group of training camp instructors named Zhu.

She was praising a group of talented students.

Man Yan hummed and said, "You don't know that a very outstanding child has come to our group, and the dean has high expectations for her."

"That child." Teacher Zhu shook his head, "I've heard about it too. The talent is indeed very good, but these freshmen will soon awaken the shared talent of beast control. She can't awaken without a contract. No matter how good the talent is, she will not be able to awaken until the end of the year. At that time, the quality of all aspects will drop a lot compared to the same period. No matter how hard you try, it will be useless."

The teacher next to him also echoed: "It's really troublesome. I don't know what the dean thinks about accepting such students."

Su Yan is a special case. Her performance in the literary and martial arts exams caused a big stir on the Internet. Many people online are very concerned about Su Yan's whereabouts.

For this reason, the Seventh National Congress also held a meeting targeting Su Yan.

The meeting ultimately decided not to admit such special students.

In fact, the decision was made for Su Yan's consideration, because the waste-blood physique is really not suitable for taking the path of a combat master.

Although Su Yan's talent can indeed crush a large number of students at the same time in the early stage, this is before the shared talent has been awakened. If she awakens the shared talent, Su Yan will be awakened by others who have shared the talent. The charioteer hangs and beats him.

This is a gap that cannot be bridged no matter how hard we try.

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