A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast.

Chapter 186 Hello, monitor, you old 6

Chapter 186 Hello, squad leader, you idiot
After the whole class achieved an injury to Chai Ziyan, Chai Ziyan gritted her teeth and left. Shen Yinghuan officially took over as the class monitor. As for the favor that Teacher Tang asked her to do, she was asked to help draw lots.

This unorganized class teacher, Mr. Tang, did not intend to let their classmates have one-on-one meetings, but planned to bring their class up to have one-on-one meetings with the seniors in the upper grades. As for the candidates, the seniors present would decide on the candidates. The senior students sign up by themselves, write their class names on slips of paper and put them into the sealed cardboard box on the left.

The names of thirty students in their class are written in the sealed cardboard box on the right.

Shen Yinghuan put his hands into the two boxes on the left and right, and the two names he drew paired up with each other and went on stage to compete one on one.

As for why such a simple lottery method is adopted?

Teacher Tang spoke plausibly in order to enhance the sense of ceremony and tension!

Shen Yinghuan's mouth twitched when he heard this. He was probably not trying to gain hatred for her. If she got a particularly powerful senior who threw her classmates into the fire pit and lost face, she would be the one to attract hatred!
No wonder No.1 is the squad leader. He is not strong enough and cannot hold the hatred value!
Shen Yinghuan, who felt cheated, was unhappy.

So why pick seniors to fight against each other?
Teacher Tang euphemistically said that their classmates restricted their performance, so that the seniors could push out their strongest abilities.

What he said was indeed reasonable, and the freshmen in the first grade were completely unable to refute it.

Except for Qi Wei, a fighting maniac who was very excited and even impatient, the rest of the students didn't look good. Their opponents were all seniors and sisters, who were not even better than them. How could they pretend to be cool, how could they show off their skills, how could they be famous? Yang Zixiao?

"Let's start drawing. Let's draw ten. I'll let people open ten competition stages. The ten games will start at the same time. They will be divided into three rounds and they will be over soon."

Teacher Tang looked at the sad faces of the students in his class and urged Shen Yinghuan with gloating.

Shen Yinghuan, the emotional lottery tool, didn't want to move.

Teacher Tang's light voice came, "There are benefits to being a monitor. From now on, all the fines for failing to meet the standard will be yours. You will also receive an additional subsidy of 100 credit points per week."

Shen Yinghuan's eyes lit up. If there was such a benefit, you should have said it earlier. Let's do it!

Thinking of her spiritual beasts waiting to be fed and a lot of treasures waiting to be bought, she couldn't help but rub her hands, "Then if they lose in less than 10 minutes on the competition stage, does that mean they didn't meet the standard?" ?”

The classmates who were listening quietly with their ears pricked up immediately showed frightened faces, "Damn, you monitor, you are the sixth grader, you actually want to harm us!" ! ! !

Tang Chen'an also looked at Shen Yinghuan in surprise, and then laughed loudly, trembling with laughter, "Oh, you, the squad leader, are so thoughtful. Yes, if you don't persist for 10 minutes, your grades will not meet the standard, and you will be fined 10 credit points. But you are freshmen now and you probably don’t have credit points yet, so you’ll be fined 100 Xiaoling coins.”

Not much, but no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat. At least they are much easier to earn than the small spirit coins one small spirit coin she made on Xiaoluo Star.

Shen Yinghuan sincerely prayed that the ones drawn were all seniors from fourth grade and up, and then she would kill her classmates like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves!
The first-year classmates have nothing to love, and the class teacher and class monitor are in cahoots with each other. Do they still have a way to survive?
Especially those poor people, all of them turned blue in the face and felt uncomfortable. 100 Xiaoling coins is money. If they were fined, wouldn't they make them even poorer?
Jing Luo, who was also very poor, couldn't help but jump out and give his opinion, "What if the squad leader can't hold on for 10 minutes? Isn't the same punishment as us too low? After all, a squad leader has to set an example, and the punishment must be doubled." "

As he spoke, he hinted to Shen Yinghuan with his wild eyes that he should quickly ask the head teacher to give up the idea of ​​​​a fine, otherwise we would all perish together.

Unfortunately, Tang Chenan didn't give Shen Yinghuan a chance to retort. He smiled and agreed with Jing Luo's idea, "It makes sense. If the squad leader doesn't persist for 10 minutes, the squad leader will fine you 3000 Xiaoling coins."

Monitor Shen Yinghuan:
Well, the mutual deception achievement has been achieved, and the only winner is Tang Chenan.Now we can only see whether it is Shen Yinghuan's luck or the classmates' luck.

So everyone's eyes were fixed on Shen Yinghuan's hands, and even Shen Yinghuan herself was a little nervous.

However, she was still very fast. She could draw the bow left and right in ten consecutive strokes very quickly. The administrator of the competition platform helped announce the announcement.

Jing Luo VS Jing Yao, Class [-], Grade [-];
Chai Ziyan VS Shen Tulei, Class [-], Grade [-];

Bai Qing VS Lin Liyang, Class [-], Grade [-];

Qi Wei VS Gong Shan, Class [-], Grade [-];
Shen Yinghuan VS Jin Zhenzhen, Class [-], Grade [-];

Ju Xiaochun VS Jin Hesong from Grade [-] Class [-];

Xi Ji VS Mi Xi, Class [-], Grade [-];
Jiang Xiuran VS Wu Yuguang, Grade [-] Class [-];

Cao Xuan VS You Tianlu, Class [-], Grade [-];

Zhao Zichen VS Qiao Weiying, Class [-], Grade [-]:

There are ten groups in total. Looking from top to bottom, the goddess of luck is on Shen Yinghuan's side. As for the other students, their luck is not that good!
It's easy to see the problem just by looking at this class without looking at the others. Class [-] represents the one who is at the top of the grade in terms of strength. There are ten people in their class versus six of them, all from the same class, and Xiaochun ranks highest. Unfortunately, here comes a character from Class [-] of the fourth grade.

Shen Yinghuan felt so guilty that she didn't dare to look over at her. She had beaten such a difficult opponent to someone who had just helped her in the classroom. I was really sorry for her!
In addition, she had to say that it was a coincidence that Jing Luo fought against Jing Yao. Judging from their last names, the two people must be brothers; and that she herself fought against Jin Zhenzhen was even more coincidental.

If she hadn't drawn this lottery herself, she would really have suspected that someone was operating behind the scenes.

Tang Chen'an said, "Squad leader, keep pumping, and then come on stage after you've finished pumping, so as not to get too tired and unable to pump."

Shen Yinghuan rolled her eyes silently. She was still confident about dealing with Jin Zhenzhen, but she still followed the instructions. If some battles ended soon, the next group could directly hit him.

As the ten people from Class [-] of Grade [-] came on stage, their opponents also followed them onto the competition stage. The students watching the excitement immediately gathered around, their eyes shining with excitement.

"My dear, Shen Yinghuan is very good at drawing lots. She even drew Gong Shan, the Minister of Law Enforcement Department."

"Aren't they awesome? Look at Shen Tu Lei, Mi Xi, Jing Yao, Jin Hesong, who is not awesome? They are all members of the Fortune Team. All of them started as seventh-level beast masters, and they are better than fifth-level beast masters. Graduates are all so strong. What kind of luck does Shen Yinghuan have that is so shocking? Could it be that the strong are attracted to each other?"

"Hahaha, she did give herself Jin Zhenzhen, who is the best to deal with. It's not like strong men are attracted to each other."

(End of this chapter)

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