I'm picking up garbage in the copy

Chapter 174 Red Trash Can

Chapter 174 Red Trash Can

Jiang You's eyes lingered on the last note in the prop introduction for a while. Compared to the recycling and purification function of the blue trash can, the function of the red trash can seemed to be more direct and simple.

Like the blue trash can, it can hold everything, plus it is automatically destroyed within 1 minute. The red trash can looks like it can be regarded as an attack prop, and its damage is very high. As long as it enters the red The trash can will be automatically destroyed.

Jiang You had previously envied Jiang Ling and his friends for their props, which could be used to attack and cause direct damage.

But her binding prop, the blue trash can, doesn't work.Putting players or NPCs into the blue trash can will only purify and remove abnormal conditions and will not cause any harm to them.There is no charge, and every time Jiang You uses the blue trash can, she feels like she is doing charity and treating others for free.

But now Jiang You has an additional binding prop. If the red trash can is put in it, fatal damage will be waiting for them.

Jiang You rolled the miniature red trash can around his fingertips and then placed it directly into the game package.

She sighed. No matter what color the trash can is, there is the same very important problem. If such a big trash can is used as an attack prop, will someone really enter the trash can without dodging? ?
In the column of bound props on the game panel, there are some empty spaces behind the red and blue trash cans.Jiang You looked at the blank space and had an inexplicable feeling that she might get other binding props, and the type of binding props might still be trash cans.

According to Jiang You's understanding of garbage classification, if you refer to the garbage classification situation in the real world, in addition to recyclable garbage and hazardous garbage, there should be other colored trash cans.

Will she collect all the colored trash cans in the game world?
Isn't it?Can't we really give her a more normal binding prop?Shaking his head and throwing the trash can out of his mind, Jiang You sped up his speed.

Zhou Dahai was already very close to the rubber boat tunnel.

Jiang You estimated the location of the invisible wall, and it was right in front of Zhou Dahai. It was here that she promised Li Wanwan that she would bring Zhou Dahai to the bottom of the sea within today.

However, separated by a wall, Jiang You didn't see Li Wanwan's figure in front of the blue and white tunnel. He didn't know where she was now. Had she passed through the rubber boat tunnel and returned to the underwater world, or was Li Wanwan currently in the rubber boat tunnel? Inside?

Looking at the blue and white rubber boat passage, Jiang You remembered that the last section of the tunnel was dotted with colored lights.

But when you look at it from the outside, you can't see the specific scenery inside. It just feels dark. Even if someone is standing there, you can't see it from the outside.

If there is really no one waiting here, then she needs to take Zhou Dahai through the rubber boat tunnel and to the bottom of the sea to complete the agreement with Li Wanwan.

After adjusting the black sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, Jiang You looked through the center of the field of view of the "Observer Sunglasses" and looked again. This time, Jiang You vaguely noticed some thin figures in the gray.

They are of various heights and sizes, and it seems that a lot of people, or water ghosts, have gathered there.

In the rubber boat tunnel, thin figures floated behind Li Wanwan. Their heads were crowded at the exit. The colorful lights behind them flickered, illuminating the wrinkled blue heads, which were speckled with various colors. Die die.

"Will she really come back?"

Li Wanwan said firmly: "Yes, and she will also bring the person you have always met, Zhou Dahai."

"Then why hasn't it come yet? We've been waiting here for so long."

Li Wanwan: "She will come back, believe her." As she said that, Li Wanwan looked forward. The high wall blocked her from seeing what was outside, and she couldn't see whether Jiang You was carrying her with her as promised. Zhou Dahai returns.

However, when the oath is established, there will only be two situations, either the agreement is fulfilled, or the oath is violated and is obliterated by the rules.

No matter what Jiang You does, there will be results soon, they just need to wait.

The environment here is not like in the deep sea, it is completely dark, there is no light, and it is impossible to tell the time.

The translucent sea water can reflect the shadow of the sunshine outside. Li Wanwan knows that it is already afternoon outside. When Jiang You swore, he said that within today, the results would be available soon.

She stayed under the deep sea for an unknown number of days and nights, in the dark environment. The day would pass quickly. It was just a simple attempt. She could wait for the result of the oath and Jiang You's return.

Behind the black sunglasses, Jiang You looked for a while and could only see slender black shadows. Although he couldn't see exactly who they were, their identities did not need any questioning.

Withdrawing her gaze, Jiang You turned to look at the unsuspecting Zhou Dahai. Since there were so many people waiting, she didn't need to make another trip.

Zhou Dahai pushed the water with his hands and feet and paddled forward. His movements were filled with the joy of finding the lost rubber boat.

Seeing that Zhou Dahai's position seemed to be about to pass through the invisible wall, Jiang You dodged and rushed forward with her floating body in the water. She appeared behind Zhou Dahai, and the position gap between the two was only one body. , Jiang You could reach out and touch Zhou Dahai.

With such a close distance, if Zhou Dahai had any other reaction after seeing the people in the rubber boat tunnel, she could respond in time.

Zhou Dahai noticed Jiang You's sudden acceleration and came to the side. He was confused and turned his head to look, but he couldn't see anything wrong on Jiang You's face.

The stacked rubber boats were right in front of them. There were so many of them that they couldn't be taken away by one person. Zhou Dahai thought about it and determined that Jiang You was going to help him take the rubber boats back.

Standing up from lying on his stomach and swimming forward, Zhou Dahai raised the corners of his mouth towards Jiang You. The red mouth bent to the corners of his eyes told Zhou Dahai's happy mood.

Jiang You nodded to him and watched Zhou Dahai walk past the wall she had marked in her mind at a constant speed.

Jiang You followed closely, maintaining the same speed, and passed through.

The figures in the rubber boat passage became clearer as the distance got closer, and they were all slender cyan figures.

Their blue skin was dry and slender, and their hair stuck to the top of their heads. There was no big difference in appearance. Jiang You saw a pair of red eyes among the crowd at a glance.

The bright red eyes were like a pair of red gems, which lit up the moment they saw Jiang You and Zhou Dahai appear.

(End of this chapter)

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