I overthrew the big players in the world of beasts

Chapter 132 Is the illegitimate brother testing me?

Pei Wu slowly raised the corners of his mouth, but still pretended to be confused, "Why did you leave? Didn't he just come back?"

"I told you before that your eldest brother only lives here temporarily and will leave when the time is up."

"Then I understand." Pei Wu patted Dahuang's body, and then said seriously into the phone: "I'm going back now to see my eldest brother off."

Before the other party could reply, she hung up the phone.

"Dahuang, reach Pei's house in half a minute. You can definitely do such a simple thing. If you can't do it, it means you are not strong enough."

Should he say it or not, Dahuang was stimulated by these words, and immediately flew out with a hiss.

Pei Wu clutched Dahuang's body, but thought in her heart that the reason why her illegitimate brother left again must not be that simple.

It may be that a certain goal has been achieved and you have to go back and resume your life.


Dahuang really did what he promised to reach the main house in half a minute.

As soon as Pei Yong hung up the phone and had a few words with Pei Wangjin, the housekeeper came over to remind him that the eldest lady had arrived.

At this time, the two of them vaguely believed that what Pei Wu said was in the sky seemed to be true.

It's just lightning fast.

Not long after, Pei Wu, who was blocked outside, entered the main door.

But it's a little different from the last time I came in.

A group of people who looked like bodyguards appeared inexplicably behind her, following her all the time, making it seem like outsiders were coming in.

After entering the hall, the group of people not only did not leave, but continued to stand behind her.

So, Pei Wu finally turned his head impatiently, "Who told you to follow me?"

"it's me."

The group of bodyguards were about to speak, but were interrupted by the people in the center of the hall. They bowed respectfully and then moved a few steps back.

At this time, Pei Wu followed the source of the sound and looked at the person casually.

"Does Manager Pei treat me as a guest today? But do guests need to see me so closely? Or does he not take me seriously in the first place?"

A series of questions came to Pei Wangjin's ears, but there was still no emotion on his face, as if he was just a stranger across from him.

"Miss Pei Wu, there have been some thieves in the main house recently. Everyone needs to be checked after entering and exiting."

"Who dares to steal the Pei family's things?"

Pei Wu found a seat at random and sat on it calmly.

She glanced around, but found that the hall was empty.

"It's not about the family dinner, but what about the others?"

The corners of her mouth were half hooked, but she narrowed her eyes indifferently, exuding a kind of indifference that could repel people thousands of miles away.

Sure enough, this is a Hongmen Banquet.

A few seconds later, Pei Wu saw that the other party was just looking at him and didn't say a word.

She sighed in disappointment, "Manager Pei, after all, I am also your sister, how can I be so defensive."

After saying that, she stood up immediately, patted her clothes, and said lightly: "In that case, we have nothing to talk about, so let them follow me. It's time to go back to sleep anyway."

At this moment, Pei Wangjin's deep eyes suddenly showed a smile, "I want the specific number of points for the imperial meeting system."

The sudden change made Pei Wu on the opposite side immediately stand on end.

This person's character is indeed as described on the Internet, gloomy and unstable, and inexplicably nervous.

However, if he wants points all of a sudden in the middle of the night, An An must have bad intentions.

And how could she tell such crucial information? This was too confident.Therefore, Pei Wu smiled and said:
"You are the manager of the state, and you probably know the rules of the imperial association system. You must not disclose information until the end of the day, otherwise you will be reported by someone who is interested, and the consequences will be to be removed from the list. You should know this better than me."

She thought that the other party would restrain herself after speaking, but she never thought that she would still ask herself the same question as before.

"What's the ranking of the Imperial Council System?"

Upon hearing this, Pei Wu clicked his tongue impatiently.

She was about to speak angrily at this man, but she recalled Pei Wangjin's abnormal scene and instantly suppressed her anger.

Pei Wu stared at him thoughtfully.

From the moment he walked in, Pei Wangjin kept finding ways to make himself angry, as if he had a purpose.

Could it be that he was testing her.

Thinking of this, Pei Wu's eyes suddenly became confused, and he changed the subject: "Father didn't say tonight was a family dinner, but why haven't I seen anyone after I've been here for so long? Could it be that you lied to me?"

"not at all."

Pei Wangjin in the middle was finally willing to speak. His tone was so calm that no one could notice anything unusual.

"The elders should come to the dining hall, and it's time for us to go too."

He stared at Pei Wu for a few seconds, then withdrew his gaze and left the hall.

"It's really inexplicable."

Pei Wu curled his lips and muttered quietly while he wasn't paying attention.

It's purely a lunatic behavior. I knew I wouldn't come here. It's a waste of energy to come here and stay with that kind of people instead of doing tasks at such a good time.

After leaving the hall, the group of bodyguards following Pei Wu walked behind her again, as if they were inseparable just because they were staying at Pei's house.

But halfway there, she accidentally bumped into her cousin.

Suddenly, the boring time started to become interesting.

"Cousin, are you okay?"

Pei Wu looked at the other person's shoes from time to time, with a sad expression on his face, as if he thought she was worried.

Seeing this scene, Pei Qinghuan's face was turned upside down with anger.

When she thought of the scene after school at noon, she suddenly felt nauseous and felt like she couldn't eat.

On the surface, she showed an elegant smile, but in fact, she hid deep hatred in her heart.

Pei Qinghuan inadvertently glanced at the figure in the distance, and when he thought that the person who abused him was leaving, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

It is really not easy to finally get good news during this period.

On the opposite side, Pei Wu seemed to be aware of her thoughts, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, and he deliberately said:
"Manager Pei is leaving the main house. My cousin is closest to him. Do you know the reason?"

Sure enough, the other party's reaction was exactly as she thought.

The cousin was stunned for a few seconds, and then smiled awkwardly but politely: "Manager Pei is equivalent to my master, so there is only a master-disciple relationship."

Pei Wu: Oh haha.

According to this, her illegitimate brother will be sad after hearing this, and may have to undergo difficult training on the last night.

But she still didn't know why Pei Wangjin wanted to arrest her cousin alone. There were obviously so many outstanding descendants in the main house...

When Pei Wu entered the dining hall, she saw the group of descendants playing cockfighting with their legs raised one after another in the open space. She immediately took back what she had just said.

It seems that only my cousin is the most suitable, but she has evil intentions.

However, as soon as Pei Wu arrived at the dinner party, he was bumped into by sharp-eyed people who didn't want to be beaten. They shouted in surprise: "Hey, a big amateur star came to the humble house, and he was not welcomed from afar."

There was silence on the field for a moment.

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