The elders, as if they sensed something, tried their best.

"Hold on! Hold on! We must hold on! We can do it!"

But the hole in the sky is getting bigger and bigger. If all the sinking energy from the outside world pours down, they can't imagine what the soul world will look like.

Where should the countless souls in the soul world go?

Sighing at night.

"Keep your position, the soul world cannot live without you."

"No! Soul Master, the soul world cannot live without a soul master!"

Shang Ye and Ji Lan looked to the sky.

"The rules of the soul world are lacking. If I want to win a new life in the future and improve the rules, Shattering the Void is the only way to survive. Let us become one of those laws and help me to be reborn in the soul world!"

The two of them said no more words and rushed towards the sky.


"Soul Lord!"

Brilliant light exploded, and the two Soul Master Tokens also turned into thousands of light points and scattered to all directions in the Soul World.

There is also a transparent ability cover in the big crack above the sky, and there is a faint soul mark emerging.


The wind whimpered, the souls howled, and the heaven and earth mourned together.

In Wannian Lake, Xuanqing suppressed the countless black energy trying to escape from the bottom of the lake, his eyes blurred with tears.

Her eyes were splitting, and she tried hard to control her emotions.

The soul power in his hand continued to gather towards the lake.

She has grown up, she must support the soul world and suppress Wannian Lake!

But the tears in his eyes were like broken beads. Xuanqing turned to look at the upper Han Palace.

Ah Yin… Ah Yin… come out quickly!

The soul power in his hand increased a bit.

She hoped that Tai Yin would come out of seclusion, but she understood that the shortest time to absorb the soul beads with the combined cultivation level was a few years! It can last for more than a hundred years!

Now, only half a year has passed, can they really last this long? In the evil abyss without any light, Chuan Jue sat cross-legged at the entrance, guarding.

The densely packed evil spirits seemed to be rushing out of the abyss of evil.

"What else are you guarding?! Do you feel it? Two of your companions have fallen!"

"Do you think you can change anything by yourself?!"

"I feel the endless energy! You are already exhausted!"

"This is cause and effect! You guys have been living happily for so many years, and it's our turn!"

"Let me out!"

The temperature in the Evil Abyss is extremely low and there is no light all year round.

When the cold air enters the body, even the Sichuan Jue at the peak of transcending tribulations feels a little unstable.

But he didn't back down.

The pair of eyes that had lost focus were looking forward.

"Idiot! What's the use of staying here? Does your beloved know?"

"Let us out, and I promise to make your beloved yours! Be yours alone!"

"Chuan Jue, if you die, you will have nothing! Maybe your beloved will forget you soon, maybe she will be with someone else soon! Is it that Senior Brother Gu? Is it still that monster? Or another monk?"

The Evil Abyss is a place that is feared by countless soul cultivators, because in addition to the countless evil spirits, it also gathers countless desires in the world. It is the most sinking place in the soul world!

Their bewitchment is a kind of torture for any monk!

They probed into Chuan Jue's heart and what his divided soul sensed.

"It's so pitiful. I can only watch the one I love walking away step by step, but I can't do anything about it. Watching her talking and laughing with others! You can't express your love with your mouth, but you have to give it silently! Chuan Jue, you are so stupid !Pitiful!"

"Hahaha! Poor? You're just a reptile in the gutter, covered in filth, but trying to soak up the sunshine and wishful thinking! What's the point of paying more? Does she care about you?"

"Let us see how many dirty and dark thoughts you still have. When your heart is corroded, you will become a walking zombie and become part of us!"

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