In the endless darkness, Lu Qingye's soul seemed to be falling continuously, as if it was being pulled into the endless abyss by the black shadows around him.

"Go to sleep, sleep over, and forget everything."

"Those are things that shouldn't be your responsibility."

"What's wrong with you?"

"You are so pitiful, falling into the abyss again and again! Why is it you? Look, there are so many people in the world, why are you so unlucky?"

"For those insignificant monks, you have to wade into this muddy water again! But look, do they thank you?"

The ferocious faces looked at Lu Qingye, and they smiled ferociously.

"These opportunities should be ours! Bring them!"

"Who told you to be the soul master? Who told you to have high cultivation level? Isn't this what you should do?"

"How stupid! You rushed ahead stupidly! It's best if you die! If you die, those things will be ours!"

"Why are you meddling in other people's business?! Aren't you very capable? Why are you trapped in this boundless prison with us now?!"

The sounds around him became louder and louder. Lu Qingye frowned and tried to break away.

But her body seemed to be stuck in the mud, and countless hands were pulling her.

"There have been no gods in this world for a long time!"

"Do you resent what the desolate beast did? Do you think he deserves to be killed for killing countless monks? But look under this secret realm of all realms! Look what you are stepping on!"

Lu Qingye's head was twisted tightly by a big hand, forcing her to look down.

In the abyss, white light appeared.

But the white light was emanated from countless corpses and bones.

"What's wrong with us? Why are we trapped here? Becoming a stepping stone for others?!"

"Tai Yin... Lu Qingye... you haven't really forgotten who you are, have you?"

"Lu Qingye, have you forgotten the pain of endless reincarnation? You are so selfish! You rushed into the Wannian Lake without hesitation, but look back!" The endless road to reincarnation is so long that there seems to be no end in sight.

"Ah Yin!"

The heartrending sound still seemed to echo in my ears.

"Soul Master Taiyin, I will definitely work hard to become stronger! In the future... I will also protect you!"

"A Yin, the war in the west will soon subside. By then, the chaos in the soul world will also be subsided."

"Then let's go to Bingze Mountain again, right?"

"Ah Yin!"

"What should I do if you leave? Didn't you say that Xuanqing and you are friends who fight together? Why do you want to leave like this again?"

"Ah Yin!"

It was as if a voice suppressed in the bottom of my heart awakened a sleeping memory.

"A Yin, you are the most powerful palace master in Shangyin Palace, but you are also my most promising candidate for disciple. Don't worry, Master will take care of everything. Master is waiting for you in the fairy world, waiting for you to ascend."

"My Ayin has always been brave. She is not a cold-blooded and terrifying soul master, nor is she the great palace master of Shanghan Palace. She is a good child who is loved by others!"

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

The sarcastic sounds around him got louder and louder.

"Look! Your good friends! The people you like! How painful they are! And your master who is waiting for you to ascend day and night!"

"Tai Yin! Lu Qingye! Look at how many people you have hurt. Do you have the nerve to go back? Stay here with us!"

Seeing Lu Qingye sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness, the surrounding shadows couldn't help but become excited.

She smells so good! If you could eat her, how delicious it would be!

Lu Qingye closed his eyes and raised his eyes again, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

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