It seems that a soul cultivator saw the somewhat blurry figure in the middle of the lake, but it seemed a little unreal in his sleep.

The soul cultivator rubbed his eyes and found that the figure in the middle of the lake had disappeared. He thought it was his illusion, so he turned over and continued to sleep.

Lu Qingye followed his memory and came to the crack that was originally opened to the outside world.

Although the soul world is now connected to the outside world of cultivation, the passage between the two worlds has been guarded by monks from the four major royal cities and disciples from the five major sects.

All monks who enter need to register.

It will take a long time to wait for those procedures to be completed.

After arriving at Lidaotan, Lu Qingye thought of sneaking back to the outside world of cultivation through the original crack.

After reaching out and touching the thin barrier, Lu Qingxi breathed a sigh of relief.

The barrier here is indeed weaker than other places!

But before leaving, Lu Qingye had one more thing to do.

Since Shen Yuanqi had promised something, there was no way she could break her promise.

After sending a message to the other party, Lu Qingye waited near the island beach.

But at this moment, at the gate of the secret realm of sentient beings, the waiting soul cultivators were in chaos.

From the mouths of the soul cultivators who entered, they learned that a soul master had emerged from their Qingxuan soul world. Before the soul cultivators had time to be happy, they learned that the soul master was missing again!

After searching around, I almost turned over the area near the exit of the world of living beings, but I didn't see the so-called new reincarnation soul master!

This can make many soul cultivators anxious.

The moment the news about the Soul Master spread, many soul cultivators and various forces came to hear the news.

Although most of the monks in the four royal cities are looking forward to the arrival of the soul master, there are also some soul cultivators who do not want Lu Qingye's existence.

They have been in power in Qingxuan Soul World for many years, and the forces of all parties are in a relatively balanced state. You are restraining me and I am restraining you.     But each other is regarded as the person in charge of one party.

Now there is suddenly an additional soul master. Once the soul master returns, the rights in his hands must be divided!

After being in the upper position for a long time, who is willing to succumb to others?

On the contrary, it is the wandering soul cultivators who most hope for the birth of the soul master.

Although the Soul Realm has the management of the four royal cities, there are many chaotic places and many casual cultivators wandering around. Among them, the Sichuan Mountain area is the most serious.

This has caused many innocent soul cultivators to suffer. If the soul master returns now, then the soul world will surely usher in a great unification for many years!

The most important thing is that the soul master is a new soul master and has nothing to do with the four royal cities!

Then they won't join forces with the four royal cities to continue to squeeze ordinary soul cultivators like them!

This is also an opportunity for many soul cultivators!

An opportunity to stand up and jump through the ranks!

If you can surrender to that soul master at the first time, you will have the opportunity to become his right-hand man!

When the future soul master stabilizes his position, these soul cultivators will all be heroes!

This is also the thought of countless small forces.

Due to the appearance of the reincarnated soul master, an undercurrent has begun to appear in the soul world. Chaos is coming, and it just waits for the soul master to return!

After Shen Yuanqi got the news, he immediately rushed to Lidaotan, which had been forgotten for a long time by the cultivators in the soul world.

When he heard the news midway, he was extremely excited!

He knew that Lu Qingye had the power of law, so he thought it was good that the other party was a man of law.

Now she has become the soul master! A soul master recognized by the laws of the soul world!

Shen Yuanqi was extremely excited along the way, looking forward to meeting Lu Qingye as soon as possible.

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