Chapter 337 is different

Hearing Lu Qingye's rejection, Zhou Ruzhen looked a little disappointed.

"Well, if there is a chance, let's get together next time."

Several people were chatting one after another.

As the sun sets in the west, as the last ray of sunshine disappears, the wind on the sea becomes louder and louder, and the whistling wind makes the surrounding trees sway constantly.

The fishermen on the coast have packed up their things, and most of them have gone home. Only a few fishermen are still standing near the coast.

Among the fishermen guarding the coast, there were two old men who had good cultivation, although they were only in the early stages of Qi training.

Because the waves are so strong on windy days, they sometimes bring up sea monsters from the bottom of the sea and strand them on the shore.

At this time, someone has to watch and make up for it in time, otherwise if the sea monster comes ashore, innocent people may be hurt.

Most of the people in the village are old, young, women and children and do not have much ability to protect themselves.

Therefore, at this time, there will be some young, strong and capable monks who can sense the fluctuations of spiritual power to stay here.

The crackling sound of the burning bonfire was insignificant among the crashing waves. The firelight shone on the faces of several people, and the warmth was transmitted along the bonfire to everyone.

Zhiqin looked curiously at the fishermen gathering around a bonfire not far away.

When the windy day comes, winds from all directions will blow the cold air from the Mingling Sea next to the Thousand Layers Sea. They will feel uncomfortable if they have spiritual protection, let alone those mortals.

Haven't you seen that several mortals have turned blue from the cold?
If it's so uncomfortable, why do you still have to stay here and suffer?
He lowered his voice and asked.

"Why don't they go back?"

Fang Lin glanced at the fishermen carrying ordinary harpoons and swords.

"It is said that on strong windy days, some sea monsters from the seabed will sometimes be blown in. Those people stay here just to hunt the sea monsters."

Zhiqin was shocked. There were disciples of their Piaomiao Sect patrolling near Wanxing Lake. Even with those disciples there on a windy day, almost no sea monster dared to commit an offense.

But... these are all mortals. Can those two old monks with low-level Qi training be considered monks?And even if those sea monsters were seriously injured and had to be stranded due to the strong wind, they were still capable sea monsters!
Are you just fighting for money?Is it really worth it?
Zhi Qin was confused and naturally asked.

"Those are all sea monsters. They fight so hard for the spirit stone?! Aren't they afraid of dying?"

Fang Lin looked at the dark-skinned fishermen, and then at the fair and tender Zhiqin.

"Not just because of money, if the sea monster is allowed to come ashore, the nearby fishing villages may suffer, which are full of their families. Once the sea monster enters and tastes blood, it will become extremely violent and many people will die. . And... money is useless to some people, and for many people, it can solve more than [-]% of their problems, and they need those things in their lives."

After listening to Fang Lin's words, Zhi Qin's face turned red and he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

When Fang Lin said this, it seemed that he was very "ignorant of the fireworks of the world".

The fishermen were waiting with anxiety and anticipation.

They were afraid of meeting a powerful sea monster and dying here, but they also wanted to hunt such a sea monster in exchange for more survival supplies.

The people here are actually much luckier than the mortals in the chaotic border area. At least they can freely choose the auction.

Most of the things on the Kraken were taken away by people from the dynasty at fair prices.

(End of this chapter)

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