He fell in love with the brain in the revenge script

Chapter 280 Chapter 280: Leave Xie Shang and be with me

He won't be angry with her, never: "But it doesn't matter, you still came to me."

She came to him because he had been leaving loopholes for her, allowing her to notice step by step and walk towards him step by step according to his predetermined trajectory.

From the very beginning of the incident, from the call records on Ming Ao's phone, Jiang Chengxue knew all her trump cards. He has been dormant longer than she secretly spied on Xie Shang in order to get revenge on Xie Liangjiang, so he knows her very well, knows all her preferences, and has watched her entire revenge plan.

"Your purpose is just to let me play revenge games with you?"

Jiang Chengxue's thinking was different from that of ordinary people. Wen Changling could not think of other possibilities. He even did not hesitate to expose himself. She could only speculate from a crazy and morbid perspective.

His deep eyes reflected a small version of her: "Don't you think it's interesting?"

Her eyes said: You are sick.

He sat upright with his half-supported body leaning against hers, and took the recorder that was randomly placed on the sofa: "Do you want to listen to this recording?"

He played her the recording that wanted to blackmail him for five million.

"Grandpa, I pushed Rucheng down, and Jiang Chengxue was nearby at the time. Rucheng and I reached an agreement to blame Jiang Chengxue for this matter, because we are not as good as him, and he is the one in your eyes. A malleable talent. If you don’t do this, you won’t abandon that monster Jiang Chengxue.”

These were Jiang Rucai's last words recorded to Jiang Lisong.

"The three of us brothers couldn't bear to see Jiang Chengxue, whose biological father was a murderer, and did a lot of things to humiliate him. Now we have all suffered retribution. It will be my turn soon."

There was a lot of noise in the recording, and Jiang Rucai must have been standing on the roof when he left his last words.

"I will repay the sins I committed, but my wife and daughter are innocent. Please help me protect them after I die."

End of last words.

No wonder Jiang Chengxue wasn't afraid of that person's blackmail. This recording posed no threat to him at all.

"Jiang Ru was the one who jumped by himself." Jiang Chengxue seemed distressed and sighed, "Why don't you always believe me?"

Wen Changling calmly probed: "If you threaten him with his wife and daughter, can he not jump?"

She didn't believe that the Jiang family's heirs' accidents had nothing to do with Jiang Chengxue.

"Who said I threatened him? I just saw that his family was separated in two places and could not reunite, so I picked him up and let them meet. I didn't even show my face, how could I threaten him."

The only thing that makes people's scalp numb is that they can be fought without bloodshed.

"Jiang Chengxue," at this moment, Wen Changling also agreed with Jiang Rucai's description of the person in front of him in his last words, "you are really a monster."

Many people called Jiang Chengxue a monster.

When he had no tears, when he laughed at other people's funerals, when he disemboweled his mother's goldfish, they all called him a monster.

He was born a monster because he had the blood of a perverted murderer in his body.

However, he didn't want Wen Changling to scold him like this.

He was really good-tempered and asked her softly: "Then do you want to play with me?"

He was so lonely, no one wanted to play with a monster.

Wen Changling also refused, so she said nothing and looked at her with hatred.

The wind blew the door shut, and the door, which had been in disrepair for a long time, made strange noises.

There was a box on the table. When Jiang Chengxue opened it, Wen Changling noticed that the box contained the wishing sign she had hung on the oak tree of Langtu University of Technology.

He read the words: "May evil be rewarded with evil."

As for why this brand is in Jiang Chengxue's hands.

Wen Changling was not surprised at all. He was already everywhere in her life before she even knew he existed.

"As long as you play with me, I will pay with your blood and let you get what you want." His tone was very soft, as if he was persuading her, "Otherwise you can't beat me."

Yu Qiang said that the people around Jiang Chengxue were like her and would never betray him.

He must be good at luring prey, good at disguise, and good at wrapping poison into honey so that others can eat it willingly.

Wen Changling looked directly at him, with no fear in his eyes: "How can I play with you?"

"Break up with Xie Shang, stay with me, build snowmen with me, buy me snacks, watch movies with me, do all the things you did with him again with me, and as long as you are done, I will let you get your wish. "

He slowly raised his hand, tentatively, and reached towards Wen Changling.

She didn't hide.

He touched her hand, smiled, and put the oak wishing card into her hand: "I won't dirty your hands. I also told fortunes when I was a child. I don't live long, so you don't have to play with me for a long time. , promise me, please? Wen Changling."

Wen Changling tightened his grip on the sign. According to the degree of Jiang Chengxue's illness, it is entirely possible for him to kill himself.

He was staring at her hand, as if he were looking at a toy he had never seen before but which filled him with interest. His eyes were full of curiosity, excitement, and joy.

Wen Changling took his hand away and wiped it on his clothes instinctively: "We are not the same kind at all."

She turned to leave.

"Wen Changling."

His tone was very leisurely, as if he was determined to win: "Xie Shang went to the prison to meet those people, did you know?"

Wen Changling didn't look back, opened the door and left.

But she took the wishing card away.

Jiang Chengxue knew that she would come to him, and she would come to him again.

Wen Changling pressed the oak wishing plaque under the pillow, and then fell asleep with her.

"elder sister."

"elder sister."


It's that deep forest full of thick fog again.

Ana was calling her.

"Why don't you come and stay with me?"

"Come and stay with me."

"We are all waiting for you, me, mom, and Ming'ao, we are all waiting for you, please come quickly."


She held the wishing card in her hand and walked into the thick fog: "Ana."

"elder sister."

"Sister, come quickly."

She put her hand into the thick fog, trying to hold Ana's hand. Suddenly a hand stretched out from the fog and grabbed the sign...

"Long age."

Wen Changling was shaken awake by Xie Shang. She opened her eyes, her head covered with sweat, and she looked at the roof without focus.

Xie Shang helped her put on the hearing aid, but she didn't move. Then she heard Xie Shang's voice.

"I'm not afraid, it's just a nightmare."

She turned her head blankly and looked at Xie Shang: "I dreamed of Ana again."

Ana asked her to go down and accompany him.

"Chang Ling," he said in a pleading tone, "shall we go to the doctor?"

It's no longer necessary.

She turned her back to Xie Shang: "I'm not sick."

She didn't want to tell Xie Shang about the wishing card. Jiang Chengxue is too dangerous. He is sick, has no bottom line, and dares to do anything.


She turned around and looked at Xie Shang sadly: "Xingxing, please hug me."

Xie Shang hugged her: "Hold me tight."

I won't let you sink.

No one can pull you down.

Jiang Chengxue became so ruthless that she even killed herself.

I kept crying while typing. Do you have the same cold symptoms?

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