He fell in love with the brain in the revenge script

Chapter 221 221: If you grow up sweet, you will love it

Qiaolin Town is surrounded by mountains, and the distance shown on the navigation system is not far away. He Dongzhou expected to arrive at noon, but the navigation system made two wrong directions in the mountains. It was after four o'clock in the afternoon that he found Hericium Head Village in a roundabout way. The car can only drive to the place where the stone monument with the name of the village is erected in Heritou Village. There is a small road further in, and you can only rely on two legs.

Heritou Village is very small, with only a dozen or so households in each village. The houses are scattered, one here and one there.

The people in Hericium have mixed surnames, and Xiao Scar takes her grandmother's surname of Xu. Grandma Xu spoke in dialect, and she called Xiao Scar out of the room.

Xiao Scar was surprised to see He Dongzhou, and his expression was even a bit incredulous.

"Mr. He."

She called He Dongzhou this way.

He Dongzhou had only seen photos of Xiao Scar before. The light in the last video was too dark and he couldn't see clearly. The eighteen-year-old girl is very beautiful, the kind of beauty that makes people want to move. From He Dongzhou's personal point of view, he even felt that the birthmark in the corner of her eye was very good, with just the right sense of fragmentation.

She looks a lot like Wen Yuan.

Ever since He Dongzhou entered the house, Grandma Xu has been busy making tea and getting snacks. She also went out and brought back two watermelons, a large bag of freshly picked grapes, a fish and a duck.

Grandma Xu didn't speak Mandarin, so she used gestures to ask He Dongzhou to eat, but he didn't understand what she said.

Xiao Scar translated from the side: "Grandma said she was going to cook and asked you to stay for dinner."

The old man was so sincere that He Dongzhou could not refuse.

The one-story red brick house has a roof of forty or fifty square meters, with one living room and two rooms. You can see the whole thing at a glance. The kitchen is outside and a straw shed is built next to it.

Xiao Scar sat cautiously next to the table, which she and her grandma used to eat. It had been used for many years. Although it was wiped clean, there were still black lines like dirt.

She was worried that her benefactor would not get used to it.

When grandma needed a heart bypass surgery, Mr. He paid for it and also paid for her to continue studying. He was very kind to her.

The benefactor seemed to have never seen snacks in the countryside, staring at the plate.

"These are pumpkin seeds."

Xiao Scar thought that He Dongzhou didn't know how to eat, so he grabbed a handful, patiently peeled off the skin one by one, and placed the melon seeds inside on the corner of the plate.

"When will the points be released?"

After peeling off a pile, she sat down with a straight posture and said, "No. 23."

"Which university do you want to go to?"


He Dongzhou's cup was empty.

Xiao Scar stood up and added some tea.

He Dongzhou had seen photos of her from two years ago. She was a little taller than before, and her face was a little fleshy. Unlike before, the beans were shriveled, dehydrated and malnourished.

"Does the skirt fit?" He Dongzhou asked suddenly.

Little Scar nodded.

Her ears are very red.

It didn't seem to fit, so He Dongzhou thought to himself that he would buy a bigger one next time.

Grandma Xu regarded He Dongzhou as her new benefactor and cooked a table of dishes, including chicken, duck and fish, which was more abundant than during the Chinese New Year. The grandparents and grandchildren usually live in poverty. Although He Dongzhou gives Xiao Scar enough money every month, they never spend a penny of it.

At the dinner table, Grandma Xu used clean bowls and chopsticks to pick up vegetables for He Dongzhou. Xiao Scar didn't say much, lowered his head, toasted him with a drink, and wished him good health.

He Dongzhou's car didn't have much oil. If he went the wrong way again like when he came here, the oil wouldn't be enough. There are mountains nearby and there is no hotel. Xiao Scar gave up his room to guests. The bedding was changed to clean ones and smelled like cotton after being exposed to the sun.

The room is not big, the books on the table are piled high, and the walls are covered with awards. The window was an old-fashioned glass window. The steel bars on it were rusty, and the owner of the room had wrapped a hemp rope around it. On the rope hung a string of stars folded from colored paper.

"Mr. He." Xiao Scar knocked on the door outside.

"Come in."

She brought out a bottle of toilet water, which contained half a bottle of dark green liquid: "This is mosquito repellent."

Her grandma made it with herbs. It works very well. The only drawback is that it doesn't smell very good.

"how to use?"

"You can rub it on your wrist." He Dongzhou stretched out his hand, rested his other hand on the edge of the bed, and leaned his back against the wall at the head of the bed.

Xiao Scar hesitated for a moment, poured some potion into the palm of his hand, bent down, and gently applied it on his wrist with his fingers. Her hands, unlike those of most young girls, were hands that often worked. She was wearing a school uniform, which had probably been washed many times. It was thin and white, and the light could shine through.

In the wide hem of the clothes, the girl's waist is slender.

He Dongzhou sweated a lot.

It’s not too hot in the mountains on a June night.

Xiao Scar found a second-hand electric fan at home, wiped it three times with a semi-dry rag, waited for it to dry completely, plugged it in and tried it, and it still worked.

She planned to give it to her benefactor.

She knocked on the door outside, but there was no answer inside.

"Mr. He."

She waited for a few seconds and then opened the door. Mr. He seemed to be asleep. She walked in quietly, moved the chair she used to do homework to the bedside, and placed the electric fan on it. The fan speed was set to medium. She glanced at the person on the bed and turned the fan to a higher speed. When she was about to go out, she realized something was wrong.

"Mr. He."

"Mr. He."

The good health message at the dinner table did not come true. He Dongzhou had a high fever and was unconscious.

The Xu family's grandfather and grandson blamed themselves, thinking that there might be something wrong with their own food, and that their benefactor couldn't get used to it and fell ill. Apart from an old bicycle, the only means of transportation at home is an ox cart, but there are no oxen.

Grandma Xu's legs and feet were inconvenient, so Xiao Scar used her hands to pull the oxcart for three miles and took He Dongzhou to the health center in the village.

"Mr. He."

"Mr. He."


He Dongzhou listened to these three words in a daze.

At night, insects and birds in the mountains are chirping incessantly, and bullock carts make bumping sounds from time to time as they pass over the uneven gravel road.

When He Dongzhou woke up, he was in the health center. The conditions here are very poor, there is no independent ward, and the child who is having an infusion next to him is crying all the time.

The wattage of the light bulb is too bright and is very dazzling.

He Dongzhou saw countless double images. In the double images, a girl with a low ponytail was holding a big red bottle of water. Her eyes were bright: "You're awake."

It was strange, everything around him was strange, he felt like he was in a dream.

Xiao Scar put down the boiled water bottle and sat on the rusty stool next to the bed: "The health center can't perform surgery. We have to wait until dawn to go to the county hospital."

"What disease?"

The little girl's eyes were red: "Appendicitis."

It's just appendicitis, and it's not like he's going to die.

He Dongzhou didn't know why this girl's tears were so low, maybe she was scared. He was too young to remember what happened before, so she was the first one to cry for him.

Her hands had lost a layer of skin from pulling a bullock cart for two hours.

Forget it, let's wait until she grows up.

He Dongzhou temporarily shelved his revenge plan.

On the day the score was announced, Xiao Scar made a phone call to He Dongzhou.

"Mr. He."

This was the first time she called him because she wanted to announce the good news.

"I passed the exam."

"Congratulations." He Dongzhou said, "See you in the Imperial Capital."

The story of Little Scar and the Dog will be explained a little bit in the main text. I’ll see if I write a side story later.

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