He fell in love with the brain in the revenge script

Chapter 215 Chapter 215: Seize the net after a long time, go to hell (2 updates

trial room.

Shen Ru was silent for a long time.

"If I tell everything," she finally said, "can my sentence be reduced?"

Lin Yaoping said: "You can strive for a lighter or reduced punishment."

Shen Ru was very nervous and drank water frequently.

"I added the Gelsemium flower in the medicine, but I wanted to poison Liu Wenhua, not Mr. Second." Not sure whether it was because of regret or fear, Shen Ru started to choke without saying a few words, "Mr. Second said, if Liu Wenhua is not here Then he married me. That was the first time he promised to marry me, and I lost my mind."

"Where do you get Gelsemium flowers?"

"I bought it in a Chinese medicine shop." Shen Ru wiped her tears, "Mr. Da told me that Gelsemium japonica is similar to honeysuckle, but Gelsemium japonica is poisonous. He told me to identify these two medicines carefully to avoid the doctor's suspicion. I grabbed the wrong medicine and didn’t recognize it.”

"What Qin Qi said?"

Shen Ru nodded: "After knowing that the two medicines were similar, I became obsessed with it and secretly replaced the honeysuckle in the medicine with Gelsemium japonica. I thought that if my wife is not in good health, even if the poison is taken, as long as the second husband does not If you report the crime, you can hide it and get past it. But I didn't expect... I didn't expect that by some strange combination of circumstances, the second gentleman drank the medicine."

This is too much of a mistake.

Lin Yaoping felt it was strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange for the time being.

"Officer Lin, can you let me see Mr. Er again?" Shen Ru cried bitterly, "I was the one who harmed him. Please let me see him again."

At this time, at Qin's house, Wen Changling was drinking.

When something good happens, she likes to drink a little wine, preferably slightly drunk. Alcohol can amplify nerve stimulation and excite the brain.


She looked up, still holding the cup in her hand.

Qin Qi came out of the room and thought he had seen it wrong: "Why are you still drinking so late?"

The lawn lamps are on, one every few meters.

Wen Changling was sitting on a stone chair in the courtyard, with a half-filled bottle of foreign wine on the table. She said, "I'm celebrating in advance."

Qin Qi went over: "What are you celebrating?"

Celebrate the shattering of your dreams and your fall from heaven to hell.

This should be the last time she tells lies against her will in this disgusting place: "Congratulations, you are going to be the CEO of the group."

"It's not decided yet."

"It's decided, it's decided."

Chen Qiuchan is about to step down.

At tomorrow's board meeting, a new group CEO will be voted on.

There was an empty cup on the table, so Qin Qi poured himself a cup: "I only have you as my daughter, and all my things will be left to you in the future."

Wen Changling smiled without saying a word and raised his glass to drink.When she raised her head, the slender bones of her neck were exposed. The blurry moonlight mixed with the light of the garden lamp shone on them. They were real and beautiful bones, like exquisite white porcelain. They were so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away and their minds were dizzy.

"You look so much like your mother."

All so beautiful.

"You're confused. She and I don't look alike." Wen Changling sneered in her heart. How could the perpetrator not even remember the victim's face? Damn it.

Qin Qi asked if it was true, and then sighed: "Maybe it's been too long. I'm old and my memory is bad."

The next day, the [-]th.All founding partners must be present at the Huaqi Technology Board of Directors Meeting.Wen Changling specially took Qin Qi's ride to the company. Before he got off the car, he saw many people blocking the entrance of Huaqi's company from a distance, holding equipment in their hands. They were the media.

Qin Qi was surprised: "Why are there so many reporters?"

Wen Changling lay on the car window, watching the excitement outside.

She called the reporter.

What Qin Qi was most afraid of at the beginning was that Wen Yuan and Ana would be exposed in the public eye. She remembered every account.

She turned her head and glanced casually at the Qinan bracelet on Qin Qi's wrist: "You go in first, and I will get off the car after the reporters leave."

[You promised to expose those four people, why did you go back on your word? 】

[Someone gave me a sum of money and warned me not to go into this muddy water. 】

【Who? 】

[I didn’t see the man’s face, he was wearing a string of Qinan bracelets]

At first, because Tong, Zheng, Zhou and Pang's family had great business and Wen Yuan had no way to redress his injustice, the public prosecutor and the prosecutor quietly convicted Ana.Later, when Ana died, the body was disposed of quietly.If the reporter successfully exposed the case, let the matter ferment through public opinion, and exposed the darkness to the sun, how could those evil people dare to be so rampant.

"Lao Zhang," Qin Qi told the driver, "please pull over."

Wen Changling said leisurely: "No, just stop here."

The view here is good.

Qin Qi didn't say anything and got out of the car.Today will be a milestone in his career. The dragon's gate is in front of him, just waiting for a leap.

A reporter saw him and shouted, and then other reporters swarmed around him.Qin Qi is Huaqi Technology’s most popular CEO candidate.

The scene was too lively and chaotic, and the security guard at the door quickly stepped forward to maintain order.As soon as the security guard pushed aside the crowd, Qin Qi saw two familiar faces.

The two people walked over from outside the crowd.

Qin Qi's expression suddenly changed, the dragon gate turned into a ghost gate, and all his expectations were instantly dashed.

"Mr. Qin Qi," Lin Yaoping showed his police card and arrest warrant, "You are suspected of an intentional homicide case. This is an arrest warrant. Please come with us."

At this moment, the reporters gathered around became silent.

Qin Qi's lips turned white: "You must have made a mistake."

"You have the right to remain silent or hire a lawyer, but everything you say now will be brought to court in the future." Lin Yaoping stepped forward and controlled Qin Qi's hands with his colleagues, "Please cooperate with us. Detective work.”

Qin Qi did not resist, and turned to Dai Qiu: "You tell Director Chen to postpone the board of directors meeting first."

Then, Qin Qi was taken into the police car.

On the day Huaqi Technology selected its CEO, the most popular candidate was turned into a murder suspect. Shocking news fell from the sky, and media reporters took photos frantically.

The roller rubbed, and blue flames rose from the lighter's burner.

Wen Changling placed the photo on the fire, and the black smoke curled up and burned with the light of the fire.Her fingertips gradually became hot, and she let go, and the burning photo fell into the car trash can.

In the photo, Qin Qi's face was burned to ashes.

She looked out the window and waved to the police car: "Go slowly."

It's not a manslaughter, Shen Ru is not simple, it's a game within a game within a game.

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