Under one person: I am alone, and I dominate the world

Chapter 118 The place where gray and black intertwine

Chapter 118 The place where gray and black intertwine

The girl was stunned. She didn't expect that her male companion, who was still erect one moment, had no head at the next moment.

At this moment, the audience fell silent, only the loud electronic music, without any pause.

Immediately afterwards, after a few beats, bursts of heart-piercing panic shouts erupted in it!
Panic pervaded the entire first floor in an instant, and the people who saw the situation clearly lost their souls in an instant when faced with this scene beyond their cognition.

Some yelled helplessly on the spot, some squatted on the ground crying in mourning with their legs limp, and some bold ones rushed out with the strength of alcohol.

The order in the bar on the first floor was disrupted, and the crowd started a riot.

Xiao Zizai, who took all this into his eyes, trembled, his dilated red pupils were full of excitement, he looked straight at the headshot corpse, and murmured: "Simple and crisp, with a unique sense of beauty, this is—— This is the art of killing!"

While speaking, his muscles began to tremble, and he couldn't help arching his body slightly, like a wild wolf about to hunt!

Zhang Taichu was speechless, still put his hands behind his back, and went straight to the second floor, Xiao Zizai followed closely behind him, Zhang Zhiwei also stepped to follow, and all the juniors followed after recovering.

In front of the crowd, all the figures rushing towards them will be pushed away by an invisible force, and a path will be separated, but the crowd in extreme panic will not pay attention to this point, but will be in a panic. Squeeze towards the entrance.

Zhang Taichu walked all the way to the stairs leading to the second floor, and followed the steps.


at the same time.

10 minutes ago, on the second floor of Paradise Bar.

The layout here is much more detailed than that on the first floor.

In addition to the dance floor that can be seen as far as the eye can see, there are booths surrounded by arcs. Behind the booths are boxes with locked doors. There are also many people here, either drinking or drinking. gambling, or disco
Compared with the first floor, there are many fewer people here, only dozens of people. Their temperament is also different from the people on the first floor. They exude a faint energy, and they are all like strangers!

This is a gathering place for the whole sex, and it is also a place where a group of similar people can "communicate and cooperate" with each other.

One after another of these figures are either tall and bloated, with a bare head and a horizontal face, or thin and stooped, with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, and some with colorfully dyed hair and various nails hanging all over their bodies.

But the same thing is that their eyes are more hostile and evil than those of ordinary people in daily life.

In the surrounding boxes, there were vague screams, or the obscene sound of waves, and the sound of being in a trance, or the sound of chiseling. Percussion sound, all kinds of sounds are intertwined, and they are suppressed by the explosive music.
This is a gathering place for all sexes, and it is a place where gray, white and black are intertwined.

Behind an iron door in the center of the edge, in a bright room, the explosive music of the dance hall was weakened by layers of sound-absorbing cotton, and finally weakened a lot.

The atmosphere in the room was a little tense.

There was a fat, bald man with his legs crossed, sitting casually on the sofa, with a narrow scar on his face, and beside him stood two thin men with yellow hair who looked like servants.

However, the narrow and long eyes of the fat bald man revealed a lewd light at this moment, and he looked at the young woman kneeling on the tiled floor in front of him without any scruples.

The woman was wearing an OL professional attire, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. On her pretty face, her eyes were blurred with tears, revealing her helplessness. Her two snow-white legs, with their short skirts exposed, were kneeling on the ground bent, with both knees Has been flushed.

The woman knelt in front of the fat bald man, her pale lips parted slightly, and she cried, "Please let me go, let my family go, I beg you."

"My mother is seriously ill. I only borrowed 30 yuan from you, but I have already paid back more than [-] yuan. Why don't you let me go?"

Her name is Zhang Wanqing, she is a top student who graduated from Jinmen University and has just worked for more than a year.

She grew up in a divorced family. She grew up under the hard work of her mother. She was also very competitive. She struggled all the way out of the small town and was admitted to a key university in Jinmen. She thought that her future would be bright, and she could finally bring her mother live a good life.

But this nightmare came just three years ago.

At that time, she was still studying in her junior year, but one day, she suddenly received the news from the hospital that her mother was seriously ill. Only then did she know that the latter had been hiding her illness from her, because she had no money for medical treatment, and even more so. Afraid of dragging her down, she was unwilling to receive treatment.

When Zhang Wanqing heard the news, she felt as if she had been hit by a bolt from the blue, and the first thought in her mind was - no matter what, she must keep her mother!

But she had been dependent on her mother since she was a child. She lost contact with her few relatives when she was very young. Starting from college, she used all her spare time to work part-time to pay for her own tuition and living expenses, trying her best to reduce the burden on her mother.

Where can a family like theirs go to ask for expensive medical expenses?

In the end, having no other way out, she could only borrow medical expenses from a loan company she found out about by accident, which saved her mother and took on a heavy debt. The person who made the loan was the fat man in front of her, Sun Xiaoguo .

At that time, she naively thought that everything was as agreed at the beginning. In addition to repaying the 5 yuan loan, she only needed to repay the agreed 2 yuan within the agreed time limit.

At the same time, she was about to get an internship and employment at that time, thinking that with her own ability, she could quickly pay off the loan and interest.

The fact was as she expected, 7 yuan, which she had saved during her senior year as an intern, and was returned to Sun Xiaoguo who had lent her money.

But she didn't expect that the other party turned his face and denied it, claiming that the 5 yuan had risen to 15, and even threatened her directly, and used many tricks in the open and in the dark to force her to submit.

She tried several means to protect herself and her mother, but she was met with even more vicious retaliation. In the end, she could only grit her teeth and accept her fate, worked hard, and gave Sun Xiaoguo another 8 yuan.

But what she got in return was that the other party pressed her every step of the way, and kept raising the interest on the loan that had already been paid off again and again, making her on the verge of collapse and despair!
Until now, she has paid back more than 30 yuan.

But the other party was like a bottomless pit, as if he wanted to eat her, and even tonight, he sent someone to break into her rental house, directly threatened her mother's life, and forced her to come to this paradise bar.

And that Sun Xiaoguo, the meaning revealed in his words was that he wanted to occupy her body!
At this moment, facing all this, all Zhang Wanqing could do was beg helplessly, crying: "Please, please let me go, let my family go."

However, when Sun Xiaoguo faced the begging of the beauty in front of him, the lustful light in his eyes became more intense, and an evil fire rose in his belly. He couldn't help but want to, and directly forced the other person!
Thinking about it, an evil smile appeared on his plump face. He reached out and pinched the empty wine bottle on one side. With his breath running, he crushed the heavy glass bottle into powder with a click in front of Zhang Wanqing.

When Zhang Wanqing saw this scene, the fear in her eyes became even stronger!

(End of this chapter)

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