Rebirth begins with marrying an educated youth

Chapter 376 Encounter on the way

Chapter 376 Encounter on the way

Going to the capital?

Ji Yuanhai was indeed surprised when he heard Feng Xue's thoughts.

Later, I realized that Feng Xue's thoughts were not unprepared - on the surface, Ji Yuanhai came to the capital, but he was looking for Gong Lin, and Gong Lin was the shield.

Feng Xue was not accompanying Ji Yuanhai, but accompanying Gong Lin, and by the way, she was meeting Ji Yuanhai.

This is a reason that makes sense on the surface, and is barely reasonable.

However, there are still some risks.

Ji Yuanhai didn't answer immediately, and Feng Xue's heart suddenly sank, and his voice became obviously duller: "Are you—unwilling to come to the capital to see me?"

Ji Yuanhai replied: "If you really want to see me, I will go even if there is risk."

"But we have to work things out."

Feng Xue heard what he said and muttered unhappily: "I really want to see you."

"Then let's discuss how to get this done." Ji Yuanhai said.

Feng Xue's tone became excited: "Are you willing to come?"

"It's not that I didn't want to see you, it's just because I feel that there are risks in this matter, and we need to avoid risks." Ji Yuanhai said, "You miss me, and of course I miss you too. I will leave for the capital tomorrow. "

Feng Xue was overjoyed and laughed for a while before she realized: "You are right. We need to discuss the relevant details carefully."

Ji Yuanhai asked: "The reason why I went to the capital is——"

"The superficial reason is that you once lent money to Gong Lin. Gong Lin was very grateful to you and invited you to visit the capital. I was also called out by Gong Lin to accompany me." Feng Xue said with a smile, "The underlying reason , Gong Lin fell in love with you out of gratitude and wanted to pursue you, but since you are already married, she can only invite you to the capital in this way."

Ji Yuanhai couldn't help but be surprised: "Well, it's all on the outside and the inside. Under normal circumstances, no one can detect the truth."

Feng Xue said with a smile: "My arrangements are quite thoughtful, right?"

"So, should I go to your house to visit your dad?" Ji Yuanhai asked, "Don't forget, your dad also knows about me, and even told you that he would take me as his own if he has the chance in the future and train me into a Go-getter.”

Feng Xue pondered for a moment and replied: "We have to show a calm attitude in this matter. Don't dodge and avoid. Avoiding will only make us look ulterior."

"I'll ask my dad directly tomorrow and ask him to decide."

"Generally speaking, he is very busy and won't have time to see you; but if he is really interested in you, he might find time to see you."

After hearing this, Ji Yuanhai nodded in agreement and added another detail: "Since you want to use Gong Lin as a shield, then when we meet, we can't go beyond the boundaries of friends..."

"Although this is a bit unpleasant, it is also natural." Feng Xue said helplessly, "Yuan Hai, from now on... we really have to persist for a long, long time."

"Then, what should Gong Lin do?" Ji Yuanhai asked the last question.

Feng Xue asked: "You mean - let's use her as a shield, should we tell her clearly?"

"Yes," Ji Yuanhai said, "If you don't tell her clearly, if she really thinks there is something between the two of us, then further complications will arise. Maybe she will think that we have feelings and become attracted to her or something like that. .”

Feng Xue continued: "But if you say it clearly, it means there is a risk."

When Ji Yuanhai heard the words, he also pondered and considered.

To basically believe in Gong Lin's character and morality, that's for sure; but to completely trust Gong Lin, that would be too naive and naive.

Lu Heling, Wang Zhuyun, and Liu Xianglan are all women who have experienced ups and downs with Ji Yuanhai and finally reconciled physically and mentally. Only Ji Yuanhai can believe them.

Feng Xue has been with Ji Yuanhai University for three and a half years. They understand each other's changes over time, and they have feelings as a foundation. Ji Yuanhai also believes in her. But Gong Lin... spent too little time together, and didn't know much about each other.

Telling her about her feelings about Feng Xue and Ji Yuanhai, and asking her to actively cooperate as a shield, is indeed risky. Not only may she take the initiative to tell others, but there is also the possibility that she may be lax and leak the news.

Ji Yuanhai and Feng Xue both thought of this, and both of them had to seriously consider it for a while.

After a while, Feng Xue finally said: "Yuan Hai, if our personal affairs are really going to happen and go far, we can't mention it to anyone easily."

"Things are kept secret, words are revealed. If we know that there are risks and still believe that outsiders will not leak them, sooner or later we will be exposed in this regard."

"My idea is this - although we will use Gong Lin as a shield next time, I will no longer suggest or encourage Gong Lin to have any thoughts about you. You two can just let nature take its course and become good friends, and we will remain calm. Having contact through her is the best outcome."

"If you can't be good friends, no matter what the outcome is, the development of our relationship must be kept secret and not leaked."

Ji Yuanhai could hear Feng Xue's determination.

Holding the phone in his hand, after a few seconds of silence, he made a decision: "Okay."

The matter between him and Feng Xue was too sensitive after all. If he wanted to really move forward, he really couldn't say anything to the outside world.

After hanging up the phone, Ji Yuanhai told Lu Heling, Wang Zhuyun, and Liu Xianglan that he was going to the capital tomorrow.

Lu Heling was a little worried: "When you go to the capital now, be sure nothing happens!"

"Don't worry, Feng Xue and I have discussed this." Ji Yuanhai said with relief, "Nothing will happen."

Now that he had made his decision, Lu Heling, Wang Zhuyun, and Liu Xianglan said nothing more.

Ji Yuanhai is going to the capital, so Fangcaoxuan cannot open for business. Lu Heling, Wang Zhuyun, and Liu Xianglan discussed it and planned to go to Haolilai Clothing Mall tomorrow. I also want to ask by the way, how is the branch of Haolilai Clothing Mall in Lucheng City going?

That night, Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling leaned together and talked softly.

The couple spoke more frankly about Feng Xue's topic at this time, including Ji Yuanhai and Feng Xue's considerations about Gong Lin.

"Gong Lin, is it possible to enter our home?"

"Not sure." Ji Yuanhai said, "Anyway, for now, the matter between Feng Xue and I must be an absolute secret, and we can only take it one step at a time."

Lu Heling nodded and said, "Even if you are very careful and go out alone every Saturday, if someone pays attention, something will happen."

"In the last half year, as I say, you should not go out at all."

"You are in the backyard room. Even if someone comes, as long as I am here, can others think too much?"

After hearing this, Ji Yuanhai couldn't help but feel moved in his heart: "He Ling, to be honest, perhaps the luckiest thing in my life is marrying you and starting a family."

"Your accommodation to me is already..."

He could not continue to describe this in words. He could only hug his wife in his arms and express his truest feelings.

Lu Heling also felt his feelings with tenderness.

The two of them cuddled together and moved slowly, just like a pool of autumn water, rippling slightly and full of deep affection.

The next day, Ji Yuanhai said goodbye to Lu Heling and others, took a satchel and boarded the train to the capital.

On the green train, the scenery outside the window recedes.

After Ji Yuanhai looked out the window for a while, he felt bored. He closed his eyes and recalled some past events and outlined his future development.

Yuejia, Mengjia in the provincial capital, Haolilai Clothing Mall, Fengjia in the capital... In addition, one's own abilities also need suitable conditions and places before they can be brought into full play.

Just as he was thinking about it, he felt someone approaching and Ji Yuanhai opened his eyes.

A man with a deer head and rat eyes was reaching for his satchel.

Seeing Ji Yuanhai open his eyes, the man retracted his hand as if nothing had happened, scratched his head, chatted and laughed with a strong man with a flat head next to him, and the two of them walked towards the next carriage.

He ran pretty fast.

When Ji Yuanhai saw the two train pickpockets leaving together, he no longer regarded himself as a target, so he stopped pursuing them to cause trouble.

After all, Ji Yuanhai didn't know how many companions they had. It would be better to have one less thing than to do more.

However, within ten minutes, the calm was broken by the fierce noise in the next carriage.

A few good-natured passengers came over to take a look, and then turned around and described it to everyone with excitement, as if they were on a mission to "gather information."

"There was a girl in the carriage over there. She was so fierce that she beat two men down on her own and said their hands and feet were dirty!"

Yo, this is so weird!

Several passengers were also tempted and ran to the entrance of the carriage to watch the excitement.

Ji Yuanhai was also a little curious. Could it be that two train pickpockets were beaten by a girl? That's a real heroine.

However, he was not someone who liked to join in the fun, and immediately a police officer came over, shouting and blowing whistles, asking all passengers to return to their seats and not to disturb the order of the train.

After a while, several police officers led a group of people through the carriage and walked out.

The two men who were beaten were indeed the train pickpockets just now. They were walking crookedly and following the policemen.

Behind them are a middle-aged woman and a big girl with wavy hair and a plump figure. The middle-aged woman is whispering: "Please be calm, you can get into trouble even if you go out and take a train." ——”

"Mom, I didn't mean it..." As the girl spoke, she turned her eyes inadvertently and saw Ji Yuan Hai. She was overjoyed and said, "Hey, you're taking the train too!"

"where are you going?"

Ji Yuanhai looked at her and reacted to her voice.

"Bai Yanan?"

"Yes, I am Bai Yanan, Ji Yuanhai, where are you going!"

Bai Yanan asked.

Ji Yuanhai was a little surprised when he saw Bai Yanan like this. How did she get a wavy hairstyle after returning home?

Not to mention, with her figure, she managed to dress up like a mature sister-in-law at such a young age...

(End of this chapter)

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