I'm in Wudang god catcher

Chapter 560 Hongwu Ceremony, Zhu Yuanzhang’s wish

Also defeated first.

After all, he failed to wait for reinforcements from Meng Yuan.

There was an overwhelming Ming Dynasty attack outside, and the Jin Yiwei was causing trouble inside. The courtiers were seriously divided, the morale of the army was completely lost, and there was a large-scale rout.

In order to make their chaos worse, Ming even slowed down the attack speed, but assumed an offensive posture and put strong pressure on them to kill each other.

In fact, Zhu Biao slowed down the attack speed not only to increase the internal friction in Wala, but also to adjust the plan for Wala, overthrowing the previous plan and starting over.

According to Zhu Biao's original plan.

This time we should attack Wala, occupy the sacred land of Wala, and leave the Wushuang Kingdom as a watchdog to prevent Meng Yuan from being stimulated and sending a large army to join the battlefield.

All in all:

——Win steadily and plan for it slowly!

Unexpectedly, Meng Yuan did not want to send troops, and even made a plan for Zheng Guoqu, hoping that the Ming Dynasty would occupy Oara, consume a huge amount of resources in Oara, and exhaust the Ming treasury.

What is Zheng Guoqu's plan?

More than a thousand years ago, Qin and South Korea were neighboring countries. South Korea was worried that Qin would attack itself, so it sent a craftsman named Zheng Guo to persuade Ying Zheng to build a canal.

According to South Korea's plan, this water canal can weaken Qin's national power and make them unable to invade.

The results of it?

After the Zhengguo Canal was built, water was diverted for irrigation. Guanzhong has since become a fertile wilderness thousands of miles away. Materials can also be transported by water transportation, which greatly reduces losses.

Qin's national power has been greatly enhanced, laying a solid foundation for the annihilation of the six kingdoms. Zheng Guo is really a great contributor!

How to describe this?

Can you say that this strategy is wrong?

At least in the years when the Zhengguo Canal was built, the Qin State was indeed unable to invade, which proved that it was at least somewhat useful. As for the future, let future generations solve it!

Believe in the wisdom of future generations!

The princes and nobles of the Meng Yuan Dynasty believed very much in the wisdom of their descendants, and they would definitely be able to think of a solution.

What should I do if I can’t think of a way?

Wang Baobao used the last glory of his life to open up a way out for them, at least to save the seeds.

In this case, Zhu Biao is welcome!

He wants all of Wala!

Two months passed in the blink of an eye. Ye Xian's army had been defeated and fled in all directions with the remaining soldiers. The Ming Dynasty cavalry drove straight in and occupied various state capitals in Oara.


"First of all, why don't you get off your horse and be bound!"

Shen Lian smiled wildly and looked at Ye Xian.

However, Shen Lian and Chang Mao made a bet, each choosing a direction to catch him first. Although Chang Mao was rich in experience, Shen Lian had a falcon and could look for traces in the air first.

It may also be that Chang Mao deliberately gave way to Shen Lian.

He is the commander-in-chief of the march, and Shen Lian's contribution is Chang Mao's. Besides, Shen Lian has made great contributions and can be rewarded at will. He has to leave sooner or later anyway.

If Chang Mao continues to award the reward, some things will be difficult to say. According to Chang Mao's plan, he wants to become the first governor of the Anxi Protectorate of the Ming Dynasty. His current achievements are just right, and he has a perfect grasp of the psychological bottom line.

Shen Lian was a martial artist, and most of his deeds were recorded in martial arts history. What is recorded in the history books should be:

——Ye Xian was defeated, Mao chased him, captured him, and was awarded the title of Grand Governor of the Anxi Protectorate for his merits...

He is indeed a great general with male and female eyes.

Sure enough, there are eighteen hundred tricks!

After more than a month of bloody battles, Ye Xian's elite troops suffered heavy losses. Now, only three to five hundred personal guards are with him, and these people are his die-hard loyalists.

Looking at Shen Lian showing off his power, looking at Shen Lian's slightly expectant eyes, he also said to the defeated general, how can he be brave enough, just fulfill your reputation!

"May I ask General Gao's name?"

"I am Qiantang Shen Lian!"

After shouting these words, Shen Lian only felt that his whole body was sublimated, and at the same time he felt a little regretful. It would have been more perfect if he had given himself a nickname.

"It turns out to be General Huwei. I've heard about the reputation of Lord Huwei for a long time. Now that I see him today, he's like a tiger!"

"Do you surrender, Your Excellency?"

"Since I decided to start the rebellion, I have no intention of turning back. Although General Huwei is brave, he may not be able to kill all my five hundred personal guards."

"Not necessarily!"

Shen Lian galloped on his horse and went on a rampage. Although Ye Xian's bodyguards were loyal, they were all injured after the fierce battle. How could they stop Shen Lian.

The guards were separated by Shen Lian like a tide. Shen Lian grabbed Ye Xian and sealed Ye Xian's acupuncture points.

Ye Xian smiled bitterly and said: "Shen Lian, I heard that you don't know how to acupuncture, how can you use it so neatly?"

"Rumors in the world cannot be believed at all!"

Shen Lianxin said that I am not good at acupoints. Either I don't know how to acupoints, or I use a heavy hand when I do acupoints. If it were Shen Lian before, he would have broken a few bones first.

Since the seven qi were unified, Shen Lian has mastered the control of power so meticulously that he can use his acupuncture hand at will.

The only pity is that the Yi Yang Finger is still an internal skill and cannot eject pure Yang Finger power.

Shen Lian captured Ye Xian alive, but Ye Xian's personal guards no longer resisted and obediently dropped their weapons. Shen Lian's Qingqiu swarmed up behind him and tied them up with ropes.

"First of all, what is this place?"

"This place is called Tumu Fort. It is the fortress I built for final resistance. Time is also destiny!"

I also took a long sigh first.

"A good name, it is indeed the destiny of the time!"

Shen Lian sighed immediately.

My heart says that you were born decades earlier. If I were to change your opponent, you would be the one showing off your power now.

"Shen Lian, what will the prince do to me?"

"I don't know, it's not my business."

"What kind of official position do you want to obtain?"

"The name is very prestigious. The more prestigious, the better. It doesn't matter whether you have real power or not. I just want those fancy titles. It's best to give them a few more."


"Because we have many children at home!"

Also first: ( ̄ω ̄;)

Bullying, I haven’t read the history books, right?

More than a thousand years have passed since the Tweeting Order!

Are you Ming Dynasty still playing the trick of pushing favor orders?

"What's that look in your eyes? I want to get a long list of titles, and then each child will inherit two characters without having to choose a name. I'm really not good at naming.

My wife gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. I couldn't think of a name, so I had to give them a baby name.

My son Shen Dahu and my daughter Shen Xiaohu.

How dare you despise me?

There is an allusion to this name!

Sun Quan’s daughter is called this!

I know that Sun Quan’s sons and daughters killed each other because Sun Lang shot the tiger, which was a name that conflicted with their family.

My name in the world is White Tiger Star Lord, and my imperial title is Huwei. I am a tiger, and my daughter-in-law is a tiger cub. This is in line with the laws of genetics.

Have you read enough poetry and books?

How about you help me think of a great title?

Don't close your eyes!

I know you're not asleep! "

Shen Lian's verbal attacks were endless, and he secretly cursed himself for not wiping his neck. If he died, he wouldn't have to listen to five hundred flies flying around his ears.

Shen Lian is really not to blame for this matter.

As we all know, when Shen Lian was recovering from a serious injury, his brain would twitch intermittently and his mouth would move faster than his brain.

When I was marching and fighting, I was concentrating on it, and the military law was strict. I kept my mouth shut forcibly and sucked a piece of fruit every night to prevent me from talking nonsense in my dreams.

Now that I have to capture him alive, I can relax completely.

Shen Lian's talk, which he had accumulated for more than a month, was completely unleashed. He was even more talkative than Deadpool!

He first felt that Shen Lian was punishing himself.

——Your Majesty, stop reading, I will recruit them all! ——What on earth do you want to know?

"First of all, I'm curious about something. I heard that you are very familiar with Yan Timur. Yan Timur was so powerful in the Meng Yuan Dynasty that even the queen dared to get involved. Why didn't he rebel? He thought Are you a loyal minister?"

He also rolled his eyes at Shen Lian first.

"Because he doesn't want to be destroyed by the Ming Dynasty."

"Are you wondering why Yan Timur didn't send reinforcements? What was he thinking? Where are Wang Baobao's elite cavalry now?"

"Does Marquis Huwei know?"

"I can answer your previous question. Yan Timur did not come because Meng Yuan regarded Wala as the Zheng Guo Canal of the Ming Dynasty and wanted to use it to consume the Ming Dynasty."

Hearing this, I was almost angry to death!

Ye Xian has read poetry and books and is very knowledgeable. Of course he knows what Zheng Guoqu's situation is, and he also knows that the point of the matter is not how much time is delayed, but that Yan Timur and others are cowarded and they dare not fight head-on.

"Time is also fate!"

"And Chen Ye!"

"What chén yě?"

"Chen Youliang's son, Chen Ye, is living a peaceful life now. I hope you can imitate him. You only have one life left, so why should you be upset?"

Also first: (;≧д≦)

If it weren't for the acupoints being sealed, I would be fighting with you right now. Can you say something humane?


With Ye Xian being captured alive, the War of Oala came to an end. Both Khan Tuotuo Buhua and Zhang Shicheng's descendant Zhang Zongzhou were all captured alive.

The occupation of Wala cannot be completed in a short time.

Zhu Biao could not stay in Wala for a long time.

It is even more impossible for Shen Lian to stay in Wala for a long time.

Simply deal with the mess in Oala, and wait until the officials sent by Lao Zhu to manage Oala, and everyone returns to the capital with the prisoners, and the journey is uneventful and they return safely.

On the way, Zhu Biao heard some news.

First of all, after Zhu Xi was imprisoned in the clan's mansion, he was bullied by Zhu Fan in various ways. The two of them did not deal with him. Now that Zhu Xi is in a state of despair, how could Zhu Fan let go of this opportunity?

By chance, Zhu Fan released the outer guards through the gap and put in a few knights-errants.

Then, Zhu Ping was assassinated!

This incident made Zhu Yuanzhang furious, and he ordered the Ministry of Punishment to investigate the case and the three judicial departments to jointly try it.

Shen Lian's brothers were reminded that most of them made excuses to handle the case outside. The highest-ranking official in the six sects was the steward Liu Jiyan, who was put in charge of investigating the case.

Of course, Liu Jiyan only looked for clues. The person really responsible for the case was Lu Bing, the commander of the Jinyiwei who was bedridden and returned to his hometown because he wanted to kill himself.

How could the things Zhu Fan did be hidden from the detection of these people? Even the "Blood Yitang", which he carefully trained and prepared to use to achieve great things, was completely destroyed by the Jin Yiwei, and Zhu Fan was imprisoned in the clan mansion.

There were so many things about the prince, and what happened next was a major court case. The position of prime minister was eventually abolished, and many people were killed for this.

Heads rolling, blood flowing like rivers!

When I returned to Jinling, I could still smell the bloody smell at Caishikou, which made people frown.


"Shen Lian, what reward do you want?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked this great hero who had returned from the northwest while reading the memorial.

Shen Lian said: "For a majestic title, the more majestic it sounds, the better. The more words, the better. It is best to have some elegant words that can be used as names."

"You little naughty boy, you are so naughty. You have made such great contributions. If I only give you some false titles, it would seem unclear about rewards and punishments.

This jade Ruyi in my hand has been with me for thirty or forty years, and I will reward it to you today! "

With that said, Zhu Yuanzhang handed Ruyi to Shen Lian.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

Shen Lian took the jade Ruyi.

This stuff is great!

As a family heirloom, it can be passed down for more than ten generations, and it can also be used as a get-out-of-jail-free gold medal. Anyone who dares to come to the Shen family to arrest someone will take this out. Jade is relatively fragile and will break if it is bumped. It has the same effect as porcelain. .

Why are the Alchemy Iron Coupons useless?

Because it is made of iron and cannot be broken. When the emperor wants to kill you, he can think of thousands of excuses.

Shen Lian played with the jade Ruyi, thinking about how to use the jade Ruyi to touch porcelain. Zhu Yuanzhang asked: "Ruyi is in accordance with my wishes. You take away my Ruyi, but you must also help me Ruyi and solve the troubles in my heart."

"Your Majesty, your back is itchy?"

"My butcher knife is itching."

"Ahem~ Your Majesty, please give me instructions!"

Zhu Yuanzhang touched his forehead: "Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that the prime minister was deposed. Those scholars have been writing letters for a long time, which makes me upset.

You can give me an idea and ask those Confucian scholars to stop submitting letters, lest I lose control! "

Shen Lian: It doesn’t matter if you abolish the prime minister. Think of the Nan Study and the Military Aircraft Department in the Qing Dynasty. That is the pinnacle.

Shen Lian scratched his chin: "Your Majesty, I think the best way to stop them from submitting letters is to find something for them to do, such as governing Oara."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "I have selected a group of capable people to govern Wala, a group of talented people to promote Confucianism, and there are still a few old-fashioned and old scholars left. These people are in their eighties and cannot support the long journey."

"Hi~ I have thought of a way."

"any solution?"

Shen Lianxin said Zhu Di, Zhu Di, in order to solve your father's troubles, I can only borrow your inspiration.

Anyway, it's all your old Zhu family's business.

"The old Confucian you are reluctant to attack for the time being must be a learned and talented person who understands the past and the present. What this kind of person loves most is reputation. Your Majesty can give him reputation.

For example, if you want to compile a huge work, which includes hundreds of books on classics and history since the time of Fanshuqi, as well as on astronomy, geography, yin and yang, medical divination, monks and craftsmanship, and compile it into one book, you need to find a chief editor. .

Wouldn’t these old pedants be a good fit?

Everyone knew how much fame this would gain.

There can only be one chief editor.

There can be many associate editors.

But the deputy is just the deputy, not as good as the positive.

In addition, I killed Ji Beiqing, a direct descendant of the Ji family, in the Western Region Sword City. I found her lair and found tens of thousands of various volumes and hundreds of single volumes.

The 500-year-old collection of the Demonic Sword bereaved has been pulled by more than a dozen oxcarts, and there are hundreds of volumes of solitary books.

Some of these books are written in small seal script, and some are even in oracle bone inscriptions, which need to be deciphered.

Those single volumes need careful proofreading.

Your Majesty can arrange for the Confucian scholar who submitted the letter to do it.

It will take at least twenty or thirty years until they complete these things, so keep your ears clean! "

"What's the name of this masterpiece?"

""Hongwu Grand Ceremony"!"

"Good name, let's do it!" (End of chapter)

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