I'm in Wudang god catcher

Chapter 548: As clear as a god, adding fuel to the fire

"Should I call you Guan Yutian, or should I call you Murong Hua? To be honest, I think the name Guan Yutian is more domineering and more in line with your temperament!"

Shen Lian and Jin Bingyun went to the meeting alone...with two swords, not to mention personal guards and only one war horse.

Shen Lian rides Yue Ya'er.

Jin Bingyun is also riding Yue Ya'er.

If I didn’t take a bath, brush my coat, and feed myself high-quality feed last night, I would definitely be in trouble today.

The meeting place was not the Supreme Alliance, but a valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Guan Yutian only took Ren Qianxing and Ling Rushen, as well as five personal subordinates.

They are the elite members of the Demon Sword Relics. They have successfully cultivated the Sword Gang and are proficient in the Four Directions and Five Elements Sword Formation.

The greatest advantage of the Demonic Sword Relic is that there are countless masters of swordsmanship. Any member who has received complete training will be a first-class swordsman.

Regarding the practice of swordsmanship, the Demon Sword survivors have developed a complete system, comparable to Shaolin Wudang.

Guan Yutian smiled and said: "How dare you call yourself supreme in front of Marquis Huwei? The left and right are just code names. Whatever name Huweihou likes, he can be called by that name."

"Okay, I like Murong Hua better!"

Guan Yutian: ( ̄ω ̄;)

That's not what you said ten seconds ago!

Shen Lian thought of an interesting analysis. The name Guan Yutian was too overbearing, which caused Kang Long to regret it. Therefore, in the original plot, Guan Yutian never won a fight. Even Yan Zangfeng gave Guan Yutian a small meal. deficit.

On the contrary, the simple and unpretentious Murong Hua was victorious in every battle and victorious in every battle. Even heroes such as Helian Bana were easily defeated by him.

Just listen to this!

If there is a person named Wang whose name contains words such as champion and number one, wouldn’t it be okay?

Wang Tianyi cried and fainted in the toilet!


Wang Tianyi happens to be a chess player!

it's fate!

Guan Yutian didn't know what Shen Lian was thinking, he just thought that Shen Lian had some plan. Shen Lian's face could no longer deceive people, even if he pretended to be sick!

"How much does Hu Weihou know about us?"

"It's not too much, and it's not too little either. I know you want to open the King of Chess City and have a life-and-death chess game with Bingyun. I can agree to all of these, and I can even stand by and never participate in this matter."

The conditions given by Shen Lian were very generous.

The more favorable the conditions, the more terrifying the traps and the higher the price.

Of course Guan Yutian understands this truth.

The Shen family has been in business for generations, and they are well aware of the principle that only by hard work can you gain something. Shen Lian's favorable conditions are equivalent to the upfront costs and are used to earn profits.

There is no such thing as pie in the sky!

Free things are the most expensive!

If you don't understand the trap and swallow the benefits in one gulp, you will find that there is a hook hidden in it, and you have become a sweet and sour fish!

"Marquis Huwei, open the sky and speak frankly. You offered such generous terms, but I didn't dare to accept them for a moment. What conditions does Marquis Huwei have?"

Shen Lian smiled and said: "Bingyun, it seems that I won this bet again, which proves that my theory is correct."

Jin Bingyun's face turned red with embarrassment, knowing that when she went back tonight, Shen Lian would transform into a tiger and a wolf and savor the taste of victory, and her fairy-like trophy would be eaten up in various ways.

——I wonder what other tricks your husband has?

——Most likely I learned it from the Destiny Witch!

But it was Shen Lian who made a bet with Jin Bingyun.

Shen Lian said that Guan Yutian seemed domineering, but in fact he was very cautious. If I directly offered him a very generous offer, Guan Yutian would definitely not accept it.

Jin Bingyun felt that even though Guan Yutian knew there must be fraud, he still wanted to take advantage first.

The dangers are in the future, the benefits are in the present.

Danger will come with the "future", but the benefits will disappear with the "now". Instead of thinking so much about calculations, it is better to eat before talking.

The result was obvious, Shen Lian won.

Jin Bingyun ignored one thing, that is, Shen Lian's character in some aspects had long been negative.

Guan Yutian admitted that he had no friendship with Shen Lian, and the benefits sent by Shen Lian would definitely come with a fishhook.

"Hu Weihou is just making a bet?"

"Of course not. The conditions I give always count. I promise you a thousand dollars, but I just need to add a few conditions, such as your letters."

"What kind of letter? Is it innate strength?"

"I'm not interested in martial arts secret books. When martial arts reaches my level, there is no point in stacking secret books. I don't have a collecting habit, so I don't need so many martial arts. What I want is literature, including your family tree."

For a big family, especially one with a heritage of five hundred years, the greatest honor is definitely not some martial arts secret book, but their family tree.

That’s proof of their family heritage!

That is their magnificent family history!

Shen Lian said seriously: "Guan Yutian, I want all the books you have collected over the past five hundred years, whether they are poetry, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhist scriptures, or even myths and nursery rhymes, all must be handed over to me!"

Liao Rushen smiled and said: "Huweihou, I don't know what secret you want to find. If it doesn't involve secrets, why not tell me, I might know the answer."

Shen Lian said bluntly: "I want to know who the ancestor of the Demon Sword family is. I want to know who forged the original Heart Sword and Demon Sword. I want to know the secrets that were lost in time. Can you answer these questions?"


Liao Rushen was silent.

He considered himself to be as knowledgeable as a god, and felt that nothing was beyond his control and that everyone was a pawn, but he had never thought about the questions Shen Lian asked.

What's the use of studying those?

The ancient man from five hundred years ago may have been reincarnated seven or eight times or even more than ten times. What is the meaning of knowing his name? Can you use this to become king and dominate?

Is the name that important?

Could it be that the name seals the sacred immortal Buddha?

Guan Yutian asked tentatively: "Hu Weihou only needs these scrolls and does not need martial arts secret books?"

Shen Lian said: "No need at all!"

Guan Yutian said: "I can't give you the family tree, but I can read it completely in front of Hu Weihou to ensure that it is the real family tree."


"I will pack the scroll neatly and send it to Sifang City before entering Qi King City. I will never hide any secrets."

"Are you worried that I will delve into the chess records from the books and find your weaknesses? I said that my goal is some special secrets. I only need those books. As long as the books are sent, I can negotiate any conditions."

Shen Lian behaved very grandly, which even made Guan Yutian feel a little ashamed. He was too petty to be given such a generous offer!

Although I feel a little ashamed, I cannot let go of the benefits that should be discussed. The Chess King City is an obsession inherited by the Demon Sword family for more than 500 years, and it must be opened in this life.

Both parties quickly reached an agreement.

On the day the Chess King City is opened, Guan Yutian will send all the letters from the Demon Sword survivors to Sifang City.

In return, Shen Lian did not participate in the chess game.

It will neither interfere with the chess game nor the life and death chess duel. Correspondingly, Guan Yutian cannot make any interference. The life and death chess belongs to the sword master.

The person who controls the Heart Sword and the Demonic Sword is the one who finally plays the game, and everyone else is just a spectator.

This is a great advantage for Guan Yutian.

Shen Lian had the support of the Ming Dynasty. If Shen Lian insisted on snatching it, brought thousands of troops to fight for it, or invited Shi Yanwen, the Demon Sword family would definitely be defeated.

Shen Lian took the initiative to give in, and Guan Yutian was not stingy either.

He took out the family tree kept close to his chest and said that this is the family tree and I am too lazy to read it to you. You can watch for two hours.

Two hours later, return the family tree to me.

Shen Lian handed the family tree to Jin Bingyun and asked Jin Bingyun to memorize the family tree and copy it when he went back.

It also avoids a question.

That was because Ren Qianxing was eager to try out and wanted to play a few games with Jin Bingyun to test their chess skills.

Nowadays, Jin Bingyun is reciting the family tree, Shen Lian and Guan Yutian are talking about martial arts, and Ren Qianxing is embarrassed to speak. Liao Rushen can occasionally interject a few words, but Shen Lian can always quickly skip the topic and avoid his various temptations.

"Huweihou, I have a question. This question has no reward, it is just a request. If Huweihou doesn't want to answer, you can keep silent."

"what is the problem?"

"What does the imperial court want to do? When the Ming Prince arrives in the Western Regions, all the forces are uneasy."

"To patrol the Western Regions, appease the people, and ensure the stability of the Silk Road. The martial arts forces in the Western Regions, if you say something unpleasant, are not worthy of the prince's attention."

Shen Lian opened his arms: "Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, hundreds of millions of people, that is what the prince should consider.

Not to mention the Supreme Alliance, even Shaolin Wudang is contacted by the Six Sects and Jin Yiwei. Only the most elite masters can be put on the prince's desk.

For example, Pang Ban, Ba Shiba, and Jade Rakshasa.

Otherwise, what would you do with six doors?

Otherwise, why should the imperial court worship it?

The six doors are the gateway to the imperial court and the world!

Enshrined are people with official titles and titles!

If you were not Murong Hua, but Murong Chui, the Ming cavalry would have already arrived at the city. You will see the consequences of the forces that the prince pays attention to. "

Ren Qianxing couldn't help but said: "There are tens of thousands of elite martial arts forces in the Western Regions, and there are countless masters. Doesn't the prince not care?"

Shen Lian pointed at himself: "Of course you care, so let me come and let me deal with various forces.

As for the so-called tens of thousands of elites, do you know the power of a cavalry charge? Do you know who is stationed in the northwest? You know what he's best at? "

Guan Yutian shouted in a low voice: "Qianxing, we are just a martial arts force. How can we have tens of thousands of elites? Which hero can become the general leader of the Western Region's martial arts alliance?"

Unlike the young and energetic Ren Qianxing, Guan Yutian is well-informed and experienced. He knows how powerful the Ming cavalry is. The "elites" of the Supreme Alliance can barely fight with the wind. Seeing the cavalry charging in groups, they can't stand it. Running away, even if the training is not in vain.

The general stationed in the northwest is Chang Mao.

He has been on the battlefield for twenty years and has never suffered a loss. His charging ability is as good as his father. Who is his father? The famous Chang Yuchun, Chang Shiwan, and Chang Butcher!

Even people like Guan Yutian only wanted to dominate the martial arts world and never thought about training the tens of thousands of people under his command into elite soldiers.

Don't have that ability!

There are not so many resources!

Furthermore, just by sending Shen Lian, the martial arts world in the Western Region was turned upside down. All the large forces exploded one after another, and many forces were directly destroyed.

Sea Shark Palace is gone!

The mountain city is gone!

The Power Gang suffered a heavy blow.

Sword Forging City suffered heavy losses.

Sifang City was incorporated by the imperial court.

The Supreme Alliance was forced to shrink its defenses.

Three supreme masters fight fiercely!

This was the chaos Shen Lian made casually during his spare time. As long as Shen Lian was around, it was sheer fantasy for the martial arts community in the Western Regions to get together.

——Unless we join forces to kill Shen Lian first!

——One person cuts each other, which counts as a vote of approval. After the cut is completed, these forces will automatically join forces.

Liao Rushen's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was shaken.

He had a premonition that Shen Lian would ruin his good deeds, wanted to be the mastermind behind the scenes, watch others beat him to death, and take advantage of himself. Basically, there was no chance.

It seems that he needs to find some allies!


"Husband, I read the family tree carefully three times. It only records names and deeds. The first ancestor recorded is Ying Shuntian. There is no so-called real first ancestor."

"Is there any record of where the magic sword in Ying Shuntian's hand came from? Did he forge it himself?"

"There is no record, but the experience of the Demon Sword survivors in these years is really exciting. They raised armies several times, but were eventually suppressed. Their families were destroyed several times, but every time they were like God's help, and they finally managed to survive the disaster."

Jin Bingyun joked: "The family tree records that when the Demon Sword family was in the most danger, there was only one single seedling left in the family, and the family property was divided up by others."

Shen Lian was shocked: "So, the 500-year-old book collection I asked Guan Yutian has been lost long ago?"

Jin Bingyun smiled: "No, no, the Demon Sword family is most in danger when Ying Shuntian and the Chess Sword Ancestor die together. Their power disappears, their property is divided up, and only orphans and widows are left..."

Shen Lian snorted: "Bingyun, you've been getting more and more naughty recently. If you don't control yourself now, you might be in trouble in the future. Are you ready?"

"What do you want to do, husband?"


"What do you think I want to do?"


"I'm cashing in my gambling profits!"


Goshawk Castle.

There are neither falcons nor cliffs where falcons perch, just a huge courtyard.

Liao Rushen was extremely cautious in doing things. Although Goshawk Castle was just a bait, he was still fully prepared and acted as if this was his real lair and his trump card.

It was true that Goshawk Castle could be used as an abandoned son in the past, but now he can't. He needs the power of Goshawk Castle.

Since you need it, you can't give it up.

Bai Yanluo, the steward of Goshawk Castle, walked over quickly. Looking at the cold-faced Liao Rushen, he knew that something big must have happened, and it was probably related to Shen Lian.

"Master, what are your orders?"


"Kill who?"

"The Eight Heavenly Kings of the Power Gang, choose one of them at will, and if you can use force to surrender, you can surrender. If these guys are stubborn, you will kill them without any disguise, and put on the posture of Goshawk Castle!"

The Power Gang suffered a heavy blow, which was when the nerves were most tense. Any disturbance would stimulate Li Chenzhou's fragile nerves and make him furious.

Leruru Shen needs the power to help.

Only with the help of power can Shen Lian's attention be drawn away. Only with enough forces involved can chaos and fighting be caused, and the fishermen will ultimately benefit. (End of chapter)

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