Courtyard light

Chapter 565 Uncle

Chapter 565 Uncle (Second update)

There are two main aspects to what the frigate is doing in Natuna. The first is that construction is underway there, and the general contracting company doing the construction is Niuniu's company.

Now that Niu Niu is one of the top powers in the West, it is more convenient than us to purchase various supplies and other things there.

The sneaky harassment by the countries behind the Bald Eagle has made Niu Niu's company's project progress somewhat slow, because once harassed, it will cause delays in transporting materials by sea.

The second warship flying the national flag officially patrolled the surrounding area, which was the beginning.

The main reason why Niu Niu was asked to sail the fleet directly to the surrounding waters for the first time was to conduct a surprise attack.

After all, if you bring the boat back and make preparations before going out, you might face other surprises.

After all, Big Brother and the bald eagle are not vegetarians either.

That's why there was this sudden attack. As long as there is one cruise, the resistance the second time will be much smaller, or even no resistance.

After all, if someone wants to openly oppose or confront with force, then the target is Niu Niu, but as long as the ship reaches the relevant waters, there is no need to worry.

As for why Niu Niu is willing to help like this, it's not because dealers can't do without the large number of high-quality and cheap goods from certain Eastern countries.

Due to the collapse of the ground forces, the Bald Eagle will basically be dominated by the air force in the early stages of the war, constantly dropping bombs, or the navy will be dominated by the carrier-based aircraft, dropping bombs and missiles desperately.

So now it has become an 11-segment line. The port and supply facilities established in Natuna are all contracted to the company Niu Niu.

Because the Bald Eagle knows that once it fights other big countries, it may not be able to win.

Of course, no one wants to mess with a troublemaker like Niu Niu, because Niu Niu maintains peace by driving away the original people and supporting new people.

When the time comes, Niu Niu will come to maintain peace and then support the opposition.

In other words, if the Bald Eagle wants to cause trouble, then he can't even think of reaching a peace agreement.

On October 10, the establishment of the Coast Guard was announced and the flag was officially awarded, and then four Coast Guard ships began their first patrol.

Not to mention the area, Natuna and its exclusive economic zone alone reach 200 million square kilometers.

After all, Niu Niu has killed the chicken to scare the monkeys. As far as Southeast Asia is concerned, which country dares to say that it has no internal opposition?

The cruising range of the Type 12 frigate can reach 5200 nautical miles, but fortunately a supply base has been established in Natuna. Otherwise, the entire 11-segment line would not have enough cruising range.

Therefore, the time node this time was grasped very well. If this node is missed, it may be difficult later, because at that time Bai Touying and the little brother from the south had not yet reached a peace agreement.

Because the original nine-dash line was moved several hundred kilometers forward, two more lines were added on both sides.

In addition, the reason for conducting a seven-day cruise is to see who objects, and of course to train Party B's ship personnel.

The Bald Eagle is not only in domestic chaos, but also supports the empire. Therefore, even if the Bald Eagle in Southeast Asia is dissatisfied, he will not come forward now. After all, this transaction involves two class committee cadres.

This is why the Bald Eagle later did not directly conflict with those big countries, but instead supported some unknown things and cooperated with other countries.

It’s not like there’s no precedent for being beaten.

Moreover, training locals can also make money, because locals don’t have much money, so they can only exchange resources.

And at this point in time, Niu Niu still has two aircraft carrier fleets. If anyone is chirping, believe it or not, Niu Niu will come to maintain peace soon.

In other words, the bald eagle war is actually a business through and through.

In the later period, after the army entered, most of the locals had to be trained to serve as cannon fodder.

Because leaving certain countries in the East, dealers have no way to obtain such large quantities of industrial products, and Niu Niu's own family will have much less tax.

So the last emergency incident at the Niu Niu Council, although there were some disturbances, was all for people to see.

For example, the parliament set up an investigation team. The result of the investigation was that the major who led the team did not ask his superiors for instructions in time and made the decision without authorization when performing the mission. He was transferred from the naval department and took a leave of absence.

But a month later, the major joined the Ministry of National Defense, and anyone with a discerning eye would know what was going on.

On the Niu Niu Council side, whoever has a problem with taxes must have a problem with the entire council.

Of course, the southern sea is actually more complicated now. First of all, Bald Eagle warships are still traveling freely, and there are Bald Eagle aircraft flying around in the sky.

Anyway, you're patrolling yours over there now, and I'm patrolling mine.

Everyone has formed a tacit understanding. Even if the warships of both sides see each other, it is as if they have not seen each other.

However, there are scientific research facilities on the larger islands over there. They are scientific research facilities jointly established by two universities, Niu Niu and Gallic Chicken.

The two universities have signed scientific research agreements with certain countries in the East, so of course the island has the national flag of some countries.

Anyway, some people donate 2000 million US dollars every year to carry out this project. In the future, some scientific research facilities will be built on the reefs there. After all, the reefs are also the object of marine scientific research. It is necessary to establish some facilities to observe the ecological environment of the reefs.

All islands that can build airstrips have airstrips. After all, the runway required by a twin-engine piston transport aircraft is not very long.

The ocean over there is a big treasure house. Fortunately, Liu Hai took action early. Otherwise, if he took action now and waited until the bald eagle retreated, there might have been some trouble.

Now that the facts have been established, after the bald eagle has withdrawn, the people around it still want to cause trouble, that is, they are looking for a fight.

As for Li Jiapo, he doesn't dare to let out a fart now, even though he has the support of the bald eagle, because he saw with his own eyes what happened across the sea.

After all, Niu Niu's method of maintaining peace is just a bit weird.

I have seen the aircraft carrier fleet maintaining peace directly occupy the port and then hand it over to the opposition.

The ships and weapons and equipment in the port were all handed over to the opposition.

Ships carrying various supplies were forcibly seized at sea and then handed over to the opposition.

And he also plausibly said: This is to prevent the further expansion of the conflict and prevent a humanitarian crisis. After all, the government is too powerful and may kill all the opposition people.

After maintaining peace for two years, the government lost more than 90% of its territory.

If anyone wants to be bullied by Niu Niu for maintaining peace, he can stand up and scream.

Today is National Day, and a large-scale cultural performance was held in the motorcycle factory. Liu Hai came to Junior Brother's kindergarten today and participated in the cultural activities of Junior Brother's kindergarten as a parent.

Comrade Zhu Haiyang will participate in a very high-level celebration.

The teacher's wife also has to be on duty in the hospital. After all, the probability of accidents in such a large-scale event is relatively high.

As for the junior sisters, they have followed the medical vehicle to go to the countryside for medical visits. The closer it is to such a holiday, the more the medical vehicle has to go to the countryside.

Convenient medical vehicles currently mainly perform eye surgeries or some minor surgeries.

Mainly, eye diseases have the greatest impact on people’s lives.

Not being able to see becomes the biggest burden.

The younger brother went to the kindergarten inside the motorcycle factory. The motorcycle factory has a nursery, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, and university.

There are also various vocational training schools for car drivers, excavator drivers, loader drivers, crane drivers, dredging vessel operators, lathes, electricians, welders, fitters, grinders, injection molding operators, mechanics ,etc.

There are no living professions such as chefs and tailors. This is mainly because the motorcycle factory does not engage in the tertiary industry.

Some factories have garment factories within them, producing clothing, quilts, etc. for themselves.

Of course, there are supporting clothing factories surrounding the motorcycle factory. After all, the entire motorcycle factory has hundreds of thousands of people.

Even a set of clothes issued every two years is a lot, not to mention labor protection products such as gloves.

The No. 6 Kindergarten of the Motorcycle Factory is a row of bungalows. It is also the nearest kindergarten to the teacher’s home.

It is not clear how many kindergartens there are in the motorcycle factory. Anyway, at this stage, every household has more than one child.

When the children are young, they can be placed in the nursery while their parents are at work.

Then the child will basically start living with other children in the nursery from this time on.

Therefore, the disciples in these factories in the past had a good relationship. They were really buddies who grew up together wearing crotchless pants.

The kindergarten has a row of bungalows, and then a large courtyard. In the middle of the large courtyard, there is a stage that is more than 50 centimeters above the ground.

There is a straight wooden flagpole in front of the stage with the national flag on it.

First, I arrived at the kindergarten and reported in. Liu Hai held a piece of paper and pinned it to his chest. On it was a red official seal of the No. 6 Kindergarten of the Motorcycle Factory.

Then the word Liu Hai was written on it, and below it was Zhu Xin (Class 2, Middle Class), which means that the junior is now a student of Class , Middle Class.

Then the parents of each class arrived at the corresponding position, and then there was a long solid wooden bench, with the names of the kindergarten children written on the bench.

Some benches have three names on one position, which proves that this person is the parent of the three children.

The main reason is that today is the National Day, so there are celebrations in many places, and many parents are too busy and ask their neighbors to come over.

There were two students' names posted next to the bangs, and an old man in his 60s was already sitting on the bench.

This old man may not be a relative of the student. He may be a retired neighbor’s uncle, or even a familiar neighbor in the yard where he lives.

The most troublesome thing for Liu Hai is meeting these uncles, because these uncles came from those previous periods, and everyone's eyes are scrutinizing.

It was like when Liu Hai went to the University of Technology for the first time and was stared at by the guard.

The uncle's eyes seemed to ask, "Are you a good person?"

If a guilty person turns around and leaves immediately, the uncle might rush up to him with a roar.

Of course, Liu Hai also knows why these uncles look at people like this. It's because we won too quickly back then, and there were always guys of this kind sneaking into the team.

Some guys sneaked in and caused huge losses to ourselves.

Just take the time when bangs traveled through time, some TV series began to glorify those bandits.

Many people may not know that more than 40 people were lost during the suppression of bandits.

"Uncle Li!" Liu Hai nodded and said hello to the uncle, because there was also a piece of paper on the door of the uncle, and his name was Li Yongjun.

"Xiao Liu, who are you, classmate Zhu?" Uncle Li looked at the piece of paper on Liu Hai's chest, then looked at the words on the stool, and asked.

"I am classmate Zhu's senior brother, and classmate Zhu's father is my teacher." Liu Hai did not elaborate.

"Xiao Zhu has taught many students, and you were assigned to our factory after graduating from the Industrial University?" The uncle nodded and then asked.

Liu Hai thought to himself that he also studied at the University of Technology, so he nodded: "I joined our factory after graduating from the University of Technology."

"Then what's your position now?" The uncle seemed to be asking questions.

"A section chief." Liu Hai was annoyed the most by these uncles asking questions.

In fact, in Kyoto now, a lot of public security relies on uncles and aunts. As long as these uncles and aunts look at you, they will come up and question you.

You said that you should learn to hold on to others as you do now. Maybe if these uncles and aunties shout casually, a group of people will rush out from around you, push you to the ground, and then take you to the police station.

"Section chief of the workshop?" The uncle looked at Liu Hai's age and then asked again.

"Chief of the Maintenance Department!" Liu Hai nodded.

"Then you have to work harder. The chief of the maintenance department is at most a full-time technician. Judging from your age, I'm afraid you have been working for several years. Logically speaking, you shouldn't be at this level?" The uncle's own opinion actually makes sense. , because in the past few years, as long as college students entered the motorcycle factory, they would become cadres.

In addition, the motorcycle factory has expanded very rapidly in the past few years, so the cadres have been promoted relatively quickly.

"What the uncle said is that I will work hard to improve my technical level." Liu Hai nodded and said sincerely.

"Looking at your age, you should have gone through a hard time. We have a good life today, so we should cherish it even more, and think about it while doing things..." The uncle began to teach Liu Hai.

Liu Hai nodded and agreed, hoping that the kindergarten's artistic performance would start soon.

(End of this chapter)

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