Courtyard light

Chapter 433 Decision

Chapter 433 Decision (first update)

On January 29, 1971, the third day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Hai and his party boarded the Beijing-Guangzhou special train.

In the early days of the Beijing-Guangzhou Line, because a large number of motorcycle factory export products had to go through the railway, exploration and planning began very early.

Construction finally started at the end of 1964 and was completed and opened to traffic on May 1st, 1968.

The railway department gathered more than 200,000 people, and with the assistance of a lot of construction machinery, it took less than three years to build the new Beijing-Guangzhou Railway.

If we want to talk about which two fields our country has attached great importance to in the past, one is railways and the other is shipbuilding.

These two industries were the first to achieve independent manufacturing and design. In 1958, my country's first diesel locomotive was manufactured in Kyoto.

Today's diesel locomotives can reach a top speed of 140 kilometers per hour due to improvements in domestic industrial technology.

In Liu's lifetime, the Beijing-Kowloon Line will not be established until the 1990s.

Last year, Liu Hai heard on the radio that our steel production reached 60 million tons, and the railway was a large user of steel.

It takes more than 20 hours to get to Guangzhou from Kyoto, and Liu Hai took a special freight train, that is, toys for export.

All vehicles on the road must give way to this train, which will leave on the morning of the third day of the Lunar New Year and arrive at its destination tomorrow morning.

Then take a flight to the destination and have dinner at the destination in time for noon.

When I come back, I will take a plane, but Liu Hai needs to visit a few zoos first.

Liu Hai and others do not need to check the ticket, but they have to go through the security check, and some dangerous things cannot be carried.

In fact, there were no security checks on trains in the early days, but Liu Hai mentioned it and the railway department implemented security checks.

The relationship between Liu Hai and Tiebo is still very good. After all, Liu Hai was responsible for the design and manufacture of the first-generation shield machine. It is said that it has been optimized to the second generation. Liu Hai will not ask about these things specifically.

In Liu Hai's box were himself, his teacher, Yang Hehua's husband, and his junior brother.

There are thirty-six berths in the entire carriage, some of which are for two people per berth, just like two children can sleep in one, and an adult and a child can also sleep in one.

After getting on the train, the train started. There were attendants on the train and boiling water was provided. As for food, there was no need to worry.

It will be delivered to you when you get to the platform, so you don’t need to prepare bangs for this.

Many people took the train for the first time and sat in front of the window and watched the scenery recede.

Liu Hai also chatted with the teacher and the master's husband.

But more often than not, the two of them focused outside the window.

I haven’t taken a train for a long time, and my bangs feel new.

Especially in this era, the scenery outside the window is completely different from what I saw in my previous life.

In my previous life, I saw high-rise buildings and highways outside my window.

Nowadays, China is also building vertical and horizontal expressways, including the Beijing-Guangzhou Expressway. It is said that a lot of them have been built.

Now outside the windows, we see more working people. Even in winter, there are more people working collectively.

The train roars down, except for the station where it needs to stop for maintenance, the rest all roars past.

"Trains are so fast now. When I used to go on business trips, it would take more than two days and three days to get from Kyoto to Guangzhou!" Yang Hehua's husband said as he looked at the receding scenery outside.

"Yeah, it was just like that when going out before, but now it's much better. There are not only ships, railways, but also airplanes." Zhu Haiyang also said.

These bangs can't get in any words, and I'm thinking about my own things in my heart.

From now on, the main focus will be on aircraft. There is no need to worry too much about automobiles. The current domestic automobile industry technology and scale will be sufficient for the next few decades.

What I did next was nothing more than changing my shell.

However, this development in the aviation field is much more difficult than the development of the automobile industry.

"It seems that we have to start upgrading the processing equipment first." Of course, what is in front of Liu Hai is to start with the production equipment.

At present, the gap between domestic production equipment technology and foreign countries is not very big.

Our country has also begun to develop in the field of semiconductors, especially starting with night vision equipment for assault vehicles, and has realized the breakthrough changes that semiconductor equipment has brought to military equipment.

It’s just that I don’t have enough background to achieve rapid development like abroad, but there is no problem in getting started.

The train went all the way south, and all the trains along the way avoided this train because it was transporting toys for export.

Because the patent is domestic, the profits from toy exports are gone.

Domestic leaders have realized that the profits brought by small toys are higher than those of heavy industries.

There is a train every day delivering toys to the south. On the way, it occasionally stops at a platform and hooks up a few trucks. The carriages also contain toys produced along the way.

Toy production is not complicated, and it can be said to be simple. Of course, the main thing is to pay attention to the color matching.

In the afternoon, the scenery along the way began to change, and you could already see a lot of green. It was no longer like in the north, where the mountains were basically all yellow, and only the wheat seedlings in the ground were green.

At night, it was the first time for everyone to sleep on a moving train. There was no problem with bangs, but others had trouble sleeping all night.

When Liu Hai fell asleep on the train, the heads of several dealer families returned to London with the Bumblebee mecha made by Liu Hai, and they were already ready to promote it.

Although this set of mecha weighs more than a hundred kilograms, the dealers have prepared a lot of people.

The Bumblebee mecha rode a trailer and appeared in Tefalah Square. Everyone was greeted with stunned eyes, followed by countless screams.

Although more than one hundred kilograms is relatively heavy, it is not too heavy for those with abnormal strength.

After all, many workers during this time are doing heavy manual labor.

Not to mention the soldiers in the army running back and forth holding artillery shells.

The man wearing the Bumblebee mecha struck a cool pose.

It immediately caused a lot of people to scream, especially many children in the square who swarmed over, some of them shaking the bumblebee toys they bought in their hands.

"My God!"


"What did I see!"


There were screams one after another, and the cries of these people were all the same.

Of course, they are accompanied by staff and security personnel.

The news media had already received the news and were waiting here. When they saw the huge Bumblebee mecha, especially its bright yellow color, all the reporters were stunned and hurried over to interview.

It is foreseeable that this is explosive news, and this news will sweep the world along with this picture in a very short period of time.

The dealers will also come and take photos, as long as they are children.

The security personnel maintaining safety around were overwhelmed, and many children and adults swarmed over.

The bright yellow is so dazzling in the square.

Accompanied by the Bumblebee mecha posing in various poses and taking photos, there is also loud music, which is the music in Transformers.

It attracted more and more people to watch, and even the surrounding police had to join in to maintain public order.

Of course the police department will definitely receive a special donation, and as an old Londoner, who doesn't know who is behind the animated film company, of course the old aristocrats.

These established nobles relied on killing people to establish their meritorious service, which is clearly recorded in British history.

Several dealers and principals in the car in the distance looked at this crazy scene and nodded.

"Is the second wearable mecha already on the plane?" an old man asked.

"The plane will take off from Hong Kong Island tomorrow night."

"Great, that's a genius idea and I'm looking forward to the new toys hitting the market."

"I'm afraid it will take at least two months for the new size toys, because the previous toys are still in short supply."

"I'm looking forward to our family's knight mecha!"

“I’m even more looking forward to Her Majesty’s yacht!”

“It’s another great year!”

"Let those shameless politicians in the parliament pass the bill to build an aircraft carrier as soon as possible to protect our global interests."       "I heard that the upstarts in North America want to go to the East to seek peace!"

"Are those criminals and thieves worthy of saying the word peace? They must be looking out for our interests!"

"It seems that we want to give them some fun, find someone to post their embarrassing appearance in East Asia around the world, and then sponsor some peaceful people for them."

"I think we should let them go first. If they bring flowers, we will bring gifts. If those politicians criticize us, we will criticize them."

"Yes, let them go first, and we will go second. No one knows what the great eastern country needs more than we do!"

"What a great idea. The high-pressure fire trucks produced by the big Eastern countries are really easy to use. Those European politicians want to order 500 more of these trucks."

"Haha, a bunch of hypocritical politicians!" Several old men in the car looked at the surrounded Bumblebee mecha outside with smiles on their faces.

The success of this cartoon has exceeded everyone's expectations, and its influence has been huge. The sales of Rover Motors and various cars have also increased sharply. To be precise, the number of people making reservations has increased. This is also the reason why dealers The reason why we don't launch new models.

The motorcycle factory is already experimenting with the production of mecha wearable equipment more than three meters high, using fiberglass.

The small yachts produced by the motorcycle factory are sold all over the world, so they are relatively advanced in terms of fiberglass application technology.

The Bumblebee mecha sample made by Liu Hai does not have any advanced technology. It is just a sample so that others can understand how to make this product.

The technicians in the factory are not stupid. As long as they have a model for everyone to see, everyone will understand what to do next.

As for Transformers of other sizes, you don’t have to worry about bangs, and it’s not a highly technical thing. You just need to design more sizes according to the original drawings.

The next morning Liu Hai and others got off the train. The person in charge of reception drove directly to the station and had a sumptuous morning tea at the railway guest house.

The railway department is very aware of Liu Hai's sentiments. The TBM has brought great changes to the railway department.

After eating, the group was sent to the airport and then boarded the plane.

Liu Hai took a four-engine passenger plane for the first time, looking at the rotating propellers and listening to the buzzing sound.

It was the first time for many people to fly on this kind of passenger aircraft. Although Li Dali and others participated in the manufacturing, it was not their first time to actually fly on a civil airliner.

We landed at the aircraft test flight base of the motorcycle factory in Sanya before noon.

A longer and larger runway is being built here. A 1,500-meter runway has been built here, and there are two runways next to it. It looks like it is 3,000 meters, and there is a longer one next to it.

"Are you preparing to take off and land on An 225?" Liu Hai looked at the longer runway through the porthole, but the longer runway seemed to be reserved and not under construction.

"Gong Zhu, Gong Liu, thank you for your hard work!" The person in charge here waited for the plane to stop and then hurried over in a car, just in time to catch Liu Hai, Zhu Haiyang and others off the plane.

"Wang Chu, please excuse me." Liu Hai also shook hands with the other party. The other party's surname was Wang, and he used to be a section chief of the equipment department of the motorcycle factory.

"Liu Gong, you're welcome. Welcome to Sanya. Everyone, get in the car and arrange accommodation first." Wang Chu said loudly to the others.

So the group of people was arranged into the guest house.

The aircraft testing ground is in Yazhou District, separated from the future Phoenix Airport by a mountain ridge, which is considered a basin.

Although Hainan Island is in the tropics, the winter in Haikou is still cold, and only a small area in the south is tropical.

Everyone brought summer clothes.

We had a seafood meal and drank coconut milk at noon, and everyone rested in the room in the afternoon.

Liu Hai was led by Wang Chu to the place where durians are planted. This is a large area in a mountain col. Perhaps it is because it was cultivated in space. In just two years, it has grown to four or five years old. meters high.

Fortunately, there are no results yet.

"Gong Liu, these two durian trees are growing more vigorously than the ones we introduced from abroad. Some agricultural professors believe that they were cultivated in the north. The consequences are like cutting down two trees if they don't bear fruit. This tree was thought to be cut down. It will bear fruit like crazy in the second year." Wang Chu explained to Liu Hai.

"It's possible, thank you Wang Chu!"

"Liu Gong, you're welcome." Liu Hai found that there were also jackfruit, mango, banana, plantain and so on.

In the evening, everyone took the ingredients and went to the beach to find a beach for barbecue.

The next day we went to travel to the ends of the earth.

On the third day, we went to the beach for another day and swam. The beach was neither hot nor cold at this time.

However, at the seaside, Liu Hai's mood became heavy. He looked towards the South China Sea and then to the southwest. The vast territory attracted many jackals, and there were no recreational facilities or service facilities at the seaside.

The experience is really bad. It’s just that there are more seafood on the beach, but it’s the same thing if you eat too much.

As an inland person, I feel okay eating seafood occasionally, but eating seafood a few times in a row doesn't taste good. On the contrary, steamed buns and rice are still delicious.

On the fourth day, I went to the beach again, and took a lot of photos at the beach. It was okay for dozens of people to be lively and lively. Unfortunately, this is a wild beach, not like the beaches in tourist areas in later generations, with various supporting facilities. complete.

On the fifth day, everyone went around SY City.

On the sixth day, I was free to move around, and Liu Hai took a careful walk around the test field.

On the morning of the seventh day, Liu Hai and others took a plane and flew to Guangshi, while the others returned to Kyoto first.

Liu Hai first went to the southwest to watch pandas and golden monkeys, then to Shanghai, and finally to Suzhou next door. When the river was dredged two years ago, some oversized spotted turtles were sent here.

Bangs to the southwest and here like a regular tourist.

After reading it, Liu Hai took a special train transporting toy manufacturing materials back to Kyoto.

After returning to Kyoto, Liu Hai went back to his hometown to bring back some of the various tropical fruits and specialties he brought from Sanya.

Wang Hongmei thought it was a benefit given out by the bangs factory, which had given out coconuts before.

And there are bananas, and other fruits.

Then he came to work in the factory the next day.

"Director!" Liu Hai came to the factory director's office to report.

"How was the fun?" When Sun Aiguo saw Liu Hai coming, he was about to let the others who were reporting work leave.

"Director, you are busy. I just came to say hello to you and will go back to work right away." Liu Hai quickly stopped the other party, said hello, turned around and left.

Sun Aiguo continued to deal with things. After Liu Hai returned to the maintenance department, others had already come to work.

Liu Hai doesn't have to worry about toys, but prototypes like the big dog car still have to be made.

The maintenance department is doing this, and Liu Hai has gone to the shipyard again. Her Majesty's yacht is about to speed up. This is also one of Liu Hai's main tasks in the first half of this year.

The design and materials of the yacht are very luxurious, and every item has His Majesty’s logo.

Logos are basically made of gold wire, and some are inlaid with gemstones.

There are also some broken diamonds pieced together, anyway, it has to be inhumane.

After working in the shipyard for most of the day, I returned to the maintenance department to work on the plan for the medical surgical vehicle.

We still have to go back to the Siheyuan and use the computer on the aircraft carrier to design this, because using computer design for system integration can better identify problems.

Before getting off work in the afternoon, Sun Aiguo came to the maintenance department, and the two of them came to Liu Hai's office to talk about things.

"The superiors have decided to keep your portion of the box office proceeds overseas because the screenwriter and author are named Jack." Sun Aiguo first told Liu Hai.

Liu Hai beamed with joy when he heard this. He had previously thought that it would be a bad idea to make a donation on his own. After all, he is not the only one who will achieve research results, and others will also have research results.

"The other thing is the second Autobots movie. The dealers in Hong Kong are planning to invest 10 million pounds. The specific split between the dealers and the domestic side is unclear. Your personal share is 20%. In addition, there are toys abroad, etc. Twenty percent of the income from various patents." True Patriot continued.

As for domestic, I will definitely not mention it.

Liu Hai nodded: "I obey the organization's leadership arrangements, so I want to divide this money into three parts."

"Tell me!" Sun Aiguo nodded.

"The first is to protect some wild animals, including pandas, golden monkeys, Yangtze white-tip dolphins, finless porpoises, and giant turtles, which are the largest ones. I plan to use these as prototypes for the next cartoon, which will definitely attract international attention. look."

"The main reason is that there is nothing in our country that can attract international attention. Industrial agriculture and other aspects are not as advanced as foreign countries. We can only find another way. Moreover, on the southern islands, we can also establish some marine animal scientific research stations to cooperate with some foreign countries. Cooperate with marine biology experts to study marine life." Liu Hai made an excuse, otherwise many places are still very poor at this time, and if you spend a lot of money to do these things, some people may make irresponsible remarks behind your back.

"The second investment is to use the medical teams in the countryside and train more rural doctors!"

"The third is to donate it to mountain primary schools in remote places. As for the specific arrangements, I will listen to the organization's arrangements." Liu Hai expressed his thoughts.

When Sun Aiguo heard this, he asked with certainty: "You really don't keep it to yourself. According to the superior department leaders, your share will be paid every year, and in the end it may be an astronomical sum."

"I'm sure I will do this." Liu Hai nodded and answered affirmatively.

 Second update at noon



(End of this chapter)

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