I run a clinic in the United States

Chapter 300 Invisibly helping the apprentice

Chapter 300 Invisibly helping the apprentice

Iris Clinic is not very far from where Fang Yuanyuan and Chu Xuan live. After the two went to the examination center for examination, the master walked all the way to the clinic.

"Old sir, do you need my help?" Ava stepped forward to say hello.

The old master immediately organized his speech and said: "Hello, I have two apprentices who are here to see a doctor. I am here to see them. I wonder how the situation is? Have they been here?"

"What are their names?" Ava asked.

"One is called Fang Yuanyuan and the other is called Chu Xuan. The doctor is the boy Chu Xuan." The old master said.

Ava immediately nodded and shouted: "They have been here. But they are going to the testing center for examination now. How about you wait in the lounge area of ​​the lobby for a while?"

"Okay, thank you." The old master leaned on crutches and found a seat to sit down. Then he also looked at the environment of the lobby on the first floor of the clinic like Chu Xuan. His eyes quickly fell on the big red cowhide war drum and secretly praised " What a drum”!

"Please have tea." Ava made tea in a disposable cup and brought it over.

The old master's eyes lit up because it turned out to be Tieguanyin.

What he liked the most was this sip of tea, so he couldn't help but say thank you: "I'm glad."

Ava smiled slightly and returned to her post.

She knew that young people might choose coffee, cola, green tea or black tea, but almost all the elderly Chinese prefer Tieguanyin with its rich and mellow taste.

So I didn’t ask any questions this time and just served good tea. Sure enough, the old man liked it very much. No, he was sipping it in small sips, smelling the aroma of tea.

Tieguanyin actually belongs to the green tea category, oolong tea, between black tea and green tea, and is a semi-fermented tea.

It is not only the name of the tea, but also the name of the tea tree variety. It has a unique "Guanyin charm", a delicate and elegant fragrance, and a natural orchid fragrance after brewing. The taste is pure and strong, and the fragrance is fragrant and long-lasting. It is known as "seven brews have a lingering fragrance".

For example, the white tea produced in Zhou Qiao's hometown is almost tasteless after brewing it once, and people with strong tastes will not like it.

Zhou Qiao brought a lot of tea from China last time, and later went to Chinatown to purchase several times. Now the store has sufficient inventory, which is especially suitable for entertaining patients or family members.

Now that he has money, he will naturally not buy cheap tea.

Almost every Chinese who has been here will praise after going back that the tea at the Iris Clinic is really good. It also created a wave of advertising for Iris Clinic.

After all, this is a private clinic. After making money, he can repay everyone in such small things.

Since it is a Chinese clinic, it is naturally easy for Chinese people to get close to it, and the proportion of Chinese patients is also increasing.

Despite his old age and frailty, this old master was quite famous. No, several waves of Chinese patients and their families came later, and they all knew this old master.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Huang? It's been a long time since I saw you dancing."

"Old man, old man, I can't dance anymore." Master Huang waved his hand, not mentioning the bravery of the old man.

"Master Huang, I grew up watching your Huang's Lion Dance."

"Master Huang, didn't you say that you have two powerful apprentices? They are better than their masters. They even performed during the Lantern Festival."

Several Chinese friends gathered around and chatted with Mr. Huang. They were all very enthusiastic.

"Alas~, my two apprentices are also poor people." Master Huang sighed softly, put down the tea in his hand, and began to tell the story of the two apprentices.

Starting from the time when they were adopted, it tells, bit by bit, interesting stories about their childhood, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, their passion for lion dance since childhood, practicing Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer, and their ambitions and pursuits when they grow up. Young people The love and perseverance between them, as well as the difficulties they face now, etc.

Those Chinese friends were waiting anyway, and they were bored when they were idle. They loved listening to "gossip" the most, but Master Huang, after holding it in for a long time, was very eager to talk.

Ava also listened with open ears. Unfortunately, Master Huang and others were Chinese and they all spoke in Chinese, which she couldn't understand very well.

If it's Mandarin, she might understand it better, because Zhou Qiao speaks Mandarin, and Ava has been to China for nearly two weeks. But these people spoke Cantonese, and she was confused.

At some point, Murphy also came to the hall and stood beside her, listening with great interest.

Murphy is a genius. Because of Zhou Qiao, he taught himself Chinese and made rapid progress. Now he can understand some simple classical Chinese. As for listening, Mandarin and Cantonese are no problem.

All I can say is that genius is awesome. He can learn everything quickly, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

"Murphy, do you understand?" Ava asked.

"Yeah." Murphy nodded slightly, then listened and briefly translated for Ava.

Ava's eyes were bright. I'm bored at work, and the most interesting thing is listening to gossip.

Maybe Mr. Huang practiced storytelling when he was young, and telling stories now is particularly interesting.

Murphy then leaves to share the story with Elena. Elena and Ava spread the news separately, so Stephanie, Thalia, Park Xiuzhu, Rachel, Vivica and others almost all knew about it.

Thalia passed on to Veronica and Jenna.

It was passed around, maybe girls are sentimental, and a lot of drama was added to it.

After Veronica heard about it, she was moved by the love between the two, especially sympathized with the plight of the girl and boy, and expressed her willingness to help.

What Mr. Huang didn't expect was that he came here just to talk about his "family affairs" with a few Chinese young people. Unexpectedly, he would unknowingly attract "sponsorship" to his two apprentices.

When the girl and boy came back from the examination, they saw Mr. Huang drinking tea and eating snacks in the hall, so they shouted in surprise: "Master, why are you here?"

The old man said: "I'm worried about you guys, come and take a look."

Several Chinese friends also greeted them.

Soon, Ava came over and called them, saying that the examination films and reports had been sent to Dr. Zhou's mailbox, and asked them to go in for a follow-up consultation.

The girl took the boy with her, and the old master followed.

"Guys, please take a seat." Zhou Qiao said. Next to him were Murphy and Stephanie.

Then, Zhou Qiao carefully explained the condition to the three of them.

"Chu Xuan's left foot is like this. His talar osteonecrosis has collapsed and the ankle joint has necrosis. The situation is quite serious."

"The specific cause is probably long-term repeated injuries to the left ankle, which has repeatedly destroyed the bone blood circulation of the ankle, affecting the blood supply of the bone, resulting in hypoxia and ischemia of the ankle bone, and gradually ankle joint disease has occurred. Necrosis. As for the talus, it is part of the ankle joint."

"If you use traditional Chinese medicine therapy, it will definitely not be cured."

Hearing this, Master Huang felt extremely ashamed. It was just as he suspected. It was because of the injury eight years ago that he didn't take it seriously and didn't take his apprentice for treatment. In the following years, he didn't take it seriously either, which led to this consequence.

"Xuan'er, master, I'm sorry for delaying you." The old master burst into tears.

Chu Xuan quickly comforted him: "Master, please don't say that. Who would have thought that sprained feet could be so serious? I didn't expect it either."

Fang Yuanyuan asked worriedly: "Dr. Zhou, can it still be cured? You said before that it seems that it can be easily solved."

As soon as these words came out, the old master was stunned. He quickly wiped away his tears, pulled himself together, and looked at Zhou Qiao.

Zhou Qiao smiled slightly and introduced: "There is definitely no way to use Chinese medicine, but I can perform surgery here to replace the necrotic bones with 3D printed polymer material parts!"

"Replace bones?!" Master Huang couldn't help shouting. I thought that Dr. Zhou was so amazing, could he really do it?

Zhou Qiao nodded: "To a certain extent, it is indeed a bone change. After the bone change, if you believe me, he can still continue to dance the lion."

Maybe the experts next to the surgery would advise against strenuous exercise in the future, but Zhou Qiao also listened to Murphy's story about the young couple and decided to put more thought into it so that Chu Xuan could "get involved" in the future!

Nowadays, fewer and fewer people are learning lion dance, and even fewer are interested in inheriting traditional culture and have "pursuits" and "dreams". Many people learned this in the past just to make a living, but Fang Yuanyuan and Chu Xuan seemed to be different.

Their eyes are very clear, with the innocence of young people. I am particularly dedicated to the lion dance.

The old master, boys and girls were all happy after hearing Zhou Qiao's words.

But then the girl was stunned and asked: "Dr. Zhou, is this surgery very expensive?"

Just by hearing about such a powerful operation, you can tell that it is not cheap. It costs more than [-] to [-] yuan. And they only have Master Huang's [-] yuan coffin book. How can it be enough?

They have never bought medical insurance, because young people rarely get sick. Occasionally they have a fall or sprain. They always go to the old Chinese medicine doctor in Chinatown to get some medicine and come back to take it. Or you can get some medicine and apply it yourself, which usually heals quickly.

What are the conditions of my family, where do I qualify for medical insurance, and how high is the monthly cost? And young people like them who practice martial arts rarely use it.

Southern style lion dance, high up and down on plum blossom poles, flipping and leaping, not to mention anything else, the "lightness kung fu" alone is a unique skill. Their arm strength, core strength, horse stride, explosive power, and jumping ability are all quite amazing.

"The cost is indeed quite expensive, but I have good news for you. Someone has paid for your medical expenses." Zhou Qiao said lightly. He received a message from Thalia, saying that he and Veronica would be arriving soon.

"Ah?" The girl was surprised and surprised. She was extremely smart and had already vaguely guessed it. I thought it was great here, and Miss Veronica was really a kind-hearted person.

Originally, she was very embarrassed and hadn't figured out how to speak if she saw Miss Veronica.

They have never begged anyone since they were young, and they have very strong personalities. If you really want them to "beg", they really can't do it. What if someone refuses?

Sure enough, Zhou Qiao said: "It's Veronica, she will be here soon."

While talking, Talia's clear voice came from outside, seeming to be chatting with Elena and Ava.

(End of this chapter)

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