I run a clinic in the United States

Chapter 209 Competition Notice

Chapter 209 Competition Notice (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone!)
Jenny's mother couldn't hide her excitement and asked curiously: "Dr. Zhou, what can we do?"

Zhou Qiao gave a brief explanation and said: "It is an endoscopic retrograde surgery to treat appendicitis, called ERAT surgery. To put it simply, it is entered in a similar way to a colonoscopy, without making a hole in the body. At the same time as the appendix, pus and pus plugs are drained out, and fecal stones are removed.”

Once the "culprit" of bezoar is caught, appendicitis will be nothing to worry about. With some medicine to reduce inflammation, it is estimated that it will not recur for a long time in the future.

Of course, no one can predict what will happen in the future. Maybe acute appendicitis will break out due to other reasons?But it is definitely not because of the current cause.

At this stage, endoscopic bezoar removal surgery is the best radical cure.

The human appendix actually has many functions. Modern medicine has already had more understanding and research on the appendix.

First, the appendix can enhance a person’s immunity.

In the inner layer of the appendix, there are densely distributed various immune cells, including T cells, B cells, etc. These are important parts of the human immune response and can help the body maintain some immunity and fight against external invading bacteria, viruses and Other pathogenic microorganisms.

Secondly, the appendix stores a large number of bacteria that are beneficial to the human intestine.

Not all bacteria are pathogenic, some are probiotics that are very helpful to the human body.

When the beneficial flora in the intestine is destroyed, such as when taking antibiotics or having diarrhea, the "probiotic group" is seriously damaged, and the "army depot" of the appendix will send a large number of "reserve troops" to reinforce and maintain the intestinal bacteria. Group balance and reduce the damage caused by pathogenic bacteria in the human body.

In addition, some studies have pointed out that the appendix also contains a large number of secretory cells, which can secrete growth hormone and digestive enzymes and may participate in the regulation of endocrine and brain-gut axis.

All in all, try to keep the appendix if you can.Human beings have evolved for so many thousands of years and still have this organ, which shows that its role cannot be underestimated.

"That's great!"

Jenny’s mother and father looked at each other and said in their hearts, this trip is really the right one!
They never expected that a boy next door who was so young and looked like a high school student would actually have such novel ideas and methods!
I just don’t know if the real technology will work, so don’t just talk about it.

After all, in life, there are too many experts who talk freely and know everything, but once they take action, they are exposed as strong on the outside and of no use at all.

In any case, Zhou Qiao's method impressed them so much that they decided to give it a try here!
Immediately, Zhou Qiao admitted little Jenny to the hospital and arranged examinations and medical advice. Park Xiuzhu helped with the preparations, and little Yoona was also accompanying little Jenny.

Little Jenny is happy, and so is little Yoona.Because little Jenny was hospitalized, Yoona's mother went out of her way to be "merciful" and let her take a day off to spend time with her friends without having to do homework.

This makes little Yoona very happy!

In fact, little Jenny's abdominal pain has also eased a lot. After all, after a few days of conservative treatment, it is somewhat effective, at least it is not as painful as it was at the beginning.But Zhou Qiao can cure it here, so Jenny’s mother will give it a try. It’s impossible to wait until the next attack, right?

In addition, according to Zhou Qiao, this operation is not painful.Because there is no need for surgery, it will not cause any wounds.

The reason for hospitalization is that preoperative examinations need to be completed, including blood tests, electrocardiograms, etc., as well as the most critical step - bowel cleansing.

Starting from noon that day, little Jenny only ate liquid food. After 8 pm, she basically stopped eating and only drank the kind of "laxative" prescribed by the clinic, which was the kind that Grandpa Murphy drank before. The improved version was a bit Like the lemon-lime flavored sports drink, it tastes better than ordinary compound polyethylene glycol electrolyte powder.

Little Jenny is so young, she probably can’t drink the ordinary kind.

I took it in batches and went to the toilet 9 times. I had a clear and refreshing bowel movement before going to bed.

Little Jenny's mother stayed here to accompany her in the hospital. Maybe because of the change of bed, little Jenny couldn't sleep all night.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Zhou Qiao and Elena came over to check the room together, but he did not ask whether the other party needed hypnosis services.

Because Stephanie had already gone home.And he himself doesn't want people to know that he knows this kind of technology.

As a matter of fact, hypnotizing people can make patients and their families feel insecure.And because of what happened in Los Angeles last time, he decided to hide his skills and not use them easily.

This operation was performed at the Endoscopy Center of the community hospital, and Ava made an appointment yesterday.

Zhou Qiao brought Stephanie as his assistant, because Murphy was already a master of this kind of surgery, but Stephanie lacked experience.

Before setting off, Zhou Qiao called Stephanie to his clinic and explained to her the specific steps and precautions.

Stephanie is also a medical seed. She is extremely talented and can play drums without a heavy hammer. It is actually quite easy for Zhou Qiao to teach her.

After arriving at the endoscopy center, Jenny's mother and her husband were waiting outside, and Zhou Qiao took Stephanie and little Jenny inside.

Stephanie operates, and Zhou Qiao, as the "teacher", is responsible for guiding and correcting some irregularities.

Stephanie was happy because she could finally operate a new technology alone.

Lying on her side, little Jenny had her lower body naked and was still a little nervous. Fortunately, a beautiful young lady like Stephanie was there to comfort her.

Because the tube was inflated and inserted at the same time, little Jenny couldn't help shouting: "My belly is so bloated!"

She thought to herself, luckily she had it clean yesterday, otherwise it would have been so embarrassing if it had squirted out now!
"Ah~, it hurts, it hurts~" Little Jenny began to frown.

Although there is gas expansion, when the endoscope encounters a corner, it is inevitable that there will be some discomfort. The little girl's intestines are very delicate, and this is Stephanie's first time to practice it in person. When controlling the corner of the endoscope, there is no So silky smooth.

The human intestinal tract itself has twists and turns. To get from the chrysanthemum to the surgical site, that is, the appendix, you need to pass through the rectum, colon, and cecum.

The colon is divided into 4 parts: ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon.

The appendix is ​​located on the lower right side of the human abdomen, between the cecum and the ileum. Its root is connected to the posterior medial wall of the cecum, and the distal end is free and atretic.

"Don't be nervous, relax." Stephanie comforted her softly, pausing for a while to help little Jenny switch postures and positions, and gently press her belly with her hands to help her pass gas.

Generally speaking, the total length of a normal adult from chrysanthemum to cecum is about 1.5 meters. It varies from person to person. Little Jenny is only ten years old, so the intestinal tube is shorter.

After a lot of hard work, after looking into the mirror about 90 centimeters, I finally saw the opening of the appendix.

After actually going in, it was no longer as painful and uncomfortable as before.

ERAT surgery involves reaching the cecum through a colonoscope, inserting a guidewire and catheter into the inflamed appendix, and through a series of operations such as intubation, imaging, flushing, and drainage, it can quickly reduce the pressure in the appendiceal cavity and subside inflammation, thereby preserving the integrity of the appendix. of the appendix.

The surgical plan designed by Zhou Qiao this time is improved compared to the ERAT surgery used by other experts. He added a tapered transparent cap and subscope to the colonoscope, which can directly enter the appendix cavity for operation, avoiding the traditional use of The contrast agent shows the lumen of the appendix without exposing the patient to radiation.

After all, little Jenny is so young, radiation is also harmful.

After entering, she found pus and blood. Stephanie carefully washed it with physiological saline under Zhou Qiao's guidance. Then, she found the target - a relatively large fecal stone.

The bezoar was removed through the endoscope, washed with anti-inflammatory drugs, and continued exploration, and unexpectedly found another smaller bezoar.

Repeat the previous operation.

In the end, five fecal stones of different sizes were removed and washed several times with saline. The operation was finally completed!

It hurt when I went in, but it was very smooth when I pulled it out. Of course, maybe little Jenny was used to it. When Stephanie asked her, she smiled and shook her head and said, "It doesn't hurt! Thank you sister. !”

The bezoars were taken out, put in a sample bag, placed on a stainless steel plate, and taken to give little Jenny's mother and father a look.

Little Jenny's mother couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh my God, there are so many fecal stones."

Jenny’s father was also shocked: “So much was taken out?” He thought to himself, no wonder my daughter was in such pain.

"Dr. Zhou, thank you." Jenny's father shook hands with Zhou Qiao and solemnly expressed his gratitude.

The couple was pleasantly surprised. Zhou Qiao could easily solve the problem that other clinics could not do without surgery!

Moreover, the actual operation process turned out to be unexpectedly short. After preparing for so long, I thought the operation would take a long time and the process would be complicated. But in the end, it only took 10 minutes?
Not even anesthesia was given.

Whether to use anesthesia or not is also one of their focuses.They believed that because little Jenny was still so young, anesthesia would have some effect.

In fact, the side effects of anesthesia are now very small, but since the patient's family is unwilling to use it and the operation itself is not needed, Zhou Qiao will not mention it.

Unless, during the operation, when entering the mirror, little Jenny's colic was unbearable.

The feeling of pain also varies from person to person. Some people are particularly sensitive to pain, or are young and unwilling to cooperate.

Little Jenny did great, and both Zhou Qiao and Stephanie praised her!
Zhou Qiao also praised Stephanie, because the system prompted that after Stephanie did it this time under Zhou Qiao's guidance, this skill has reached the peak of professional level, and it is only one step away. After advancing to the master level, it can be said that his talent is as strong as Murphy's.

It is indeed a natural medical seed.

However, Murphy met Zhou Qiao earlier than she did, and after some improvements from Zhou Qiao, she was already ahead of the curve.

Stephanie still needs time if she wants to catch up.

After the bezoar was removed, little Jenny's appendix showed mucosal swelling and ulcers inside the lumen, so she was still hospitalized for observation. For such a minor illness, she did not need to be treated in a community hospital and was directly transferred back to Iris Clinic.

After returning to the clinic, little Jenny said her stomach was bloated and she needed to go to the toilet, so her mother went with her.

After entering the toilet, I didn't do anything else but fart!

Well, I took off my pants and farted while sitting on the toilet. It was mainly because there was too much gas.Her mother was accompanying her and when they heard the toilet being cracked, the mother and daughter couldn't help but giggle!
The fecal stones were gone, the residual gas was cleared, and the abdominal pain basically disappeared. I resumed eating and normal activities that day.The next afternoon, I was discharged from the hospital successfully.

Little Yoona pulled little Jenny reluctantly.

As soon as little Jenny left, she had to start doing homework again!But little Jenny can't stay here forever.

Jenny’s mother and father were quite satisfied with this medical experience and said they would definitely come here again if they feel uncomfortable in the future.

This bill was settled very happily.

They feel that the charges at Iris Clinic are relatively reasonable and even cost-effective.

This time, they spent a total of more than 9000 US dollars, 80% of which was reimbursed by medical insurance, and they only had to pay about 1800 US dollars out of pocket.

The previous few episodes of chronic appendicitis cost me four to five thousand at my own expense. This time it only cost 1800 and it was over once and for all. It was so comfortable!
The Iris Clinic also earns more from this business. After subtracting various costs, Zhou Qiao estimates that it will earn at least 6000 US dollars.

Common diseases of ordinary patients are indeed not as good as medical beauty, but meeting the daily needs of ordinary patients is the main business of the clinic, and it is also the kind that can keep the flow of water flowing.Adding up many such cases, Iris Clinic now earns a very generous monthly income!

When it comes to medical beauty, it’s all about making money from rich people. It comes and goes, and it’s not that stable.

Only primary school students do multiple-choice questions. Isn’t it great to do both businesses and earn both kinds of income?
... Stephanie sat in front of the computer in the clinic, looking at the game notification on the screen, feeling depressed.

"It's a pity that I can't participate."

This event notice was forwarded to her by Angel, a former colleague at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

This is a notice about the first "Crescent Cup" Young Doctors Cardiac Minimally Invasive Surgery Formula Competition in the United States.

This competition is organized and held by a joint committee composed of 9 institutions including the National Academy of Medicine, the American Heart Association, and the American Medical Council. It is exclusively sponsored by "Yagemohui", the largest pharmaceutical and medical device group in the United States, and will be held at The competition officially starts on September 5th.

Because September 9th is the first Monday in September this year, it is the legal holiday of Labor Day in the United States, and there will be a day off.

The heart is one of the most important organs of the human body. If there is a problem with the heart, minimally invasive surgery will be the mainstream in the future.Unless the conditions for minimally invasive surgery are really not met, traditional thoracotomy surgery will be chosen!
"Yagemohui" Group, in addition to various drugs, also produces various medical devices and consumables, many of which are related to cardiac surgery, such as thoracoscopes, artificial valves, catheters, stents, various types of special cardiac sutures, etc. There are nearly a hundred species, so I won’t list them all.

Such a sensational event in the United States will be followed and reported by many media. This group also finally obtained the exclusive sponsorship rights through bidding. The purpose is of course advertising and promoting its own products, which is also its proper meaning.

"Equation" is a blunt literal translation. The original English word is "Formula", which means routine, routine; criterion, plan.To simply understand, it means fair competition under the same rules stipulated by the event organizing committee.

This competition has a set of strict and reasonable judging standards. The judges are all big names in the heart field of the American medical community, including several academicians.As long as you perform outstandingly, you will never be buried.

It is said that there will be various similar surgical competitions in the future, aiming to improve the professional level of young surgeons in the United States and create a good competitive atmosphere.

There are rumors that this is to counter China’s medical rise.

China's outpatient and surgical standards have been catching up from behind, which has made many American bosses restless.Although the United States still maintains a far lead in many fields.

There was news a few years ago about an American woman who felt unwell while living in China and went to a Chinese hospital for a check-up. The results of the check-up made her horrified!
Because the examination results showed that she had a huge tumor in her pelvic cavity, which was as big as 22*16*10 centimeters, equivalent to a four- to five-month-old fetus, and almost filled her entire abdomen.

Before that, she had a physical examination in the United States every year. The United States, which is said to have the most advanced medical technology in the world, did not find her tumor.As a result, he grew so big without knowing it!

She had noticed abnormalities before. A year before she came to China, when she was having dinner with friends in the United States, a friend was playing with her and touched her abdomen. He expressed surprise and said, "Why are you so hard here?" "

At the time, she joked: "These are my abs."

Now think about it, where is the abdominal muscle, it is clearly a tumor!Poor her, she thought it was the result of diligent exercise for many years.

Later, she chose to have the surgery in China, and she was amazed by the efficiency.

Hospitalization procedures are handled directly on the machine, which is very convenient.

The operation took just over three hours, the quality was excellent, and the postoperative recovery was good.

The most important thing is that the total cost is more than 1.3 yuan, less than 2000 US dollars. If it were in the United States, it would be at least seven to eight times, or even more.

Such an operation, even at the Iris Clinic, which has a price advantage, would cost her at least [-] U.S. dollars, and after medical insurance, the out-of-pocket cost would be [-] to [-] U.S. dollars.

This competition, with the word "youth" in its name, naturally has an age requirement for the contestants.

Participants are required to be under the age of 40. They first conduct preliminary rounds according to divisions (organized by each state), and then the top [-] are selected by each state to go to the capital of Massachusetts to participate in the national finals.

Why the final location was chosen in Massachusetts is because the headquarters of the "Yagemohui" Group is located in this state.

This state is one of the leading states in the production of medical devices in the United States. According to data, as early as the end of the last century, in 1998, the total price of medical device products sold by Massachusetts medical device manufacturers to the United States and the world had reached 14.41 billion US dollars.

To date, it has given birth to many powerful pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

Speaking of Massachusetts, you may be unfamiliar with it, but if you mention its nickname or abbreviation, "Mazhou" or "Massachusetts", it is really famous!
Yes, the world's top universities, Harvard University and MIT, are located in this state.

These two universities are definitely ranked above the University of California, Los Angeles, where Murphy is studying, and Johns Hopkins University, where Stephanie is studying!

Massachusetts is located in the northeastern United States, on the Atlantic Ocean. Its capital and largest city is Boston.This is one of the oldest and most culturally valuable cities in the United States.The Boston Tea Party in American history eventually led to the famous American Revolutionary War.

"Go to Boston and compete with the elite doctors in the United States. It's a pity that we don't have the chance." Stephanie regretted in her heart because she checked online and found that those who signed up for the competition were all major well-known hospitals, and there were no small and medium-sized hospitals. Registered in the name of the clinic.

The Mayo Clinic is participating, but the Mayo Clinic is not a small clinic at all, but a super large top medical center with a total number of medical care of more than 6 people and an annual revenue of more than 150 billion US dollars. It has even established its own Mayo Clinic. Medical School.

Iris Clinic currently has only 9 employees in total, making it a truly small clinic worthy of its name.

Moreover, Iris Clinic has never performed heart surgery. Even if there is a chance to compete, is it still too late to practice now?

Obviously too late!

Former colleague An Qier sent a message to express regret: "It's a pity that you can't participate, but you can pay more attention because I am going to participate! Then cheer for me more and treat you to a big meal after I win the prize, haha!" "

Stephanie: "..." It was like a knife piercing my heart.Is someone like Angel eligible to participate?
Although Angel also graduated from a prestigious school, she has a deep understanding of Angel's level after working together for so long, and she is at least several levels above her!

"Angel, apart from you, who else from the hospital is participating?" Stephanie asked reluctantly.

"There are also Connor, Pickford, Henry, Jaylen, Todd, Alvarez..." Angel named many people.

Stephanie: "I wish you success in winning the award and getting a good ranking."

After sending the message, she held her cheek in her slender hand, looking at the computer in a daze with her mood waning.

At this moment, Elena appeared at the door and shouted loudly: "Stephanie, Joe is looking for you and wants you to go to his consulting room."

"Okay, come right away!" Stephanie waved her hand and thought to herself, could she be giving me another dream diagnosis and treatment?Because after calculating the time, it’s almost time.In addition, because she could not participate in this competition, her "inner demon", the "Slutty Witch" who was already ready to move, showed signs of rebellion again, and she could not suppress it no matter how silently she read the Bible.

Well, if so, I asked for it to be later this time. It would be best to find a ward on the second floor and I would do it while lying on the bed.I told Elena and the others that I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to go back, so I slept in the ward at night.

Hiding under the covers will make you feel more comfortable if you dream like this.

However, when she arrived at Zhou Qiao's clinic, she found that not only her, but Murphy was also here!

"Hmph." Stephanie snorted softly.

Murphy also curled his lips, and the invisible smell of gunpowder between the two was very strong.

Zhou Qiao coughed and said: "I received a notification for a surgery competition here. It was forwarded to me by the University of California Medical Center and asked if I was interested in participating. I would like to ask, are you two interested in participating?"

Murphy obviously knew this.She just nodded lightly and said, "Of course I can do it." She was very confident.Although she has not had any heart surgery, she still has time to learn how to do it now.

The talent of medical seeds, coupled with the strong backing of Zhou Qiao, gave her such pride and confidence.

Isn’t it still two months before the official start of the Surgery Competition?The news was released in advance to prepare everyone.

In fact, many hospitals received the news several months ago and secretly prepared for the war!For example, Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Hospitals that are not informed of the news in advance will have insufficient strength and will have no chance of winning if they are not prepared in advance.

Stephanie was slightly shaken and stammered: "Zhou, Dr. Zhou, I, can we really sign up?"

Zhou Qiao said: "Of course. It's just an event. We not only have to participate, but we also have to get a better ranking!"

He thought to himself that he would take the top three spots anyway, but it was hard to say it out before entering the competition, so he kept a low profile to avoid being laughed at.Things come true in a secret way.

"Ah? Are you going to win a prize?" Stephanie was stunned, wondering why it was like a dream?No, the boss is very good at painting cakes.

At this time, Murphy chuckled and said, "Qiao, since Stephanie is not confident, let's just go with the two of us." He thought, it would be too disappointing to take Stephanie with him.Many things are inconvenient to do.

Zhou Qiao looked at her in surprise.

Murphy: "..." Why are you looking at me like this?Are there flowers on my face?

Zhou Qiao felt a little happy because Murphy actually laughed when outsiders were around.His expression is very rich, and he is no longer the straight-faced person before.

Murphy also reacted, and her surprise was no less than that of Zhou Qiao. She touched the strange flower sachet she was wearing, and said to herself that the medicine Zhou Qiao prescribed, some kind of clothing therapy, was really effective.

Well, in the past six months, especially in the past few months, I have felt obvious changes. I am almost not the same person as before.

Little did she know that Zhou Qiao himself was her best medicine, and its effect was even better than the exotic flower sachet.

As soon as Zhou Qiao touches her, she will inadvertently start to feel hot, and the gene transcription in her body will begin to change.

Moreover, when you are with Zhou Qiao, your body temperature will stay at 40℃ for a longer time.

Stephanie puffed up her chest proudly and shouted loudly: "Why don't I have confidence! You don't have confidence! Joe, I want to compete too!"

Originally, she had always called Dr. Zhou Qiaozhou, but at this moment, facing Murphy's provocation, she blurted out: "Qiao~!"

Look sideways at Murphy, you can scream, but I can't?

Murphy: "..." His eyes turned cold.

Stephanie shrugged with disdain.

Zhou Qiao said energetically: "Since you are all confident, let's start preparations tomorrow. I will send this event notice and specific competition rules to your email first, and you can take a look after you go back."

The two girls went out one after another.

After a while, Zhou Qiao's cell phone rang one after another. When he opened it, he saw that it was from Stephanie and Murphy.

Murphy: "Go to our new house after get off work in the evening. I have already decorated the room. It is very cozy. There is also an oversized double bathtub. You will definitely like it!"

Stephanie: "Can you do some dream diagnosis and treatment for me tonight? I feel like there's something wrong with my mental condition again. Well, I made an appointment with Elena to have dinner together in the evening. After dinner, my body may I feel a little uncomfortable, so I’ll sleep in the clinic’s ward tonight and won’t go back.”

Zhou Qiao: "..."

 May the flowers be full and the moon be full, I wish you all peace and joy!
  The update of [-] words is completed today.Guys, please give me more monthly tickets so that I can improve my ranking. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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