Ninja school teacher, I can become stronger by teaching.

Chapter 255 The disciples also want to win Mu Yue’s favor

Chapter 255 The disciples also want to win Mu Yue’s favor

On the afternoon of a week before the graduation exam, Obito Kakashi and others did not go home after completing their training, but gathered together at the dango shop.

"None of you want to eat, right?" Obito asked before ordering.

Seeing everyone nodding, Obito and the boss ordered five dangos, and then found a seat at the back of the store to sit down.

"You know what we are going to do, right?" Obito looked around and then whispered with a serious face.

"Yeah, I know, it's for that." Nohara Lin nodded and replied softly.

"Oh, that's the one." Metkai also whispered.

"Isn't it just a matter of discussing how to hold a thank you party for Teacher Muyue? Isn't it necessary to look like you are performing a confidential mission?" Kakashi couldn't help but complain.

Because Obito and others are about to graduate, the graduated Obito and others will have less time to see Muyue. Although Kakashi has already graduated, he will also join a new team due to the disbandment of the team. He will not be able to be like this in the future. I see Mu Yue every day.

So they discussed for a while, in order to thank Mu Yue for his teaching and help to them, they would hold a thank you party for Mu Yue.

Although Shisui has neither graduated nor is in the internship team, he must be involved in this kind of thing.

"Seeing Obito being so serious, I wanted to cooperate with him." Nohara Lin explained with an embarrassed smile.

"I thought they were trying to incorporate secrecy into their daily routine." Metkay said he was mistaken.

"Aren't you worried about meeting someone who knows Teacher Muyue and being known by Teacher Muyue in advance?" Obito believed that it was important to remain vigilant.

"What a coincidence. We happened to meet each other at the dumpling shop and were heard." Kakashi was speechless. He felt that Obito's seriousness was in the wrong place. It would be great if he had this kind of vigilance when performing tasks. .

Obito wanted to say something more, but Shisui on the side couldn't stand it anymore and said:
"These things don't matter anymore, let's discuss the specific content quickly."

He understands Obito and Kakashi. Usually when the two start to argue, they won't be able to stop for a while.

With Shisui as the intermediary, both of them gave Shisui face and did not continue to argue.

Although Shisui is two years younger than them, Shisui's excellent performance in all aspects makes it impossible for Kakashi and Obito to regard Shisui as a student who is still in the first grade.

"In terms of time, how about choosing the day when the graduation exam ends?" Obito asked everyone for their opinions.

"I think it's good. If you pass the exam, the teacher will directly distribute the forehead protector. You can wear the forehead protector to thank Teacher Muyue for teaching us." Nohara Lin clasped her hands together and said with a smile.

"That's what I thought." Obito nodded and smiled.

Originally at the bottom of the class, he graduated with excellent grades under Mu Yue's guidance, and then thanked Mu Yue with a forehead protector.

"I have no problem." Kakashi nodded slightly to show that he had no objection.

For him, the choice of time is not particularly important, because there is no special day.

"It feels very good. Just thinking about it makes me very excited." Just thinking about it made Matt Kai unable to control his tears.

"Okay." Shisui agreed. He had no better time choice, so he agreed directly.

After setting the time, the next step is the specific content of the thank you meeting.

"Gifts must be given, but do you think it would be better for everyone to give one together or for everyone?" Obito asked.

Kakashi looked thoughtful, but Shisui quickly gave the perfect answer.

"Why do you have to choose? Just give one to each person individually, and then give another one together?" Shisui thought that he could have all of them without conflict.

"Shisui, what you said makes sense." Obito thought for a while and found that he was indeed in a blind spot. There was really no need to choose, he could ask for it together.

What you want to give as a gift is personal privacy, and there is no need to discuss this, but what to give to five people together is indeed a problem.

"You can start with Teacher Muyue's preferences. You have known Teacher Muyue for a longer time, so you can talk about it first." Kakashi gave suggestions, and then looked at everyone quietly.

Although he has a good impression of Muyue, Kakashi and Muyue have only been together for more than three months. He thinks that Obito and the others may understand Muyue better.

Zhishui, who was the first to get to know Mu Yue, fell into thinking. Mu Yue liked to watch them become stronger and grow, but this obviously could not be regarded as a substantial gift.

He recalled the details of his time with Mu Yue, trying to discover something from them.

The most obvious hobby is calligraphy. Zhishui once heard that Mu Yue basically practiced calligraphy at noon in the office. Occasionally Mu Yue would give them her calligraphy works.

But Zhisui wanted to dig out something deeper, so he thought harder to remember, trying to analyze what Mu Yue would like from his memory.

But when he tried hard to analyze it, he suddenly discovered that he couldn't analyze it at all.

In his memory, Mu Yue always taught them with a gentle smile, not only ninjutsu and physical skills, but also solved them in time when they had bad emotions in their hearts.Because they are the ones being helped, they don't actually know much about Mu Yue. They only know Mu Yue's personality, but they only know a little about many other things.

"Maybe if you grow up and become stronger, you can discover more." Zhishui thought in his mind.

If Mu Yue encounters difficulties at his level, Zhishui will definitely not be able to help now.

"Teacher Muyue likes calligraphy and teaching students." Zhisui finally said.

Now he can only name these two, and he doesn't know the others.

"These two are indeed Teacher Muyue's favorites, but has no one come up with something more subtle?" Obito asked, scratching his head.

Many people in the Ninja School know that Mu Yue likes calligraphy. It is an obvious preference of Mu Yue. He once gave Mu Yue a writing brush.

But Obito felt that it would definitely take more effort for the five of them to prepare a gift together. Buying a writing brush for five people together seemed a bit perfunctory.

"I remember that Teacher Mu Yue seemed to have said that she likes to eat egg dishes. How about we make a dish for Teacher Mu Yue using eggs together?" Metkai touched his chin seriously and said.

He may not be able to remember the names of unfamiliar people, but he usually remembers Mu Yue's words very clearly.

"Can you cook?" Obito felt that this idea seemed okay, so he asked.

Shisui and Kakashi nodded. Although Shisui was young, due to special reasons, he was able to solve his own eating problems very early.

Metkai shook his head. He was just giving an idea. He doesn't know how to cook at the moment.

Nohara Rin also shook her head in denial. Both of her parents were still in school, so it was her turn to cook, so she had not yet mastered the skill of cooking.

"I don't know how. Then it's just Shisui and Kakashi. Let's forget it. We can't just let the two of them work." Obito finally decided to give up this seemingly good proposal.

Then Obito kept reminiscing about every moment he had with Muyue, trying to get inspiration for giving gifts.

Then he found that it was really difficult to think about. After thinking about it, he just thought that calligraphy was more reliable.

"Actually, I don't think we need to delve too deeply into it. Maybe Teacher Muyue doesn't have other hobbies." Nohara Lin thought for a while and said.

"Just convey our gratitude to Teacher Muyue."

"And isn't there still a week left? We can also ask other teachers or Teacher Muyue's friends." Nohara Lin smiled softly.

"That's right." Listening to Nohara Lin's words, Obito's originally impatient heart calmed down.

There are still seven days left. They can ask the teacher who is familiar with Mu Yue. If they can't ask, they can do their best and convey their feelings.

The kung fu boss, who was chatting and discussing with a few people, also brought five portions of dumplings to the table one by one.

"Hi Shisui, I met Teacher Muyue when I first went to school." Seeing Shisui who had always been as steady as an old dog, Obito picked up a bunch of dumplings and stuffed them into his mouth and said with some envy.

If he could have met Mu Yue earlier, he might have been much stronger than he is now and could have spent more time with Mu Yue.

The corners of Zhi Shui's mouth raised slightly, and he comforted with a smile: "Although we have graduated, we are all disciples of Teacher Mu Yue. You can still come to Teacher Mu Yue to practice."

Obito naturally knows this. If he graduates, he will have no chance to see Mu Yue again. He may have to deliberately fail and delay graduation for a few years.

"Kakashi, are you busy as a newly graduated genin?" Obito looked at the only formal ninja present and asked.

He wanted to compare it to the life and training of an official ninja.

"It's almost the same as the beginning of your internship. You practice every day, and then you can't do tasks above D level." Kakashi replied.

In Kakashi's impression, ninjas are such existences. They are either practicing or performing tasks every day.

"Of course, it depends on the instructor's arrangements." Kakashi added.

"I hope to give us a teacher who doesn't care about things, so that I can practice with Teacher Mu Yue as before." Obito prayed with his hands clasped together.

In Obito's mind, Mu Yue becoming his instructor is the best solution, but he has already asked Mu Yue, and Mu Yue said that he has no idea of ​​becoming his instructor for the time being.

"It doesn't exist. If you really do this, you can't be an instructor, and Teacher Muyue also has to take classes." Kakashi poured cold water on Obito.

"Everything is possible. You really have no dreams. I feel sorry for your future teammates. They have to train with boring people like you and complete tasks together." Obito said with an angry look.

Even if Mu Yue's body is busy, how can she not create a shadow clone to teach him?

"I feel pity for your future teammates, who have to complete the mission with you who have your own whims all day long." Kakashi replied.

 3k, the coding status is not good, and it gets stuck one after another while writing.
(End of this chapter)

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