Chapter 207 Kakashi’s Heart Knot (5k)

"Yesterday's mission was really dangerous. Thanks to your support, Long Xian, otherwise I would have been in danger."

"Haha, we are companions. I am not a guy like Kakashi who ignores his teammates for the mission."

"Speaking of Kakashi, I heard some time ago that his team suffered heavy losses during the mission. Only the guidance jounin and himself survived. How miserable."

"It would be really unfortunate to be on the team with that guy. Fortunately, we left early, otherwise the same thing might happen to our team."

After the training, Kakashi dragged his exhausted body home and met his former teammates chatting on the road.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Kakashi's thoughts about breathing techniques suddenly stopped.

Kakashi did not deliberately hide his whereabouts. The two former teammates noticed Kakashi just walking over and closed their mouths instantly.

"Ahem, Kakashi, good evening." The former teammate didn't know if Kakashi heard it, but Kakashi didn't say anything, so he pretended not to hear and said hello.

"Well, good evening." Kakashi replied with an expressionless nod, and then continued walking towards home.

"It's so embarrassing. I don't know if he heard it."

"It doesn't matter whether he heard it or not. He probably doesn't have a good impression of us anyway."

Kakashi, who has good hearing, can still hear some subtle conversations even if he walks a certain distance, but he has no intention of paying attention to this.

Kakashi was not angry because two former teammates were talking about him behind his back. If he would have been angry because of this discussion, then he would have been angry to death when his father committed suicide, because he could go anywhere at that time. Feel the strange eyes.

And they were indeed right. Kakashi's mission had the highest priority. During the mission, even if they were injured, Kakashi would also prioritize the mission.

During the period when he became Muyue's disciple, except for the very beginning, Kakashi rarely thought about what it meant to be a qualified ninja, and whether ninjas should put their mission first.

Because Mu Yue's training intensity is maxed out, she is either learning advanced ninjutsu such as Pseudo Dark Purple Lightning or secret techniques such as Thunder Breath Armed Color Haki. Under high-intensity training, it is difficult to have the energy to think about other things.

Moreover, there was also an Obito in the team who was madly motivating him, so Kakashi had to spend some of the remaining energy on the line with Obito.

The words of the two former teammates made Kakashi fall into thinking about the mission and ninjas and teammates again.

"The reason why my father is accused by everyone is because he failed the mission, so the ninja who can complete the mission is the qualified ninja." Kakashi thought in his mind.

Then Kakashi shook his head again. He thought of Mu Yue's words. White Fang had implemented his ninja way and was not a failed ninja.

Although he and Mu Yue have not known each other for a long time, Kakashi admires Mu Yue very much, not only because Mu Yue is very strong, but also because Mu Yue has excelled in all aspects of being a teacher. All teachers are different.

So Kakashi is willing to listen and believe what Mu Yue says.

A trace of confusion appeared in Kakashi's eyes. On one side was the established fact that his father was blamed for the failure of the mission and eventually committed suicide. On the other side was the recognition from his admired teacher, telling him that White Fang was actually a ninja worthy of respect.

Kakashi thought about it, ate dinner, and came up with nothing until eleven o'clock in the evening.

Lying in bed, Kakashi didn't fall asleep for a long time. Even though he was very sleepy, he wanted to sleep, but as soon as he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but think about those things, making him unable to fall asleep.

In the end, Kakashi didn't know when he fell asleep, but when he woke up and saw the bright sun outside, Kakashi knew one thing, he was late.

Kakashi quickly finished washing, then grabbed something edible and stuffed it into his mouth and quickly rushed to the southern forest.

When Kakashi arrived, other disciples were already practicing. Obito and Shisui were running with full concentration breathing and were covered in sweat. Metkai was scratching his head and practicing the changes in Yin Escape properties. There was an injured fish next to Nohara Lin. There are also broken trees.

Obito who was running happened to pass by Kakashi, and when he saw Kakashi coming late, Obito swept away the tired look on his face and laughed out loud:

"Hey, isn't this Kakashi? Why are you two and a half hours late today?"

"Did you also go to help the old man?"

After saying this, Obito felt instantly refreshed and his body seemed less tired.

In the past, he was criticized by Kakashi for being late, but this time it was finally his turn.

"I just slept late." Kakashi explained expressionlessly, and then walked to Muyue.

"Tch, you're so proud even though you're late." Obito muttered and continued practicing.

"Teacher Muyue, I'm sorry." Kakashi apologized, "I didn't sleep well yesterday, so I got up late today."

"It's okay. It's okay to be late occasionally. After all, accidents always happen. Let's start practicing." Mu Yue said with a smile.

Kakashi nodded, and then began to practice the Breath of Thunder under Muyue's guidance.

I don't know if it's because he didn't sleep well yesterday or something else, but Kakashi couldn't feel particularly good while practicing the breathing method today. He didn't feel any progress after practicing in the morning, and it was even more so when he practiced Armed Color Haki in the afternoon.

In the morning, it could be explained by the fact that he was two and a half hours late and didn't have enough time to practice. In the afternoon, he really didn't know what he was practicing.

Usually when Mu Yue lectures and demonstrates, he can automatically practice it in his mind, but not today.

Although Muyue didn't know what happened to Kakashi, he noticed something was wrong based on Kakashi's performance.

"Kakashi, you are upset." Mu Yue said.

Armed color domineering is Yin Escape, which is related to mental strength. If the mental state is not good, practicing it will achieve half the result with half the effort.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Muyue, my condition is a bit bad today. I will try my best to adjust it tomorrow." Kakashi said with an apology.

Muyue taught him so seriously, but he couldn't even concentrate on studying. Kakashi felt a little guilty.

"Go hard and remember to believe in yourself." Mu Yue said with a friendly smile.

"Thank you." Feeling the warm breath on Mu Yue's body, Kakashi felt a little relieved.

Since he was late during the day and there was no progress in his practice, Kakashi gave himself extra practice at night and practiced breathing techniques in his yard, hoping to make up for it.

However, the training was still not going well, and Kakashi could never find that feeling.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Kakashi took a shower and went to bed to sleep.

As soon as he lay on the bed, Kakashi subconsciously thought of the accusations his father had suffered in the past and the disapproval of his teammates. Then he thought of Obito's words and Muyue's words.

The thoughts in his mind were very messy. At one moment, the ninja must abide by the rules and complete the mission even at the expense of his companions. At the other moment, his companions were the most important thing and he had to protect their safety.

"Sleep, sleep..." Kakashi kept chanting the word sleep silently in his mind. He heard that this could be a way to treat insomnia, giving him hints and making him sleepy.

He didn't know whether it was because the method didn't work or because of Kakashi himself, but he still didn't fall asleep. At this time, Kakashi looked at the time and saw that it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Sighing slightly, Kakashi tried to sleep again.


When he woke up the next day, Kakashi saw the scorching sun outside and knew that he was late again today.

He quickly packed up and headed to the southern forest to start practicing.

"Kakashi, you are actually two and a half hours late again. You didn't stay up late at night practicing until early morning, did you?" Obito looked at Kakashi suspiciously.

He suspected that Kakashi was secretly trying to trick him. A person like Kakashi could actually be late twice in a row, and he was late for so many hours.

"No." He replied succinctly with an expressionless face, and Kakashi walked up to Muyue and began to explain.

"Teacher Muyue, I'm sorry, I had insomnia again last night." Kakashi explained.

Mu Yue asked with a concerned look on her face: "Is there anything wrong with your health? Why do you suddenly have insomnia?"

"Thank you, Teacher Muyue, for your concern. I am in good health." Kakashi felt warm in his heart and then shook his head and replied. "As for insomnia, maybe it's because I've been thinking about too many things recently."

Muyue patted Kakashi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Your health is the most important thing. If you have anything to say to me, just tell me. Don't bother me. For teachers, there is no such thing as trouble for disciples."

Kakashi nodded slightly, feeling relieved.

Maybe the extra training last night had some effect. I made some progress after practicing the breathing method this morning, but I still couldn't feel the armor and domineering force at all in the afternoon.

After training in the afternoon, Kakashi went to buy an alarm clock. He must not be late again tomorrow.

Kakashi didn't practice tonight. He finished washing at eight o'clock and went to bed.

Kakashi's idea is that since he goes to bed at eleven and can't fall asleep until three in the morning, then if he goes to bed at eight, he will fall asleep at twelve even if he doesn't fall asleep for four hours.

But when Kakashi lay on the bed, he found that he couldn't sleep without thinking about those things. Then he opened and closed his eyes in various ways, and couldn't help but think about all kinds of things in his mind.

This time, he was not only thinking about the relationship between ninja missions, but Kakashi was also thinking about whether he should save his teammates or continue the mission if Metkai and Obito were in danger on the next mission.

Ding Ding Ding!
Kakashi heard a crisp sound while he was drowsy. Thinking of going to Muyue to practice, he suddenly woke up. It may be because he slept too little. Kakashi could feel the pain in his eyes just by opening his eyes. sore.

Kakashi finished washing with his eyes closed, then finished his breakfast and quickly went to the southern forest to practice.

Kakashi wasn't late this time, and he wasn't the last to arrive either.

"Hey, Kakashi, you're not late today." Obito was surprised when he saw Kakashi's figure after arriving.

"Don't think of me as you." Kakashi said calmly.

"I'm late because I'm helping the old man. I won't be late because I went to bed late." Obito replied.

Although Kakashi was not late today, the lack of sleep caused Kakashi to be in poor spirits and his training effect was somewhat poor.

Mu Yue could see that Kakashi's autistic mood was getting a little serious again.

In fact, Mu Yue knew that Kakashi's problem had not been completely solved, just because he had a few friends here and Mu Yue, a warm and caring teacher, and the heavy training tasks, suppressed Kakashi's problem.

Mu Yue can also understand Kakashi, who was even seven years old when White Fang committed suicide.

For such a young child, it would be strange if his father, whom he admired, committed suicide at home because of accusations.

"This requires strong medicine to cure this." Mu Yue thought to herself.

It is difficult to soften and heal a shadow of Kakashi's level, and one day he may not be able to think about it because of certain words.

Mu Yue felt that Kakashi was facing a life and death crisis. He knew his truest inner thoughts and felt the brilliance of humanity from his companions. Only in this way could he completely heal his body and mind.

"Kakashi, how come you have become so weak? You are so exhausted from this little training. If you practice my current training, I will probably tire you to death." Obito noticed that Kakashi seemed to be particularly tired.

"It's just that he's in a bad state." Kakashi adjusted his expression and said calmly, but the tiredness in his eyebrows was still difficult to conceal.

"Kakashi, please go back with me later. I'll make you some body-conditioning food." Mu Yue said.

Obito saw that he was still in a bad state, so he laughed and said: "Teacher Muyue, my state is actually quite bad, why not..."

Mu Yue's fingers hit Obito's head accurately, then rubbed Obito's hair and said, "Just say you want to eat together."

"I want to eat together." Obito said quickly, touching the place where he was knocked.

"Everyone, come together." Mu Yue said to all the disciples.

There was no disciple who didn't like Mu Yue's food, and everyone agreed, but except for Kakashi and Shisui, everyone else wanted to go home and talk to their families.

After eating, Obito and Kakashi began to argue with each other on a daily basis. Obito said that Kakashi was too weak and would not be able to do it after a little training. Kakashi said that Obito's brain was almost rusty and it was hard to imagine that theory could actually work. Scored below twenty points.

"Obito, if you show concern, you can be more direct." Nohara Rin began to make peace with a gentle smile.

Nohara Rin said to Kakashi: "Don't look at Obito like this. In fact, he cares about you very much. Yesterday when he went back, he discussed with me whether you were sick, saying that a genius like you would be late."

Kakashi showed a surprised expression that Obito would actually call him a genius, which made Kakashi doubt the authenticity of the matter.

Seeing Nohara Rin actually revealing his identity, Obito's face quickly turned red, he waved his hands and said:
"Xiao Lin, you must have remembered it wrong. How could I say such a thing?"

Seeing Obito's reaction, Kakashi felt that what Nohara Rin said might be true.

"My dear friend, your youth has indeed not been as lively as before recently." Metkai said seriously.

Kakashi didn't know how to answer, and he was a little annoyed with himself that he would delay his normal practice because of such a thing.

After everyone left, Mu Yue stopped Kakashi and said, "How about you sleep at my house today? I have something to talk to you about."

Kakashi hesitated and finally nodded.

"Kakashi, if you don't mind, share your recent troubles with me. Although I may not be able to help you solve it, it will always make you feel better if you talk about it." After bringing Kakashi to the living room, Mu Yuezhu asked in a voice.

Kakashi was silent for a while, then said:
"Teacher Muyue, do you really think White Fang is a qualified ninja, not a loser?"

Kakashi stared into Muyue's eyes, wanting to ensure the authenticity of Muyue's answer.

"No matter how many times you ask, I have only one answer. White Fang is a qualified ninja who has implemented his own ninja way." Mu Yue said seriously while looking into Kakashi's eyes.

"Then why is everyone still blaming him? Even the rescued companions are blaming him." Kakashi asked with a confused look on his face.

The essential reason why he struggled with whether he was qualified as a ninja was that he couldn't let go of his father's death.

"Because White Fang's ninja way conflicts with the village's rules, for the village, of course, the interests come first, so the success rate of the mission must be ensured. The ninja who can complete the mission is the good ninja of the village.

But White Fang is different. He has his own beliefs. For him, the lives of his companions are far more important than any tasks. "

"Right and wrong are inherently subjective issues. For me or White Fang, I think I did the right thing, but for others, they have different judgments."

"Of course, the reason why White Fang received so much criticism is not only because the mission failed, but also because he is Konoha White Fang." Mu Yue replied.

It's not a one-person mission, so of course you can't blame all the mistakes on one person. White Fang was just the most famous ninja on that mission.

White Fang is too straightforward. If it were Mu Yue, he would be the culprit for the mission failure. He was the Konoha hero who worked hard to rescue his companions when the mission failed.

"Being more famous means you have to bear the blame of everyone?" Mu Yue's answer was too realistic and dark, and Kakashi found it difficult to accept it for a while.

"Reality is always crueler than we imagine, but you don't have to think too much. I believe that even if White Fang is given a chance to start over, he will still choose to save his teammates and then try his best to complete the mission." Mu Yue said earnestly.

"Other people's thoughts are theirs after all. Just have a clear conscience and stick to your beliefs."

Could it be that White Fang committed suicide because he couldn't handle it anymore and was scolded?Mu Yue doesn't think so. He thinks that Bai Ya committed suicide because his faith collapsed.

There were too many messages received tonight, and Kakashi thought he would be unable to sleep again, but he slept well today.

"Since I usually live here alone, there is only one bed. Fortunately, you are still young, so it shouldn't feel crowded." Mu Yue said this and pulled Kakashi to the bed to sleep.

Sleeping in the same bed as someone other than his family for the first time, Kakashi felt inexplicably at ease.

"It's Teacher Muyue after all." Kakashi thought to himself, and fell asleep quickly after feeling sleepy.

 Because it’s a big chapter and I’ve just finished updating it. There will be another chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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