Rated Hokage.

427 Chapter 429, Your Majesty's Love

427 Chapter 429, Your Majesty's Love

One day, Xiao Nan invited Terumi Mei to her home for lunch, and asked her if she had any progress with His Majesty recently.

These words immediately made Terumi Mei show a depressed look.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Nan asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, it's still the same as before." Terumi Mei said.

"Then... what about Ye Cang?" Xiao Nan asked again.

"She is the same as before." Terumi Mei said after being startled.

Xiao Nan didn't know that the two of them were standing together now. They talked about how to get His Majesty's attention that day, and mentioned the matter of pulling Xiao Nan into the camp.

But Terumi Mei is very against this kind of thing in her heart. She thinks that Xiao Nan is a very good friend, and it's not that Xiao Nan doesn't have people he likes, so Terumi Mei doesn't want to do it so forcefully to break them up.

But Terumi Mei was really eager to get close to His Majesty, and that was why she was so depressed.

Xiao Nan was surprised and asked, "You two, didn't you do anything?"

"doing what?"


Xiao Nan still clearly remembers what the two of them said when they were drinking that day, and what they said depends on who gets His Majesty's favor first.

"It was just drinking nonsense that day." Terumi Mei smiled lightly.

"Could it be possible for me to find His Majesty and tell him, do I like him?"

Xiao Nan looked at Terumi Mei, and suddenly said, "Why not? If you like someone and tell him what you want, why can't you do this kind of thing?"

Terumi Mei's expression froze, what Xiaonan said was right, but the other party was His Majesty the Emperor, not an ordinary person.

And His Majesty already knew what she wanted.

After she was silent, she pretended not to care and chuckled lightly: "Why are you so interested in me all of a sudden, I remember you still wanted to match me and Nagato, why did you suddenly support me to pursue His Majesty? "

Xiao Nan couldn't help but sneered a little guilty, and she said: "I hope you can be happy, just do what you think is worthwhile."

Her words warmed Terumi Mei's heart, and strengthened her previous thoughts. Xiao Nan was thinking about herself, how could she destroy her life...

"By the way, I want to tell you something." Xiao Nan said again.


"You know Konoha has two Tsunade-samas, right?"

"Hmm." Terumi Mei nodded lightly. There was Tsunade among the Ten Crown Guards, but he was not easy to get along with. She had seen the other Tsunade by His Majesty's side, and he didn't seem to be easy to get along with either.

Xiao Nan pondered and said: "Not long ago, His Majesty went to another world and brought back another me from there."

"Eh?" Terumi Mei was stunned.

Konan said: "Just like Tsunade-sama, Konoha has another me now."

Terumi Mei could understand what Xiaonan meant, but that wasn't what she cared about, she was stunned for a moment and asked, "Your Majesty, why did you bring another you back?"

"This..." Xiao Nan thought about it.

"It was Your Majesty who made a deal with Nagato from another world and made a promise."

Then Xiao Nan briefly told about his self in the other world, and only said that the other self was not doing very well, and people around him left one by one.

Terumi Mei asked: "Is the other you the same as you?"

Xiao Nan nodded and said: "Yes, older than me, if you meet someone with the same appearance as me in Konoha, but not like me, it will be another me."

"Oh..." Terumi Mei responded blankly, and she suddenly thought of what Ye Cang said, Xiao Nan is a beauty... Will His Majesty...

The thought silenced her.

On the attic of the front hall of the imperial palace, Kaguya was serving His Majesty the Emperor wholeheartedly.

Now she doesn't have too many thoughts in her heart. It's not that she is willing, but she feels that compared with her long life, it is always worthwhile to exchange this short time for the long-term freedom in the future.

It's okay to be his servant during this time.

She has already accepted all the work of serving tea, pouring water, and massaging her back. Even if she really wants to enjoy her body one day in the future, she will not resist.

Her emotions are different from human emotions, and what she cares about is also different from what ordinary people care about, so she can be so calm.

Kaguya's attitude made Samui ask Zhen in private more than once, when is he going to let Kaguya sleep.

The truth is that there is no rush at all, and good things always have to be savored slowly.

Ye Cang came to report on her work. She had performed a task assigned by Zhen in the past two days, and she was very satisfied with her handling ability.

"Things are going well. I plan to let you take on more responsibilities to share my worries. Do you have any ideas?" Zhen said.

Ye Cang smiled and said, "Does Your Majesty want to promote me?"

The position of ten crown guards is already honorable enough, and promotion is just a joke.

Really leaned on the chair and said: "Forget it, do you have any position you want to do, you can just ask, I will be satisfied."

He didn't bother with Zheng Xu either, and directly wrote a check to Ye Cang.

Ye Cang thought about it seriously, and then said with a smile: "I can do it, there is only one thing, I hope to be closer to His Majesty, and it is best to see His Majesty often."

Zhen heard the words and smiled lightly, then directly took out a document and wrote: "Then send you to another province."

Just as the pen was about to fall, a slender hand blocked it on the paper. Ye Cang took the initiative to lean over, propping up the table with one hand, and lowered his front body towards the true direction. The distance between the two was instantly shortened. .

Ye Cang was wearing a sleeveless suspender top with an open back, which was very sexy, and the fragrance of his body lingered in Zhen's nostrils.

"Transfer me away, but how can you help His Majesty share his worries, is Your Majesty willing?" She said slowly.

And at this moment, the door of the inner lounge opened suddenly, and Kaguya came out with a tea and fruit plate, and put it on the desk with a calm expression.

With a third person present, Ye Cang couldn't continue to sway his head and pose, so he stood up again, glanced at Kaguya...and couldn't help but glance again seriously.

She said: "Your Majesty is always surrounded by such beauties."

This woman is too beautiful, and not just ordinary beautiful, the female pirate Han Cook she saw before is also extremely beautiful, but the temperament of this woman is too outstanding now.

Let every woman in front of her feel ashamed.

Ye Cang did feel this way. In addition to being ashamed, she also felt a sense of crisis. This woman is not comparable to ordinary women. His Majesty may not only regard her as a plaything for entertainment.

Really didn't answer her words, but said: "Do you remember what I just said?"

Ye Cang smiled lightly: "Let me go wherever Your Majesty wants me to go. It doesn't matter if you transfer me to another province. I will naturally complete the work Your Majesty entrusts to me."

She was really given a high position with real power in the Province of Fire, and Ye Cang used to be Kazekage, so I really believe she can adapt to this kind of job.

Before leaving, Ye Cang couldn't help but look at Fan that Hui Ye again.

She wasn't in a hurry to go to the workplace to see it. Naturally, it was impossible for a person of her level to be transferred so easily.

Ye Cang went back to the residence directly, and went to Terumi Mei's place, but there was no response when she knocked on the door, she walked in directly from the balcony, Terumi Mei was lying on the sofa sleeping, the TV was not turned off, and the most popular movies were playing there drama.

Ye Cang took out a can of drink from the refrigerator on his own, then came to the sofa and kicked her.

Terumi Mei woke up leisurely, looking at Hakura sleepily.

"You're still sound asleep when a thief comes at home, your vigilance as a crown guard is too low." Ye Cang sat on the side of the sofa and said in his mouth.

"I remember locking the door." Terumi Mei got up and yawned.

She doesn't worry about whether thieves can enter the house. This is Konoha, and the Tower of the Sun is not a decoration. Even if there is a character who can bypass the Tower of the Sun, she is afraid that she will not be able to match it.

"The balcony is not locked." Ye Cang said after taking another sip of his drink.

"What's the matter?" Terumi Mei changed to a restrained position and continued to lie down.

"I have just returned from His Majesty's."


"His Majesty has given me a new position, Counselor of the Fire Province."


Terumi Mei responded lazily, as if she didn't care about what she said at all, and looked at the picture on the TV.

Seeing her like this, Ye Cang rubbed the drink can in his hand, smiled lightly and said, "I see that there is another beautiful woman beside Your Majesty."


Terumi Mei fell silent, but looked up at her.

Ye Cang said slowly: "That woman is very beautiful, much more beautiful than you and me, even more beautiful than Miss Samuyi."

Terumi Mei asked in surprise, "Is it true?"

Samuel is His Majesty's favorite woman besides the few wives at home, and Samuel's body and appearance are all first-class, and if there are beauties, they are almost equal to her.

Moreover, Terumi Mei was not convinced that the woman that Ye Cang said was much more beautiful than her, but she was very confident in her face.

Ye Cang smiled lightly: "That woman's beauty cannot be described in words, you can only understand it when you see it with your own eyes."

"..." Terumi Mei pursed her lips and was speechless.

Ye Cang suddenly sighed and said, "I don't know where you found such a beauty, Your Majesty."

Terumi Mei suddenly thought of what Xiaonan mentioned today, thought for a while and said: "Perhaps, he is not from this world at all."

Ye Cang asked strangely, "What did you say?"

Terumi Mei talked about the fact that Konoha had always had two Tsunade before, and that His Majesty brought back another Konan from another world recently.

Ye Cang was very surprised, he thought about it and said happily: "Your Majesty will do everything for the beauty."

Terumi Mei couldn't tell whether Ye Cang's words were a compliment or a mockery.

Ye Cang asked her, "How have you considered what I told you before?"

Terumi Mei looked away: "What is it?"

"Don't play dumb, it's Xiaonan's business." Ye Cang's words were straightforward.

Terumi Mei was silent for a while, and said: "I can't do that, I can't destroy Xiaonan's life."

Ye Cang sneered, "It's not about destroying her life, it's about giving her a better life."

Terumi Mei retorted: "Xiaonan has someone she likes, so breaking them up can be regarded as giving her a better life?"

Ye Cang said calmly: "The little woman loves her sons and daughters. She has never seen anything better, so of course she only thinks that the current one is better. I don't want to argue with you about this. I did this only for our sake." The two can have a better life, you should be clear, and I will ask your opinion."

Terumi Mei bit her lip and said, "...If I do this, I will definitely have a bad conscience."

Ye Cang crushed the empty beverage can in his hand and threw it into the trash.

Looking at the trash can, she suddenly said, "Have you never thought about why His Majesty brought Xiao Nan from another world back?"

Terumi Mei couldn't help trembling when she heard the words, of course she thought about this kind of thing, when Xiaonan told her about it, this was the first thing she thought about.

Ye Cang stared at her calmly: "Are you going against His Majesty's wishes?"

Terumi Mei's eyes dodged: "I didn't, His Majesty never said anything, and I don't know anything, so don't label me indiscriminately."

Ye Cang smiled: "You are very clear in your heart. Do you feel that this matter was not provoked by you, so you can rest assured? Since you are so considerate of your friend, why don't you take the initiative to rescue her? Your Majesty will meet you sooner or later. Xiao Nan did it, so you plan to watch all this happen, right?"

Terumi Mei said forcefully: "That's His Majesty the Emperor, what is rescue..."

Ye Cang said expressionlessly: "You said it yourself, that's His Majesty the Emperor. No matter how many women want to cling to him, they will have no chance to get in. It is Xiaonan's honor to be favored by His Majesty."


"Now is a very good opportunity. If you and I make it, it will be a favor for His Majesty."


Terumi Mei didn't say anything anymore, she lay sideways on the sofa, her eyes wandering to look elsewhere.

The video on the TV was still playing, and she couldn't hear what the outside voice was chirping.

Terumi Mei suddenly thought, if he really did these things, will he finally get His Majesty's love?

There are so many women around His Majesty, does he love every one of them?

Or, at that time, I will be no different from those women, just a pastime for His Majesty in his spare time.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but clenched her hands tightly.

She doesn't want to do this, she wants to be a woman beside His Majesty, but not like Ye Cang, she wants to get more things by becoming His Majesty's woman.

All she wants is His Majesty's love, even if not all, as long as His Majesty looks at her with some sincere feelings.

Terumi Mei turned her head to look at Ye Cang, she was silent for a long time and said, "You're right..."

"But I won't do that. I won't push my friend into the fire pit. Not only will I not do that, but I will remind Xiaonan that I can't just sit idly by."

"Xiao Nan is my friend."

(End of this chapter)

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