The origin of the universe

Chapter 92: Call of the Universe

Lin Xiao couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Who are you? Where am I?"

"Hehe, I'm right in front of you, but you can't see it. As for your situation, it's at the center of the universe!"

"What? I'm at the center of the universe?"

"That's right!"

Lin Xiao said in disbelief: "Just kidding, I am a mortal, how can I live freely in outer space?"

The voice didn't take it seriously, and continued: "Child, since you can comprehend all things and communicate with them, what is impossible?"

Lin Xiao asked in surprise, "Can I comprehend everything?"

"Hehe, child, have you forgotten all the previous experiences?"

"Previous experience?"

"That's right, think about it carefully!"

Lin Xiao was suffocated for a moment, and then said: "Some strange things happened before, but, am I dead? How come I am here?"

The voice laughed and said, "Son, you can't die, no one can kill you!"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't understand this, but you will understand later!" As soon as the voice fell, an old man in a white ancient Confucian shirt with a handsome head and long beard appeared!

Lin Xiao stared wide open, looking at him for a moment!

The old man walked slowly, walked up to Lin Xiao, smiled kindly and said, "Son, you appear here somehow, doesn't it feel a bit abrupt?"

Lin Xiao didn't speak, just nodded!

The old man glanced at him, put his hands on his back, and let out a long sigh: "Child, there is a saying on Earth that goes 'Kung fu pays off,' after tens of billions of years, I have finally arrived!"

After hearing this, Lin Xiao was puzzled and asked, "Senior, what do you mean by that? I don't understand!"

The old man smiled, pointed to the galaxies of different shapes in the distance and said, "Son, what do you think of those galaxies?"

Lin Xiao was even more suspicious, not understanding what the old man meant!

But he still followed the trend and saw various galaxies slowly rotating in the distance.In the galaxy, the light is shining, and the birth of new stars is faintly visible!

Seeing this, Lin Xiao thought of his own solar system, and suddenly said, "These galaxies are creating life!"

The old man smiled heartily: "That's right, child, if you can feel this, it proves that your insight is extraordinary!"

Lin Xiao had some distractions in his heart, and he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he said immediately: "Senior, can you send this junior back to the original place?"

The old man waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, I still have something to tell you!"

"Talk to me?"

"Yes!" Stuffed for a moment, the old man said, "Son, you don't know who I am, do you?"

Lin Xiao nodded!

The old man said leisurely: "Actually, I am not a human being, nor do I have a body. What you see now is just an illusion!"

Lin Xiao was extremely surprised, but to him who had experienced many strange things, it was not surprising. He calmed down and asked, "Which planet are you from?"

The old man chuckled and said, "I don't belong to any planet, but this universe!"

"This universe?"

"Yes, I was originally the first ray of soul produced when the universe was born, the so-called 'Zhou Ling!'"

"This... I still don't understand!"

"Simply put, I am the manager of the universe!"

This time, Lin Xiao was stunned and speechless, and his usually cold handsome face became full of surprises!

Isn’t the manager of the universe the master of the universe?

Having read many novels, he knows the theory of creating the universe!

Thinking of this, he blurted out: "Did you create the universe?"

The old man's face turned serious, and he said, "My child, the universe is so vast, no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to create the universe!"

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