The origin of the universe

Chapter 77: Earth Blood Disaster

After receiving the order, everyone spared no effort to go for reinforcements.Usually two hours away, and carrying heavy weapons, they arrived in 10 minutes abruptly!

As for the fighter jets, they couldn't escape at all, they were busy defending against the killers in the sky!

After some birds mutated, their bodies multiplied exponentially, making them incomparably huge.And his nature has changed, he is cruel and ruthless.And their attack target, as long as it is a living creature with flesh and blood, there is absolutely no way to escape!

In addition, its lethality is extremely strong and its speed is extremely fast, which is much greater than the threat on the ground.Therefore, the country ordered all fighter jets to be dispatched to kill all these mutated birds!

But the result left everyone dumbfounded!

Fighter fighters with powerful combat capabilities are almost useless when fighting against these mutated birds in the air!

After the "Concentrated Lightning Cannon", the proud weapon on the plane, bombarded them, it could only make the mutated birds howl a few times in pain.As far as possible, only hurt them!

But the attack power of these mutated birds is really scary!

Fighters built with "diamond stones" can only compete with mutated birds.Because the "diamond stone" is hundreds of times harder than the "titanium metal", the "mutated bird" cannot break through its shell!

And the weapons on the fighter jets can't do much damage to the "mutated birds".In this way, the two sides became a stalemate!

But the ground is horrible!

In every country and every corner of the world, bloodshed is being staged almost every day.So far, no one knows where the enemy came from?Where?what does it look like?

Therefore, in order to fight against the invasion of extraterrestrial creatures, all countries joined forces to protect themselves!

Not long ago, in the United Kingdom, the United Nations army besieged and killed a mutant cockroach.When they brought it back for research, they found that it was hundreds of millions of tiny genes that caused the mutation!

Although scientists don't know this gene, they feel its vitality!

Especially cockroaches, their vitality and adaptability are inherently strong, coupled with this "mutated gene", the body will not grow bigger, and the temperament will not be cruel!

In the end, scientists discovered that these "mutated genes" are afraid of heat, but the lowest temperature must be above [-] degrees, and below [-] degrees, it can't kill them at all!

As a last resort, all military scientists are working day and night to develop "laser guns", hoping to produce more and hand them over to the army, so as to eliminate the "mutated genes" as soon as possible!

Only by eliminating the "mutated gene" can the regeneration of the "mutated population" be suppressed!

At the same time, world leaders worry that these may simply be enemy scouts, purely testing force on Earth.What really makes them uneasy is whether the unknown enemy has more powerful weapons!

If more powerful enemies show up later, the earth may fall!

Another meme, why did the enemy attack the earth? Is it to plunder supplies, or to seize this beautiful blue planet?

At this time, the night was shrouded, and there was no vision left.It's late summer, but it gives the illusion of chills!

Besides, after Lin Xiao left, he galloped towards the depths of his house!

Heart, a little heavy!

He sensed that great changes had taken place in the world!

In the past, people in the night sang and danced wildly, rejoicing.But now, in the dark night, the lights in the distance are barely visible!

In the air, there is a strong smell of blood and disturbing terror!

Lin Xiao was puzzled, what kind of enemy caused the current situation?

So far, apart from the "mutated group", I haven't even seen the shadow of a real enemy!

Put aside the troubles in your heart and look around with the faint starlight.Tens of miles away, the deep mountain where I live is clearly in sight!

Lin Xiao's nose was sour, and his heart felt sad!

all of a sudden—

An angry shout came into his ears: "If you don't retreat again, don't blame us for not keeping the oath we made back then!"

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