Collectors of Beauty World

Chapter 107 The Truth

Chapter 107 The Truth
Lu Xiao's banishment magic also has the effect of purifying the Book of Death during this time period.

This book is dark and dangerous.But it is actually very valuable. It contains many spells that can fight against evil spirits.

Lu Xiao gave the book to Ash and directly instilled the knowledge of the Dark Tribe's writing into him.As his basic capital against evil spirits.

There isn't much he can do for the world.The key is that there is not enough time. Helping them learn to understand the Book of Death is the limit of what I can do.

The divine power will continue to drain from his body.The super banishment magic used before has been consumed a lot.He had no time to waste any more.

But the good news is that he still has a chance to return to this world.

Holding the fragment in his hand, Lu Xiao's consciousness instantly entered another state.There are no words to describe that image.A corner of the grand multiverse passed through his consciousness.

One of them shone faintly.

Lu Xiao immediately understood that this was the world he was looking for.With a thought, the remaining divine power was injected into the fragments, and Lu Xiao's body immediately disappeared.

The whole person turned into a speechless state, approaching the calibrated world.

After getting closer, Lu Xiao noticed a special problem. That world was a little different from other worlds.

If you think of other worlds as smooth bubbles.The marked world is like a special world composed of multiple bubbles squeezed together.

Lu Xiao was thoughtful, and his consciousness fell into a trance for a second.When he woke up again, he was already inside Brakebills Academy.

The principal and Jane appeared in front of him immediately.

"Come with us."

The two took Lu Xiao to the secret room of the school.This is the school's highest-level magic laboratory.There are countless magical blessings around.Even gods like Lena Fox cannot enter or even peek into this place.

"Tell us, what world did you go to?" Fox and others seemed to have anticipated what would happen to him.

"This is a long story. To put it simply, I went to a world where demons are rampant."

Lu Xiao roughly recounted his experience.Hearing this, Fox and Jane Chatwin's expressions became more serious.

"It looks like the situation is more serious than we thought."

"I know it's serious, but who can tell me what happened?"

Lu Xiao asked helplessly.

"Unfortunately, we don't know either. This is not a perfunctory statement to you, but a fact. In fact, on the day you crossed over, the magical world of this world suffered an unprecedented blow.

Now, the Magic Council and the Holy Ax Cross Society in America have completely fallen.Over in Europe, we have also lost contact with the Dark Parliament.No one knows what happened.I only know that there is some kind of power that penetrates into the other world. "

"Reunifier?" Lu Xiao said that name.

"It's them, but it's not." Fox's expression was tangled and complicated. "The so-called Onenessers were originally a group of cultists. They were considered a typical doomsday sect. They believed that the world was about to be destroyed and all things would eventually return to unity. This is also the origin of the so-called Onenesses.

In fact, at the beginning, this sect was just an ordinary cult, the kind used by some people to defraud and make money.It has nothing to do with the other world.

But I don’t know when they started to become different.It seems that in the process of running the sect, he accidentally came into contact with some kind of peripheral creature.

You know, those demons and monsters from other dimensions always like to confuse humans.Especially these cultists.After that, they officially became the targets of the Wizards' Council and the Holy Ax Cross.Thus began a 60-year hunt.

The weird thing is, no matter how you chase him.The unifiers always make a comeback.And it continues to evolve and expand.Spin-off sects such as the Martyrs emerged.Their goal is to peer into various parallel time and space and external dimensions at all costs.

And in recent years, it has become the number one enemy of the Wizards' Council and the Holy Ax Cross Society.The original conclusion of the council was that they should have contacted an outside demon.The other party gave them various powerful powers, as well as special magical knowledge.It's just that we've never confirmed this. "

"But that's not the case, right?"

"Yes, this is the most unacceptable thing for us. We still don't know how they did it. Each of the thirteen members of the Wizards Council is the top existence in their respective fields. But they were actually easily penetrated.

No, not just penetration.Those members of the parliament were completely on their side.I now even doubt that Lena Fox can enter our world.It's all their secret manipulation. "

Lu Xiao thought for a moment and said.

"I feel the same way. They deliberately released Lena Fox to cause chaos in the human world. But... why?"

This time, Fox and Jane Chatwin were silent.

After a while, Foxx spoke carefully.

"I have a guess about this. But I can't be sure. This is related to an ultimate secret of the other world. On top of the Wizards' Council, the Holy Ax Cross Society, and the Dark Parliament, these first-line organizations in the other world, there is a more High level organization.

No one knows what that organization is called, when it existed, or what its purpose is.All I know is that they seem to have control over the power of time and space.Committed to maintaining the balance of time, space, and dimensions in the world.

Parliament cooperates with them.But it's only a one-sided connection.We can't reach those people.Only their orders can be received.

In fact, that organization was behind the incident you encountered in Portland.The Parliament and the Holy Ax Cross accepted their orders and went to deal with the invasion of the alien dimension demon.

Of course, the so-called demon god who invaded was just the lowest level little demon god.But that seems to be their job.Those people generally only show up briefly when this kind of problem occurs. "

When Fox said this, Lu Xiao also understood what he meant.

What does foreign invasion mean?Lena Fox's kind is not the most typical foreign invasion.And it was the second-generation invasion of the top evil god who was countless times more advanced than the one in Portland.

If the appearance of Lena Fox is really the work of the Guiyi One.Then their intentions are very obvious.The other party fished, forcing the secretive organization to take action to deal with Lena Fox.

Whether it's infiltrating the Wizards' Council or releasing Lena Fox.The ultimate goal of the Unifier is always the organization that has never shown up.

(End of this chapter)

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