Yu-Gi-Oh: Card Duel


Chapter 150

Arriving at the door of the contestants\' room, Keppei put down the silver suitcase in his hand, freed his hand and pressed the doorbell.

The bell rang, and You Yong, who was playing cards with Yuna in the room, was stunned.

\"You Yong, someone seems to be looking for you.\" Yuna said with a smile.

With that said, Yuna closed her hand, then quickly mixed it into the deck in front of her, shuffled it quickly and said with a smile:
\"Then this duel ends here, well, let\'s just call it a draw.\"

You Yong: \"...\"

Putting the shuffled card deck back on the table, Yuna stood up and walked to the door, opening the door through the smart switch.

When the door opened, Yuna looked down and saw Keppei standing in front of the door, having already picked up his silver suitcase.

Seeing Yuna, Keppei was stunned, subconsciously took a step back and looked at the room number.

This seems to be Brother You Yong\'s room, right?I must have made the right move, right?

While Keppei was confused, Yuna smiled directly and said:
\"Are you looking for You Yong? He is inside. Come in.\"

After saying that, Yuna turned around and returned to the room, making way for Keppei at the door to enter the room.

Although he didn\'t understand why player Yuna was in Yu Yong\'s room, Keppei quickly walked into Yu Yong\'s room dragging his silver suitcase with both hands.

Keppei came to the room and saw Yuna, the player who opened the door for him, packing cards on a table.

Yu Yong, on the other hand, had already packed up his cards on the table while Yuuna was opening the door for Keppei.

After putting the deck of cards in his pocket but actually putting them into the system, You Yong walked up to Keihei and asked with a faint smile:
\"Kuihei, why are you here suddenly?\"

\"Yes, Brother Youyong.\" Guiping nodded and said with a smile, \"My brother specially asked me to thank you, Brother Youyong.\"

You Yong raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Will the president go out of his way to thank others?I said, Guipei, I have read a lot of books. Isn’t it a bit too much for you to deceive me like a six-year-old?

\"As for Brother Yu Yong, you completely wiped out the ghost of Gozaburo from this world and completely ended the grudges of the Kaiba family. Although I don\'t say it, I am actually very grateful in my heart.\"

After finishing speaking, Guiping smiled and added: \"But Brother Youyong, don\'t say that in front of your brother.\"

\"Yes, I understand.\" You Yong nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Everyone knows what kind of person the president is.

\"It\'s like this. Now on the duel boat, my brother and I can\'t give you anything of value.\"

As he spoke, Keppei placed the silver suitcase in his hand on the ground, opened it in the direction of You Yong and said with a smile:
\"The only thing I can provide you, Brother You Yong, is some cards. I hope it can help you, Brother You Yong, in the upcoming semi-finals of Duel City\'s top four.\"

You Yong glanced at the cards in the opened suitcase, and in just a moment, he locked on the inconspicuous magic card in the corner - \"The Life-Destroying Treasure Card\".

You Yong pretended to cough and said with a smile:
\"Okay, since it\'s a thank-you gift prepared by President Kaiba, I\'ll just pick a few.\"

But at this moment, Keihei suddenly closed the silver suitcase, and the tempting \"Life-Destroying Treasure Card\" card suddenly disappeared from You Yong\'s sight.

You Yong: \"...\"

What does this mean?
Keppei\'s operation made Yu Yong, who was about to take away the president\'s special edition \"Life-Destroying Treasure Notes\", full of doubts in his heart.

Don\'t tell me you regret it?

Fortunately, Guiping didn\'t mean this. Instead, he handed the closed silver suitcase to You Yong and said with a smile:
\"Brother You Yong, you misunderstood. All the cards in this box are given to you, not just for you to pick a few.\"

You Yong: \"!!!\"

Give me the whole box! ?

seriously?Is the president so generous?

Seeing that Youyong seemed embarrassed to accept it, Keipei put the suitcase in his hand back on the ground.

You Yong, who was about to reach out and take it: \"???\"

Where did this come from?

After Keihei put down his suitcase, he turned around and ran to the door of the room before turning back to Youyong and shouting:
\"Anyway, no matter what, I have to ask Brother You Yong to accept this box of cards. Just think of it as a favor to our Haima Group.\"

After finishing speaking, Keipei didn\'t wait for You Yong\'s reply, and quickly ran into the corridor and turned around, out of You Yong\'s sight.

Do you want to give Haima Group a face and accept this box of cards?Do you need to be so polite?You Yong thought.

After packing up the cards, Yuna came to You Yong\'s side, looked at the suitcase on the ground, smiled and said to You Yong:
\"Since it\'s my heartfelt wish, why don\'t you just accept it, You Yong? It\'s just a box of cards anyway.\"

You Yong nodded slightly. He had never thought about rejecting anything.

You Yong picked up Keihei\'s silver suitcase on the ground with one hand, turned around and walked back, placing the suitcase on the table and opening it.

Without saying a word, he picked up the \"Life-Destroying Notes\" and read it carefully.

Effect text:
Until the number of cards in your hand reaches five, you draw cards from the deck. After that, in your fifth preparation phase, you must discard all the cards in your hand.


Sure enough, it is the president’s special version of the “Life-Destroying Treasure Notes”! ! !
Seeing You Yong looking at a card so intently, Yuna also took a closer look at You Yong.

\"The life-killing treasure? Hmm... I don\'t seem to have any impression of it. It must be a rare card.\" Yuna smiled.

You Yong smiled, looked at Yuna and said:
\"Yuna, you may have forgotten. In fact, in the first game of the quarterfinals, President Kaiba used this card when he played against Mai Kou.\"

\"Is that so?\" Yuna said.

You Yong handed the \"life-killing treasure\" in his hand to Yuna and said with a smile:
\"It\'s okay if you can\'t remember it. Yuna, you can take a look at the specific effects of this card.\"

Yuuna took the card and after carefully reading the effect text on it, she seemed to remember something.

Speaking of the first duel, Seto Kaiba of the Kaiba Group seemed to have drawn many cards at once, and the card he activated seemed to be called \"Life-Destroying Treasure\".

\"I seem to have some impression. You should like cards like this, Yu Yong.\" Yuna smiled and returned the \"Life-Destroying Treasure Notes\" to You Yong.

Taking back the \"Life-Destroying Treasure Notes\", You Yong put it in his pocket, put it into the system and added it to his deck without hesitation.

Next, You Yong and Yuna checked the other cards in the suitcase.

Although there are many other surprises found in it, the \"life-killing treasure\" seems to be the one You Yong took at the beginning.Maybe President Kaiba also feels that the effect of this card is too outrageous, so I feel embarrassed to print more of it.

Of course, maybe President Kaiba felt that the effect of this card was average, so he didn\'t bother to print more.

Well, from You Yong\'s personal opinion, the possibility of the latter may be relatively greater.

After You Yong adjusted his deck with the box of cards sent by Keiping, You Yong felt that he had become a lot stronger.

This is the confidence brought by the increased strength of the deck.

After assembling the deck, You Yong closed the suitcase on the table and took it under the table. Then he looked at Yuna and smiled:
\"Yuna, let\'s have another duel!\"

\"Okay.\" Yuna smiled and put her deck on the table.

You Yong will be competing in the semi-finals soon, so Yuna is happy to accompany You Yong to debug the deck.

But before the two could start the duel, the duel boat suddenly shook slightly.

Soon, the duel boat\'s broadcast also rang:
\"The duel boat has arrived at Alcatraz Island. All contestants are asked to leave the airship as soon as possible and go to the duel tower on the island to prepare for the duel.\"

Now that the duel boat has reached its destination, the duel between You Yong and Yuna can only be terminated.


In the duel boat control room, Kaiba waved his hand and shouted passionately:
\"Okay, get off the ship. As duelists, I allow you to step into the proud territory I have established!\"

Through the radio on the duel boat, Haima\'s enthusiastic voice rang in the ears of everyone preparing to disembark.

After getting off the duel boat, everyone followed Kaiba and Keppei into the towering duel tower not far away.

After everyone arrived inside the duel tower, four metal door panels automatically opened on the walls around the inside of the duel tower. Behind each door was an elevator equipped with a duel platform.

At this moment, Uncle Isono, who had left the duel boat at some point, suddenly appeared.

Then he began to explain the duel grouping rules for the semi-finals.

Each of the four contestants participating in the semi-finals will stand on one of the lifts and fight independently, engaging in a four-person melee duel.

Under the rules of melee, all players are not allowed to attack in the first round. Each side forms its own camp without teammates. Participants can attack any side they like.

The specific grouping rules are that in this melee, the first two players whose health points return to zero are the first group, and the remaining two players who have not returned to zero are the second group.

Finally, the winners of the first and second groups will compete in the finals to compete for the title of final duel king.

Well, this grouping method is very Yu-Gi-Oh. There is nothing that cannot be solved by playing cards.

After Uncle Isono finished explaining the grouping rules, Yui, Yugi, Kaiba, and Dark Malik each stepped onto an elevator.

The eliminated contestants like Yuna and Maura, as well as a group of relatives and friends of the game, led by Keppei, went to the auditorium next to them to watch the game.

Before the duel officially begins, the four duelists participating in the melee need to take out a monster card, and the order of attack is determined by the monster\'s attack power.

The player with the higher attack power of the monster attacks first, but as a price, the player cannot use the monster card he took out during this duel.

Since it was his own rules, President Kaiba took the lead and took out a \"Red-Eyed Black Dragon\" with an attack power of 2400, placed it on the card verification machine and said with a smile:
\"Just this card. A card like this only has this value. It doesn\'t matter if it can\'t be used in a duel.\"

The president\'s actions made You Yong quite speechless.

That is to say, Cheng Daozai is still lying in the duel boat\'s infirmary, otherwise he will have to fight the president desperately.

You Yong was not surprised that President Kaiba had Jonouchi\'s soul card \"Red-Eyed Black Dragon\".

After all, when he was watching animation in his previous life, he had already seen this card in the president\'s suitcase.

On the contrary, Yugi was a little surprised that Kaiba actually had the card \"Red-Eyes Black Dragon\" and didn\'t use it in the duel.

The card the game took out was a \"little monster\" with an attack power of 1300, which was basically the monster with the lowest attack power among the cards he used normally. (The \"god\" cards of \"chestnut ball\" do not count.)
Obviously the game does not intend to sacrifice monsters with high attack power to gain the opportunity to attack first, so it just randomly finds a monster card to deal with it.

Player Dark Malik gave a \"Masked Spellcaster·Throat of Curse\" with an attack power of 1500.

This is [-] points higher in attack power than the game\'s \"Little Monster\", but much lower than the attack power of President Kaiba\'s \"Red-Eyed Black Dragon\".

As for You Yong, he randomly threw out a card... \"Five Emperor Dragon\" with an attack power of 5000!

Everyone was shocked when they saw You Yong pull out a \"Five Emperor Dragon\" with an attack power of 5000.

Ideas like why You Yong has the \"Five Emperor Dragon\" and why You Yong doesn\'t keep this card with such a high attack power for use in duels all pop up.

So where did this \"Five Emperors Dragon\" come from?The answer was drawn by You Yong when he opened a card pack from the entire card pool.

As for why not keep this card in the duel?Do you need to say more?Who would trade six for one to summon a monster that\'s not even a wall?

It\'s rare to have this kind of opportunity to directly join the panels. If you don\'t show it off now, why don\'t you wait for the other party to jump out of \"Three Brilliant Transformations, Two Levels of Heaven\" and give you super fusion before showing off?
The monster cards selected by all contestants have been revealed, and the order of playing cards has been determined based on their attack power.

\"Okay! Then the order of attack now is, Yu Ying, Kaiba Seto...President, Malik Isudar, Muto Yugi!\" Uncle Isono raised his hand and shouted, then waved it down, \"Big melee group duel\" Now it officially begins!”

\"Duel!\" X4
【You Yong, LP: 4000】

【Haima, LP:4000】

【Dark Malik, LP: 4000】

【Game, LP: 4000】

\"According to the plan, I will attack first, draw a card!\" You Yong quickly drew a card from the deck and added it to his hand.

After quickly looking at the cards in his hand, You Yong drew one of them and played it on the duel plate and said:
\"Normally summons \"Elemental Hero Solid State Hero\" in defense position. \"

After You Yong finished speaking, a hero in silver armor appeared on You Yong\'s field with a shout. His arm armors were stacked in front of him, half-crouching in front of You Yong.

[Elemental Hero·Solid State Man, defense power: 1100]

\"Then there is the effect of \"Solid State Man\". When this card is successfully summoned, I can Special Summon 1 \"Hero\" monster with a level of 4 or lower from my hand. \"

You Yong explained, drawing another card from his hand and playing:
\"Using the effect of \"Solid State Man\", I special summon the level 4 \"Elemental Hero: Shadowmist Girl\" from my hand in defense position! \"

 I have to write two pages of military training diary every day, and the instructor will check it the next day, which is difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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