my pokemon player

Chapter 332 Disputes within the escort team

Just as Yuye Kuangdao said, the captain of the guard was worried about how to arrange Yuye Kuangdao and the others.

He sat at the table, glanced at the squad leaders in front of him, and said slowly:
"Tell me, among these dozens of potential Warcraft users, which one of your detachments wants them?"

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the squad leaders stood up and said:

"Lord Mello, you know the strength of my team. They are not worthy of having such an excellent Warcraft user."

"Isn't that right? Halson, I remember you were bragging that your team had made significant progress two days ago and was ranked in the top ten in terms of strength? These Warcraft Envoys are just right for your team!"

Another squad leader teased with a smile.

"I, I, was drinking too much. What nonsense are you talking about? Who among you here doesn't know that the overall strength of my team is the lowest. I think the director is not willing to see such an excellent Warcraft user joining my team and wasting his time. Bar."

In order not to take over Yuye Kuangdao and the others, Halson directly moved the director out, and at the same time pointed the finger at the squad leader who had just teased him:

"I think Captain Will should be interested in these Warcraft users. You have been clamoring to recruit talents all day long. They are all Warcraft users that the director is optimistic about. Why don't you recruit them quickly?"

Will couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this. What he wanted was talent, not hot potato.

So he immediately refused: "I'm sorry, I just recruited a few guards a few days ago. My team is already full and I can't recruit any more."

"Full capacity? Are you kidding? Our escort team is always short of manpower, isn't it?"

Halson retorted.

"Since Captain Halson feels that there is a shortage of manpower, why are you still pushing back and refusing to recruit these Warcraft Users?"

Another squad leader interjected.

"I said my team is not worthy!" Halson said impatiently.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, if your team heard you belittle them like this, they would feel bad."

"Shut up, Snake, didn't you and Will join forces to deal with me just because Boss Connor was out on a mission? If you have the ability, wait for Boss Connor to come back and try your best to act weird in front of him!"

Halson said angrily.

"Captain Connor has a large number of people, so he won't care about such a trivial matter. By the way, why not just let Captain Connor take over these Warcraft Users? The team under his command has the strongest overall strength, and can tap them to the maximum extent." Expand the potential of the Warcraft user."

Snake picked up the tea cup and took a sip, showing elegance in his movements.

But from the words that came out of his mouth, you could tell that the squad leader's behavior was not as elegant as he appeared.

On the contrary, he has always been fond of intrigues and backstabbing.

For example, this time he wanted to take advantage of Connor to go out and stuff Yuye Kuangdao and others into the opponent's team.

This can not only lower the strength of Connor's team, making them at a disadvantage in the next competition, but also throw away the hot potato. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"I disagree. Don't think that I don't know what you, the poisonous snake, are thinking. Just because you want to surpass Boss Connor is just a daydream!"

Halson glared at Snake, wanting to fight him right away.

"Haha, Captain Halson doesn't want to recruit these Warcraft Users himself, and he doesn't want other teams to take over. It seems he has some objections to the Warcraft Users brought by the Director."

Snake put down the tea cup with a sneer and began to dig a hole for Halson.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Since when did I have a problem with these Warcraft users?"

"Then why are you so eager to refuse?"

"I have said it many times, my subordinates"

"The strength of your team is weak, but Captain Connor's team ranks first in overall strength. Why do you refuse on his behalf? Isn't this a contradiction?"


Halson was speechless for a moment. Obviously, he couldn't speak to Snake at all.

"I also agree with Captain Snake's proposal. Captain Connor is more suitable to train these potential Warcraft users."

Seeing that his side had the advantage, Will quickly tried to settle the matter while the iron was hot.

He did not forget to turn around and ask for the opinion of the last squad leader:
"Captain Wise, what do you think?"

"Me? I listen to the captain."

Wise said with a smile, looking like a good old man.

He did not want to get involved in the quarrels between these squad captains. On the surface, they seemed to be personal conflicts, but in fact they were fights between factions.

Will and Snake belong to the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce, while Halson and the absent Connor are backed by the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce.

For a centrist like him, it's better not to get involved and just be a show-off. When the captain makes a decision, he can just make a few concessions.

Anyway, it is impossible for these Warcraft users to give him. After all, they are talents favored by the two directors. How could they take advantage of him, a middle-of-the-road person.

His role in the escort team is the same as that of other chambers of commerce in the Chamber of Commerce. It just leaves a buffer for the two major chambers of commerce to prevent them from competing all the time.

Therefore, although the strength of Wise's team ranks among the middle, he is very self-aware, greets every squad leader with a smile, and never expresses his own opinions.

Whatever the captain said, he agreed with it, and no one was offended.

Generally speaking, in disputes like this, the Blue Ocean faction usually has the upper hand.

Who makes Connor have the most powerful first team under his command, and their captain is still a member of the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce. It would be strange if the Yaojin faction is not suppressed.

However, Captain Melo's performance during the recent period has been a bit unpredictable. He does not support the Blue Ocean faction as clearly as before, but instead gives people a feeling of harmony.

And what's interesting is that Captain Mello is obviously from the Blue Sea Chamber of Commerce, but he has the specialty Poké Ball of the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce in his hand. You must know that the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce has extremely strict control over the first batch of Poke Balls. Even the few Poke Balls at the auction were auctioned symbolically and returned to their own hands in the end.

They will only give the Warcraft users of their own chamber of commerce, or those who are close to the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce, a chance to buy Poké Balls, and they will also use the Poké Balls as gifts to win over some powerful neutral Warcraft users.

So here comes the question. The captain is neither a member of the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce nor a neutral Warcraft user. Why did the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce give him the elf ball?

Is it possible that the captain wants to change his family? But he has no reason to do this. He is already the captain and has no room for advancement.

Not only does he hold real power and is in charge of hundreds of guards, he is also on an equal footing with the worshippers. What else is he dissatisfied with?
Unless he thinks his position is threatened, but who can threaten him? The escort has only one captain, not even a deputy captain. There are only five squad captains, and there is no squad captain.
wrong! There is someone among the squad leaders who can really threaten him, and that is squad leader Connor!
Captain Connor not only becomes more powerful, he also has a metal monster in his hand that completely obeys orders.

Although it has not evolved to the final stage, it is a natural disaster and has huge potential. As long as Connor successfully cultivates the metal monster, his strength will surpass the captain sooner or later.

The most important thing is that although Connor and the captain belong to the same faction, they are not of the same mind and even often quarrel.

The reason for the quarrel was simple. Captain Connor couldn't stand the nonsense in the escort and wanted to carry out reforms, while the captain wanted to maintain the status quo.

From time to time there would be big quarrels between them, and the little friendship between them as members of the same faction had long been exhausted in the quarrels.

The captain can still suppress Connor now, but what should he do when Connor is stronger than the captain?
As the saying goes, there is no room for two Boscadoras on a mountain, except for one male and one female.

At that time, the commander-in-chief would either step down voluntarily to show dignity, enter the shrine and become a worshiper, and lose the real power in his hands, or insist not to step down, and then Connor would help him look decent.

The only thing the captain can rely on is the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce behind him, but Connor also belongs to the Blue Ocean faction.

One is a middle-aged captain with little room for improvement, and the other is a squad leader in his prime with full potential. Any normal businessman knows who to choose.

The Blue Sea Chamber of Commerce did not secretly support Captain Connor, but had an attitude of not helping either side. It was because Captain Mello had no credit and hard work over the years, so how could he still support Mello.

Therefore, Captain Mello had to consider his own future. The Yaojin Chamber of Commerce discovered this and showed goodwill towards Mello.

Melo should have taken it as expected. He just wanted to show the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce that don't think that having Connor means you can sit back and relax. He is still the captain now.

If he is really pushed into a hurry, he will switch to the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce. By then, the situation where the Blue Sea Chamber of Commerce has always had the upper hand over the escorts will definitely change.

In order to prevent this situation from happening, the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce may really continue to support Captain Mello and let Connor wait a little longer.

What Captain Mello has to do is to move between the two major chambers of commerce like he is doing now, so as to gain the support and support of the two major chambers of commerce.

But there are risks in doing so. After all, he is not a neutral person, and he always has to make a choice in the end. Therefore, Melo has only held meetings when encountering problems in recent times. He just wants to pass the responsibility to the squad leaders below and sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The more Wise thought about it, the more frightened he became. He felt that his guess was most likely correct.

The other four team captains may not be able to see it, but he, a bystander who is not involved in the factional struggle, can see it clearly.

But what's the point of seeing it? He's just a neutral. If the two major chambers of commerce hadn't made him, a guard from a small chamber of commerce, the squad leader in order to appease the other chambers of commerce, he wouldn't have been qualified to participate in this meeting.

That's all, just pretend that you don't know anything. Anyway, no matter who becomes the captain in the end, it has nothing to do with him being a neutral faction. You should just watch the show happily.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Wise's face, silently listening to the quarrel of the other three squad captains.

Seeing his appearance, Mello couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

This smiling fox must have seen something. He is indeed a talent recognized by the two presidents. He is much smarter than the self-proclaimed resourceful Snake next to him.

It's a pity that the other party has no ambition and refuses to join the two major chambers of commerce. He just wants to be a neutral faction and is a waste of his talents.

But this is good, as it avoids another competitor. One Connor is enough to give him a headache. If another one comes, then he will really have to abdicate and go straight to the altar.

The other three squad captains were still arguing, arguing to no avail. Mello couldn't stand it anymore and scolded:
"That's enough! Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. Isn't it because the team competition is about to begin, so you don't want these Warcraft users?"

When Harson and others saw that Mello was angry, they all shut their mouths.

Upon seeing this, Mello also softened his tone and said:

"I know that the addition of these Warcraft users will reduce the strength of your team, but you can't take a longer-term view. They do have great potential, and some of them have conquered rare Warcraft such as Squirtle and Bulbasaur. "

"Even if they will become a drag on your team during this competition, after a while, they may become the ace in your team. Don't just focus on the immediate benefits."

Harson couldn't help but said after hearing this:
"Lord Mello, since you made it so clear, I won't hide it."

"It's not just because of the competition that we don't want to accept them. As long as they are ordinary Warcraft users, we will accept them with gritted teeth. Just like you said, sooner or later they will become the help of the team."

"But they have the attention of the director. This is the biggest trouble. It has nothing to do with us to train them well. It is because the director has a vision. If the training is not good, then we will definitely bear the responsibility."

"So we can only focus our team's resources on them, but other guards will definitely complain if we do this, and it will also slow down the improvement of the team's overall strength."

"In addition, they will only become a drag on the team in a short period of time, lowering the team's ranking and reducing the resources we can obtain. As a result, our team is likely to fall into a vicious cycle and never recover."

"How can they be potential Warcraft users? They are obviously little charcoal boys who just jumped out of the fire."

Halson expressed all his concerns. Although Will and Snake were still arguing with Halson just now, they both nodded in agreement with Halson's statement.

"Then what do you think we should do? We can't transfer them to the idle department, right? Don't forget that they are Warcraft users personally recruited by the director!"

"If you don't arrange them as soon as possible, the director will hold a meeting for you next time!"

Mello knocked on the table heavily and asked questions to several squad leaders.

It was impossible for him to make a decision like this that had no benefit at all and would offend the two directors if he was not careful.

Hearing what Mello said, the squad leaders fell silent.

Just when Melo wanted to continue urging them, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, followed by a sonorous and powerful voice:

"These monsters are killing me, Connor!" (End of Chapter)

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