my pokemon player

Chapter 294 Panel Upgrade

Chapter 294 Panel Upgrade

Faced with Ryan's threat of complaint, the panel remained as cold as ever.

The panel usually ignores Ryan, let alone the upgrade status now. Ryan also understands this, he just complains out of habit.

"That's all, it would be nice to have two nutritional drinks, and there is also a speed enhancer, which is the nutritional drink with the widest range of applications."

Ryan murmured to himself, except for some Space Team Pokémon, most Pokémon can train their attack speed.

Therefore, among the eight types of nutritional drinks, the demand for speed enhancers is undoubtedly the greatest, which also alleviates Ryan's depressed mood to a certain extent.

"When nutritional drinks are put on the shelves, they will definitely be welcomed by players, and they will be able to cut a lot of leeks."

After his mood improved, Ryan thought about the player's elf coins again. He was very short of money now.

Once a nutritional drink comes on the market, both the bonded and powerful factions will rush to buy it.

Needless to say, the former want to give all the good things to Pokémon.

I remember when they were poor and didn't have many PokéCoins, they would rather eat black bread than save money to buy Poké Cubes for their Pokémon.

Now that they have money, they will naturally not treat their partners badly.

Although the latter do not want to invest too much emotion in Pokémon, they attach great importance to Pokémon's abilities and will not miss any opportunity to improve Pokémon's strength. Of course, they will spend money to buy nutritional drinks that can assist training. .

"Thinking about it this way, as long as a player's Pokémon grows in strength, it can basically easily defeat other Pokémon of the same kind." Ryan said while touching his chin.

Compared to their counterparts living in the open air and being forcibly controlled by indigenous people using Warcraft equipment, the Pokémon in the hands of players are living a life like a fairy.

Not only do you drink Moo Moo Milk to supplement nutrition, and you eat Poké Cubes that can improve your physical fitness, you also have nutritional drinks to assist you during training.

In addition, the skill library can be filled with a move learner. How powerful can they be? The only thing they lack now is the experience of life-and-death battles with Pokémon in the wild.

But their trainers are players, a being known as the "Fourth Natural Disaster". If players don't cause trouble, can they still be called players?

Not only do they like civil war, but if they disagree, they will engage in a Pokémon battle with "father's name" on the line.

Moreover, players rely on their ability to resurrect, and Pokémon are protected by the teleportation function of the Poké Ball, allowing them to take on some difficult challenges from time to time.

Nowadays, all the Pokémon in the middle layer of the Firefly Forest are disturbed by their troubles, and some players even set foot in the depths of the forest.

If players weren't worried that their Pokémon would be killed by a single blow due to the huge gap in strength, they would dare to go partying and dancing deep in the forest.

Therefore, it won’t be long before the Pokémon in the hands of other players, except for daily life players, will no longer lack experience in life and death battles. After all, their trainers are really not afraid of death.

“The sales volume of anti-anesthetic and burn medicine may not be very good, but players will most likely buy a bottle out of preparedness, so they can also make an income.”

Ryan mentally estimated how many elf coins he could earn this time. There was nothing he could do, he was really short of money.

Although the elf coins in the player's hands are all worthless pieces of iron, and Ryan can make as many as he wants, but doing so is undoubtedly destroying the player's economic system with his own hands.

Ryan can only create real Elf Coins strictly according to the total amount of Elf Coins on the panel, but the source of Elf Coins is too single, and the number of Elf Coins that can be obtained every day is limited.

When the number of players is small, Elf Coins can still be turned over, and Ryan also has plenty of Elf Coins.

However, as the number of players increases, the existing Elf Coins are gradually unable to meet the needs of players. If there are no new channels to obtain Elf Coins after the panel upgrade, it will inevitably cause deflation.

At that time, it may really be difficult to find a coin, which will affect the player's economic system and the development of the territory itself.

Thinking of this, Ryan couldn't help but feel a little worried. When he first crossed over, there were not many gold coins left in the territory, but the elf coins were quite rich.

Who would have thought that now it is just the opposite, there is no end of gold coins to spend, and there is a shortage of elf coins.

But Ryan didn't have a good solution. He could only hope that after the panel upgrade, there would be new ways to obtain Elf Coins.

If there really wasn't one, it would be fine to add an exchange channel for gold coins and elf coins like the bank he founded. He was eager to exchange the gold coins in his hand for elf coins.

It is said that the design of the economic system of the panel is indeed a bit unreasonable. There are too many places to spend money and few functions to make money. No wonder it is upgraded. I don’t know if the upgrade can solve this problem.

As Ryan waited anxiously, time passed slowly. For the first time, he truly experienced the feeling of living like a year, doing nothing without paying attention.

The last time I felt like this was the day the college entrance examination results came out in my previous life. This shows the urgency and uneasiness in Ryan's heart.

Finally, it was noon the next day, and the panel was about to be upgraded.

At this time, Ryan was sitting in the study, staring at the countdown on the panel.

[Time required for upgrade: 00h00m10s]

[Time required for upgrade: 00h00m09s]

[Time required for upgrade: 00h00m01s]

[The panel upgrade is completed, the prize pool has been upgraded to a mid-level prize pool, and the store recycling function, task editing function, player filtering function, and mythical beast blessing function have been added. Please explore and view the details on your own. 】

Great! The panel upgrade is finally completed!

Regardless of complaining that the panel was still as rigid as before after the upgrade, Ryan couldn't wait to open the panel to see if it had the functions he wanted after the upgrade.

The first is the upgrade of the prize pool. There is nothing to say about this. It was already expected by Ryan.

The only difference from what he imagined was that after upgrading, there would no longer be a primary prize pool, and all future rewards would come from the mid-level prize pool.

The thirty junior draws that Lane did not use will be converted into six intermediate draws in a five-for-one fashion.

And the lottery opportunities for panel task rewards will also become intermediate lottery, but the number of lottery opportunities will decrease.

For example, for Ryan's previously unfinished task of improving his title, the reward was changed from three lottery chances to one.

Although fewer, Lane also earned two junior draws at a five-for-one conversion rate.

But when Ryan first saw this upgrade content, he did not feel the joy of making a cheap profit, but still regretted it.

If he had known better, he would have used up the thirty lottery opportunities before upgrading the panel. There are still many good things in the primary prize pool, and he has not even finished drawing out the move learner alone.

But when he saw the introduction later, his worries were immediately relieved. It turns out that the primary prize pool does not disappear completely, but is merged into the intermediate prize pool in the form of gift packages.

For example, in the past, you could only draw one move learner in the elementary lottery, but if you use the intermediate lottery, you will get a move learner gift pack, which contains multiple move learners.

Simply put, it means using quantity to improve quality.

Although it is not very reasonable, at least there is a chance to draw the primary reward.

It was this gift package that made Ryan a little worried. He had just opened two gift packages and was familiar with so-called gift packages.

As long as there is more than one item, the panel dares to name it a gift bag.

You must know that in the past, one primary lottery could draw an item, and five primary lottery draws could combine into one intermediate lottery.

If you only get two items after opening the gift package of the intermediate lottery, wouldn't Ryan suffer a big loss?

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it so much. It's good that the primary prize pool is not completely cancelled. Besides, my luck can't be so bad all the time. I can always draw two items."

"If it doesn't work out, I'll worship God Arceus before opening the gift bag, or borrow some of Xiyue's luck. Maybe I can get more than five items."

Ryan kept comforting himself. Only when it was related to the lottery would he respectfully call Arceus the Great God. Normally, he would only say one alpaca after another.

After reviewing the contents of the prize pool upgrade, Ryan then looked at several new features.

He had a hunch that there was definitely a way to obtain Elf Coins in these functions.

After reading the function introduction, he felt instantly at ease.

As expected, Elf Coins can be obtained for the first two functions.

The store recycling function can recycle a variety of valuable items and convert them into elf coins.

Whether it’s evolution stones or World of Warcraft equipment, the panel shop has everything you need.

Even ore stores require it, but the recycling price is very low, far less cost-effective than the finished product.

Interestingly, the store will recycle ore, but not the Aboriginal currency made from gold and silver ores.

This puzzled Ryan. Is it because the name of the function is called "recycling" instead of "exchange" that the store does not accept aboriginal currency?

This panel is really good at picking out words.

Ryan didn't think much about it. If you don't want to accept it, just accept it. At worst, he would use gold and silver coins to buy valuable items, and then throw them into the store for recycling. This is no different from directly recycling gold coins, but there is an extra link in the middle.

With the store recycling function, he no longer has to worry about elf coins in the future. Let alone hundreds of players, even if there are thousands or tens of thousands of players, Ryan will not panic at all.

Because the more players there are, the stronger Ryan is. The stronger Ryan is, the more valuable items he can obtain. This is a virtuous cycle.

In addition to the store recycling function, the task editing function can also obtain elf coins.

The panel also seems to realize that the number of daily tasks is too small, so it has specially launched this feature.

This function will search for the needs of the indigenous people within Ryan's territory, then edit the task according to the needs, and finally feedback it to the panel, and Ryan will decide whether to release it.

If Ryan decides to release it, when the player asks the aboriginal people if they need help, the aboriginal people only need to tell them what they need help with, and the player will receive the corresponding task.

The basic reward for the task is provided by the panel, and Ryan can choose to increase the reward, or choose to withhold part of the reward.

"What does this sentence mean? Who are you looking down on? With the store recycling function, I have no shortage of elf coins now. I don't care about these three melons and two dates!"

Ryan was completely off guard by the comments on the panel. What does it mean that he can deduct part of it? Could it be that in the mind of the panel, he is so unbearable? !

Yes, he earned the price difference as a middleman, and also burdened players with heavy mortgages. Recently, he even wanted to sell players to Guanhai City to earn intermediary fees.

but he but he

Well, Ryan couldn't think of anything to defend himself for a moment.

Hiss~ I do seem a bit inappropriate~

Ryan looked a little embarrassed, but it seemed that the panel knew him quite well.

But you can't blame him. He wasn't rich before. This time he won't charge players for mission transfer fees. He will give all the rewards to players. He is so generous!

If the panel could talk, they would definitely be able to complain about Ryan. You really wanted to deduct part of the reward just now. You even thought about the name of the deduction, and you also paid the mission transfer fee. Why do you charge this fee? It is clearly a mission It's all edited by me.

And why are you pretending to be selfless here? As long as players buy items in the store, you will still make the difference. In the end, the elf coins earned by players completing tasks will still go into your pocket.

Bah, shameless!

It's a pity that the panel can't take the initiative to speak, and can only let Ryan brag here.

In fact, Ryan is not really greedy for the elf coins in the task editing function, because he just tried this function and found that it does not provide many elf coins.

He just tried it and casually made a request to drink juice, but there was no corresponding task in the panel.

Then Ryan mentioned several more needs, and only the need to form a flying force formed a mission.

The difference between these needs is that Ryan can easily complete the need like drinking juice by himself, and the desire is not very big, and he is not very thirsty.

The need to form a flying force was exactly the opposite. Ryan did not want to complete it himself, but at the same time he had a strong desire to find someone to complete this task.

In other words, only when Ryan doesn't want to do it by himself, or can't complete it by himself, and the demand and desire are relatively large, can a task be formed in the panel.

From this point of view, the limitations of the task editing function are not small. Although the aborigines are not as well-off as Ryan and rarely need help from others, they do not have many desires every day.

Not to mention that there are some desire-forming tasks that are impossible to pass in Lane.

For example, if an aborigine wants someone to help him spy on the widow next door taking a bath, can Ryan pass this task?

If he really passes, then "Pokémon World" will become a little butter game.

Therefore, the number of tasks formed by the task editing function is not large, and the basic rewards are not many.

The task of forming a flying force is already quite difficult, but the Elf Coin rewards provided by the panel are not many. If Ryan really wants to release this task to players, he will have to add some more rewards, so Ryan is really embarrassed to deduct any more. Elf coins.

Besides, the elf coins circulating among players are no different from those in his hands.

Who is following Ryan or the player? The player’s elf coins belong to him. His elf coins, ahem, are still his!

(End of this chapter)

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