my pokemon player

Chapter 237 Waiting online, very urgent!

Chapter 237 Waiting online, very urgent!

Ryan knelt down and gently tapped the mini dragon on the head.

"You were caught by the Warcraft Hunter because you sneaked out of the island for fun."

After Mini Dragon let down his guard against Ryan, he briefly told his experience through Xiao Luo's translation.

It originally lived on an island where the Kuailong people lived together. Out of curiosity about the outside world, it ran out quietly without telling its family and friends, and was then caught by a monster wandering on the sea.

After listening to Mi Ganlong's story, Ryan always had a feeling of déjà vu.

Isn't this similar to the experiences of Cocodora and Lalu Las?

Okay, okay, everyone is so rebellious, right?If you don't hug your thighs at home, you like to run out and wander around. If they don't catch you, who will they catch?

Ryan gave the mini-dragon a lesson at that time, and used La Luras as a negative example.

It was because of Lalulas's playfulness that she fell into a trap and even harmed her sister Gardevoir.

Even if you little guys don't think about yourself, you still have to think about your family. You can't be so naughty again.

Faced with Ryan's earnest persuasion, Mini Dragon was very confused.

Why would it hurt its family if it was caught? Obviously those humans are afraid of its family.

When Ryan heard the mini dragon's question, he didn't know what to say.

Yes, Mini Dragon’s family is Kuailong!Those businessmen wouldn't even dare to threaten "natural disaster" even if they had the courage to do so!

The Gardevoir sisters were single and weak, so they were chased and intercepted by the merchants. If they dared to block the Kuailong clan, they might not even be able to raise their ashes for you.

Kuailongs have good tempers, but that doesn't mean they have no tempers. They really are "natural disasters" and easy to bully, right?

It would be nice if they didn't come to ask for the mini dragon. How could the Chamber of Commerce use the mini dragon to coerce Kuailong? There would be no implication.

Although the mini dragon did not understand the example given by Ryan, it also knew that what it did was wrong.

If I hadn't been playful, I wouldn't have fallen into the hands of those bad people and been tortured by them for so long. If I hadn't been lucky enough to meet Ryan, a rare good man, my end would have been miserable.

So Mini Dragon humbly accepted Ryan's education and criticism, and said that he would never be naughty again.

As a result, as soon as it finished promising Ryan, it played with Lalu Russ again, and was bumped into by Ryan, which made the mini dragon feel a little embarrassed.

It lowered its head shyly and hummed a few times towards Ryan.


Seeing this, Ryan smiled and explained: "I was just joking. You don't need to apologize to me. You are still young and it is normal to like to play. As long as it is in a safe place, you can play how you want."

"I'm afraid that you will go out to explore rashly and put yourself in danger like before. The outside world is very dangerous, and other humans will not treat you as kindly as I do. Tsk, no, what I said is a bit PUA. mean."

As Ryan spoke, he began to reflect on himself. He needed to change his speaking habit. He didn't want to be a scumbag.

The mini dragon doesn't understand what PUA means, but it feels that Ryan is right. There are indeed very few good humans like Ryan in this world.

At first, when Ryan showed kindness to it, it didn't believe in Ryan.

After all, it had been tortured by the trainer for several days. It had long lost its trust in humans, and its heart was filled with hatred for humans. It would not let down its guard against Ryan just because of a few words.

It wasn't until Gardevoir conveyed Ryan's emotions to it and made it feel Ryan's sincerity that the mini dragon slowly accepted Ryan.

It turned out that Ryan really had no ill intentions towards it. Not only did he immediately remove the World of Warcraft equipment from it, he also helped it heal its injuries and brought it delicious food.

I even let him play freely in the yard without fear of him escaping.

These actions moved the mini dragon very much, and coupled with the praise and love of the Pokémon in the yard for Ryan, the mini dragon completely let down its guard against Ryan and listened to Ryan's advice.


The mini dragon nodded to Ryan, indicating that he understood what Ryan meant.

"It's good that you understand. I know you want to go home, but I have a lot of things to do in the past few days and can't spare the time. When I finish this period of work, I will take you to the sea to find your home."

Ryan touched the mini dragon's head. He had previously asked the mini dragon whether he wanted to stay here or go home.

The mini dragon struggled for a while and finally chose to go home. Although it was very grateful to Ryan for saving it, the experience these days made it miss its family and partners very much, and it still wanted to return to its home.

Ryan didn't try to stay. He always respected Pokémon's wishes. Since the mini dragon didn't want to stay in Firefly Town, he would find a way to take the mini dragon home.

The mini dragon was very excited when he heard this. It rubbed Ryan's palm and expressed its gratitude to him.

"Okay, don't be polite to me, you can go play with those two little guys too."


The mini dragon shook his head. He had grown up and would no longer fight with each other like children.

As soon as he finished speaking, a stone flew over and hit the mini faucet.

The mini dragon turned around and saw Tian Wu Ni holding a stone in her hand.


Mini Dragon asked Tianwuni why she wanted to hit herself.


Tian Wu Ni was confused. It was clearly aiming at La Lulas, so why did it hit the mini faucet?

But no matter what, the momentum cannot be lost, Ryan is still looking at it.

So Tianwu Ni put her hands on her hips and raised her little face.

Huh, so what if I threw it!


How could the mini-dragon endure this? He simply threw aside any sense of maturity and stability and chased after Sweet Dance Ni.

La Lulas on the side saw the mini dragon and Sweet Dancer fighting together, and couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering. It was the stone that she had transferred to the mini dragon head with her telekinesis, so that she could easily get rid of Sweet Dancer.

La Lulas glanced at Tian Wu Ni proudly, and then went to find her sister. It was a little sleepy and had to be held by her sister to fall asleep.

Gardevoir picked up Larulus, and then cast an apologetic look at Ryan.

Larulus thought it was well hidden, but little did she know that its every little move was seen by Gardevoir and Ryan.

"It's okay. It's just a fight between children. I won't take it seriously. I just want to teach Sweet Dance a lesson so that it won't be naughty all day long."

Ryan said with a smile, and then looked at La Luras in Gardevoir's arms.

"I just didn't expect this little guy to be so smart and be able to trick Tian Wu Ni around."

Lalulas was still afraid that the matter would be revealed, and Ryan and Gardevoir would blame it.

As a result, when it heard Ryan praising itself, it was no longer afraid for an instant. It raised its head proudly, and just as it was about to say something, it was knocked by Gardevoir's hand.


Lalulas covered her head and looked at Gardevoir with tears in her eyes, wondering why her sister wanted to hit it.

Gardevoir glared at Lalulas, and then whispered to Ryan.

"Sha La Sha La~"

"Gardevoir said you were too pampered by Lalulas and Lotto~"

Xiao Luo, who was hovering in the air, was busy writing out questionnaires and translating for Ryan.

"It's not that they are coddled. These two little guys know what they are doing. They usually pay attention to the rules when playing so as not to hurt each other. Moreover, this way of playing can also improve their fighting intelligence and ability." "For example, Lalu Lasi's The shadow clones are becoming more and more proficient, and Tianwuni's reaction speed has also improved, so I didn't stop them too much."

Ryan explained to Gardevoir.

Gardevoir also felt that what Ryan said made sense. It couldn't stay by Lalulas' side all the time. It had to let Lalulas increase its combat power so that it could better protect itself.


"Gardevoir would like to ask you to help it train Lalu Laslotto~"

Ryan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know anything about training. I'm just leading you to gain experience through combat. You are Lalulas's best teacher."

"But Gardevoir always feels that his strength improves very quickly when he's around you, Lotto."

Xiao Luo continued to translate.

"I don't know what's going on. Forget it. Next time I go out for training, I will bring La Lulasi with me."

Since Gardevoir wants Larulus to have the ability to protect herself, Ryan will naturally not refuse. Anyway, it doesn't matter if there is one more Pokémon to train.


Gardevoir happily thanked Ryan.

"Thank you Lotto~"

“There’s no need to translate this sentence!”

"Say that too, Lotto!"

"Does this need to be said? What's your accent like? I've emphasized it many times, don't imitate players' speech!"

Ryan said angrily.

"You have to have it, I know Lotto~"


Ryan couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Seeing that Ryan was angry, Xiao Luo quickly flew to the castle.

"Master, I'm going to give the questions first~"

After hearing this, Ryan's fist became a little harder.

He kept comforting himself in his heart:

Don't be angry or not, Xiao Luo was just led astray by the players and Tian Wu Ni. He occasionally got naughty, but he was usually very obedient. At least he didn't call himself "boss" when he spoke in Cantonese.

Ryan tried to calm down and turned to Gardevoir and said:

"It's getting late, you should take La Lulas to bed first."


Gardevoir worriedly looked at the fighting mini dragon and Sweet Dance Ni, which was still a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, I'm here to watch. I'll pull them apart in a moment. You can go and rest first."

After hearing this, Gardevoir had no choice but to take Lalulas to the castle to rest.

After they left, Ryan turned his attention to the two live treasures who were fighting fiercely.

These two little guys were very good at fighting. They didn't use many moves. At most, they just threw pebbles at each other.

Tian Wu Ni relied on her flexible movements, strong shell and feet to push the mini dragon to the ground and beat it.

The mini dragon was dazed by the slap on Tian Wu Ni's shell cover, and it was a little suspicious that the dragon was born.

No, why can't it beat Sweet Dance? Isn't it the descendant of some "natural disaster"? Those humans have been praising themselves, but now it can't even beat Sweet Dance. It can't be a fake natural disaster.

"Bah! Bah!" (Wait! Please give me a face for natural disasters!)

The mini dragon stretched out its tail and stopped Sweet Dance Ni.

"A mark!" (I'm fighting a natural disaster!)

Sweet Dance Ni shook the shell cover and knocked the mini dragon's tail aside.

It doesn't care whether it is a natural disaster or not. It has been played by Lalu Lasi for a long time, and it is holding back its anger and has nowhere to release it. It has finally found a target that will not run away. How can it let it go so easily.

Seeing that the negotiation failed, the mini dragon had no choice but to turn around and run away.

Ryan had just taught it to run away immediately when something was wrong.

"A-mark!" (Stop!)
Originally, the mini dragon was chasing Tian Wu Ni, but now it has become Tian Wu Ni chasing the mini dragon.

It can be seen from this that although Mini Dragon is a quasi-god, in its initial form, its strength is similar to that of ordinary Pokémon.

It has to wait until it evolves into a fast dragon before it can become powerful.

Today's mini dragons, let alone Tian Wu Ni, can't beat any Bada Die with a similar level to it.

This is also the biggest shortcoming of the quasi-god. The development cycle is too long. If you want to cultivate a fully-formed quasi-god, you don't know how much time and resources will be wasted.

Of course, the rewards are also very rich. As long as the quasi-god can be cultivated, even the slimy dragon that was criticized in the previous life can have strength that ordinary Pokémon can't match.

After all, this is the real world, not a turn-based game. The strength of quasi-gods can be fully utilized, otherwise they would not be dubbed "natural disasters" by the indigenous people.

If a Pokémon that can be formed in a short time like Bada is a carbonated drink, it can give you a moment of comfort, but after a long time, the air will run out, making it somewhat difficult to swallow.

The Mini Dragon is a freshly brewed liquor. When you first drink it, it feels spicy and irritating, and the taste is not good. But the longer you keep it, the mellower the taste will be, and the price will even become more expensive.

Ahem, that’s a long way off. In short, Mini Dragon is a Pokémon with a long breeding cycle and high return rate.

If it were placed in peacetime, then Ryan would definitely try his best to keep the mini dragon and develop it silently.

But the problem is that it is not peaceful now. Wars of various sizes occur every day, and territories are annexed from time to time.

Lords with some ability are racing against time to develop their territories, and Ryan is no exception.

What he lacks most now is time. As long as he is given more time, he is confident that he can lead players to conquer the entire kingdom.

However, other lords would not leave him much time to develop, just like Baron Bach. Ryan originally wanted to develop for a while before fighting Ironthorn, but the plan could not keep up with the changes, and in the end he had to rush to fight.

Fortunately, the war was won, but not every war goes so smoothly, so Ryan doesn't have time to wait for the mini dragon to develop slowly. What he wants now is high-end combat power like Gardevoir.

This was another reason why Ryan agreed to take the mini dragon home. He wanted to see if he could bring back a fully formed dragon in the mini dragon's home.

Although this idea is a bit whimsical, everything is possible, and you won’t know if it will work if you don’t try it.

People, you still have to have dreams, otherwise there is no difference between you and Magikarp!
No, Magikarp has the dream of evolving into Gyarados!

Ryan really wants to ride a dragon and fly in the sky. This is a dream he had in his previous life. After finally traveling to the Pokémon world, he must realize this dream!

As for the mini dragon, it's better to send it home. Having a slow-growing Kokodora is enough to give Ryan a headache, and he doesn't want to breed another one.

"By the way, I don't know how Chen Yan and the others are doing. Have they found Cocodola's father? They should be offline at this time. I have to go to the chat group and take a look."

Thinking of this, Ryan opened the panel, connected to the Blue Star network, and opened the chat group.

As soon as I opened it, I saw the message from Xu Ruofeng.

Last night West Wind: [Help, what should I do if I get lost in the underground tunnel?Waiting online, it’s very urgent! @all members】

(End of this chapter)

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