Chapter 480 Inspection

"Very good," Bai Ye said lightly, "the performance of these clones really exceeded my expectations. You did a good job, Walter."

Hearing Bai Ye's praise, the smile on Walter's face became even brighter. He knew that Bai Ye was not an easy person to give praise to others, and his praise was undoubtedly a great encouragement and affirmation to him.

"This is what I should do," Walter said modestly. "After all, these clones are our joint efforts and achievements. I am also very gratified and proud to see them make such progress and achievements."

Bai Ye nodded, expressing his agreement with Walter's words. He looked down at the data pad in his hand again, already thinking about how to better utilize the power of these clones.

At this moment, a breeze blew through the training ground, bringing a cool and fresh breath. The sun shines through the clouds and shines on the clones, as if covering them with a golden glow. The entire training ground seemed to be filled with new vitality and vitality at this moment.

Bai Ye raised his head and looked at the scene in front of him, feeling an inexplicable emotion well up in his heart. He knew that although these clones were just tools in his hands, they also had life and the meaning of existence. Their progress and achievements are not only due to him and Walter, but also the result of their own efforts and struggles.

At this moment, Bai Ye was full of more expectations and confidence for the future. He believed that with the help of these clones, he would be able to accomplish his goals and mission. No matter how many difficulties and challenges await them ahead, he will go on firmly and lead these clones to create their own glory and legend.

Walter stood aside, watching Bai Ye and the clones silently. He knew that he had fulfilled his mission and responsibility. Now, it's time for Bai Ye and these clones to face new challenges and opportunities. He believes that they will be able to do better and go further.

Just like this, in the center of the training ground, Bai Ye and Walter stood silently, staring at the scene in front of them. Their hearts are full of expectations and confidence for the future, as if they have already seen their glory and success. The clones stood there in neat rows, waiting for new orders and instructions.

. They seem to be ready and waiting for new challenges and opportunities. The entire training ground seemed to have become a new starting point at this moment, a starting point full of hope and possibility.

Other experimenters walked towards the training venue one after another, each carrying professional tools and equipment, ready to conduct more detailed inspections of the clones. Their arrival broke the previous tranquility, and there was an atmosphere of tension and expectation in the air.

A tall experimenter walked up to a clone first. He held a scanner and carefully scanned its body. The scanner buzzed slightly, and a stream of data and images flashed across the screen. The experimenter stared at the screen intently and nodded from time to time to express satisfaction.

Another experimenter is responsible for checking the physiological functions of the clones. She took out a slender needle and gently inserted it into the clone's arm, drawing a blood sample. She then put the blood sample into an analyzer and waited for the results to come back.

There is also an experimenter who is observing the material that the extraordinary dragon turns into after death. These substances present a strange shape and color, as if they contain some mysterious power. Experimenters carefully observed these substances with microscopes, trying to discover their secrets. The clones stood there quietly, allowing the experimenters to examine and observe them. There was no expression on their faces, as if they were used to such treatment. However, their eyes revealed a kind of expectation and desire, as if they were looking forward to being recognized and accepted.

As time went by, the experimenters completed their inspections one after another. They gathered together to exchange their findings and opinions. It can be seen from their expressions and tone that they are very satisfied with the performance of the clones, and are also full of curiosity and interest in the material that the extraordinary dragon turns into after death.

One of the experimenters walked up to Bai Ye and whispered: "The physical fitness and functions of these clones are excellent, completely beyond our expectations. Moreover, their recovery and adaptability are also very strong, almost Survive and fight in any environment.”

Another experimenter pointed to the material that the extraordinary dragon turned into after its death and said: "These materials contain huge energy and potential. If we can use and develop them, we may be able to create more powerful biological weapons. "

Bai Ye listened to the reports and discussions of the experimenters, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction in his heart. He knew that these clones and the substances transformed into extraordinary dragons after death were trump cards and sharp weapons in his hand. As long as he can make good use of and develop it, he will be able to remain invincible in this world full of challenges and opportunities.

However, he also clearly knew that these clones and materials still had huge potential and room for improvement. He needs to continuously invest more resources and energy to conduct more in-depth and detailed research and development on them. Only in this way can he ensure that he is always at the forefront of technology and has the most advanced and powerful power.

So, he turned around and said to the experimenters: "Very good, you have done a great job. Next, we need to conduct more in-depth and systematic research on these clones and substances. I hope you We can continue to use your expertise and talents to make greater contributions to our cause."

The experimenters nodded in agreement and support. They know that Bai Ye is a leader with great ambitions and ambitions. His goals and vision are not only for himself, but also for the entire organization and the future of mankind. They are willing to work hard with Bai Ye and create more brilliant and greater achievements.

On this training ground, the clones quietly waited for new orders and instructions. They know that their future is closely linked to these experimenters.

Amid the busy figures of the experimenters, the training ground returned to calm and order again. The clones stood there in neat rows, waiting for new orders and instructions. They seem to be ready and waiting for new challenges and opportunities.

Bai Ye stood quietly aside, watching everything in front of him. His heart was full of expectations and confidence for the future, as if he had already seen their glory and success. He knew that as long as he had the help of these clones, he would be able to complete his plans and goals more smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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