Chapter 183 The Punisher’s Family Visit ([-])

Creaking, the door of the villa slowly opened, making a faint friction sound.

Frank subconsciously took half a step back, a shuddering feeling welling up in his heart.

Although he usually behaved very stoically, at this moment he felt inexplicably nervous and scared.The unknown behind the door made him feel a sense of oppression, as if there was some unspeakable danger waiting for him.At this moment, he couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster, and his eyes scanned the darkness inside the door alertly.

He wiped his forehead, what was it, what was it that made him so frightened and frightened?
"Not allowed to move!"

A small pistol poked out of the door, but the fear in Frank's heart suddenly dissipated. He stared at the hand holding it, which was obviously the hand of a child.

Then, he looked up at the door and saw a little black-haired boy in a cloak, about seven or eight years old, holding a pistol tightly in his hand and pointing it at him without fear.

With just one glance, he knew that it was a toy pistol of average workmanship, and there were traces of mold lines on the barrel.

However, he did not expose this, but slowly raised his hands to show that he was not hostile. At the same time, he swallowed and asked in a trembling voice: "Francis?"

The boy blinked, put down the toy pistol he used to protect the family, and said to the man in front of him who was several times taller than him: "I am Francis, but you can call me Mr. Custer, because when my father is not at home When I was young, I was the breadwinner of the family.”

In Frank's memory, the appearance of his long-dead son has been blurred.However, seeing Francis again today, it was as if a fresh image in his memory reappeared, like a dazzling ray of sunshine that penetrated the hazy clouds and shone in Frank's heart.

Frank stared at Frances and clearly saw the black hair exactly like his own, the bright eyes, and the innocent smile.

At this moment, the past and present seemed to be intertwined, making him tremble uncontrollably.

His lips parted as if he were about to say something, but in the end he just shook his head slightly.

The little boy named Francis stared at the man in front of him, who looked a bit like his father but was much older, while holding his mouth. He squinted for two seconds, then suddenly threw his cloak and ran towards the house, shouting: "Mom! There’s a pervert on our doorstep!”

His voice was full of a childish tone, while also revealing a hint of innocence and fearlessness.

Frank couldn't help but grin, showing a smile that made the two scars on his face squeeze together.

God, why hadn't he noticed this little guy was so funny before, why had he never paid attention?
While Frank was still laughing and dazed, a blond woman walked from the house to the door.When she came, she did not immediately look directly at the person outside the door. Instead, she shouted to the other side of the door: "Francis? You just left the door open like this? What did I tell you before?" Her voice was full of laughter. With a hint of reproach.

A few seconds later, a childish voice answered from the other side: "I forgot!" Listening to this cordial conversation, Frank couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, as if he had returned to the warm time when he had a family.

He was still very thin at that time, and he had been focusing on performing tasks and killing people outside, and getting himself drunk to forget what happened during the war, and neglected to spend time with his family.

Sighing to her son, the blonde woman finally turned her head to look at the visitor at the door, but when he saw the person in front of her clearly, her eyes widened and she shouted in surprise: "Oh my God, Frank?!"

Frank subconsciously raised his hand in greeting: "Hi, Maria what?! No! I am. I am"

He muttered hurriedly, trying hard to make up a false identity, with an awkward expression on his face.

Damn it, if my family in this world is still alive, then I will naturally be alive too.What's the deal with having two Frank Custer's? That's not the case.

Just when he was at a loss and Maria's eyes were getting weirder and weirder, Bai Ye, who had been standing next to him as a kind of air, suddenly said:
"Fredo, don't be so nervous, aren't you about to meet your nephew Frank, whom you haven't seen for many years?"

After saying that, he winked at the still dazed Punisher and gave wild hints.

The latter immediately understood, nodded and said: "Oh, yes. I heard that my nephew Frank returned home from the army, so I came all the way from thousands of miles away to see him. And this is one of mine. friend."

"He never told me that he had an uncle, please come in."

Maria lowered her guard, turned sideways, shook her head and said to the two of them. She accepted this statement immediately.The man in front of him looked many years older than Frank, and he also looked very similar. If it weren't for his relatives, it would be hard to explain.

Frank. No, Fredo cast a grateful look at Bai Ye on the spot. If this guy hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have thought of how to make it up.

But how did Bai Ye know that he really had an uncle named Fredo?
Without thinking any more, the two walked into the house, and the warm layout of the house came into view.

The living room has soft lighting, a comfortable sofa and a pair of cozy wooden armchairs.Hanging on the wall is a family photo of a couple who appear to be very happy and smiling.

Between the couple, there are two adorable children, a boy and a girl, who are also smiling brightly in the photos.

Fredo, also known as Frank, stood in the room and stared at the family photo for a long time. A ray of golden sunlight shone on his face through the window, reflecting his complicated face.

Maria came over with a tray of tea and snacks. She was wearing a light blue housecoat and put the tray on the table with a smile.The steam rising from the teapot exudes the fresh aroma of tea. It is a steaming pot of green tea. The green leaves dance gently in the pot, as if playing a melodious music.

A variety of desserts are placed on the dessert plate. The aroma of freshly baked desserts fills your nostrils. They look crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

"Who wants a snack?" Maria asked gently after adjusting the position of the plate to make it more beautiful.


Francis jumped excitedly, grabbing his cloak and rushing over, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Well, Francis, you choose first."

Francis came to the table happily, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He carefully selected a snack that looked particularly tempting, and then couldn't wait to take a bite.

But Frank just looked at Maria's blond hair and was a little stunned for a moment.Her blond hair shimmered warmly in the sun, and she looked so moving, as if the whole world was brightening because of her presence.

Damn, my vision of women was really right.

(End of this chapter)

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