Chapter 275 Three strange places

Following the group of natives, Richard and Stepina spent about an hour walking through the dense forest and came to a slightly open space. What caught Richard's eyes was a circle of pointed wooden fences surrounding it. Get up camp.

The camp covers an area of ​​seemingly thousands of square meters and contains dozens of large and small igloos.

According to the indigenous people, their tribe is called the Running Wolf tribe.

At this moment, a group of people were waiting at the gate of the camp, the most eye-catching of them being an elder and a tall warrior.

This elder wore bright feathers on his head, various gold and gemstone necklaces around his neck, and held a human-sized bone staff. He looked very much like the Indian chief whom Richard had seen in his previous life.

The Apache shaman mentioned before is the shaman of their Benlang tribe.

Another tall warrior, more than two meters tall, with five red bars on his face and strange runes all over his body, was looking at the orc Otombo, who was about the same height as him, with a burning gaze.

It seems that he regards the orcs, who are as tall as him, as a powerful enemy.

"(Indigenous language) Jili Gulu" I saw the young indigenous warrior who was leading the way, stepping forward and bowing slightly to his shaman and chief.

"This respected wizard, welcome to the Benlang tribe!" The old elder said after looking at Richard with deep eyes.

"You're welcome! Apache Shaman, we are new here too, so we are rude."

"I brought a small gift. I hope you and the chief will like it." After speaking, Richard took out two golden horned frog eggs kept in gorgeous wooden boxes.

There are a few golden horned frog eggs left over from before, but now there are three in each box.

This thing has no effect on Richard now. In addition to its delicious taste, it can also be eaten as jelly beans occasionally.

But it’s an excellent choice for gift giving.

The golden and transparent fish eggs are beautiful in shape and delicious in taste, and their effectiveness is beneficial to wizard apprentices or great knights.

As for why giving gifts?

If you want to take something, you must first give it to someone else. Richard still understands this principle.

Since he wanted the indigenous tribe to mobilize manpower to help find the Rodrigo ruins, he naturally had to make friends with the other party first, otherwise how could he open the door.

Sure enough, when Richard handed over two gorgeous boxes to the two leaders of the Benlang tribe.

The Apache shamans were mature and sophisticated, and it was hard to tell, but Chief Benlang, a tall warrior, could not suppress the joy in his eyes, and his senses about Richard and his group immediately became much better.

It may be due to the other party's customs.

The wooden box that Richard handed to the two of them was immediately opened by the indigenous warrior on the side.

I saw three golden horned frog eggs that were as round as golden beans inside. They looked great and at the same time slowly released a sweet aroma.

"Gudong" Chief Benlang seemed to be immediately attracted by the fragrance and swallowed his saliva immediately.

Then, ignoring the surprised looks of others, he carefully picked up one and put it into his mouth.


An expression of enjoyment appeared on Chief Runlang's face.

But the next second, his expression became extremely shocked! This immediately made the surrounding Benlang tribe warriors raise their weapons nervously and aim at Richard and his party.

"Put down your weapons!" Chief Benlang seemed to have come to his senses and immediately shouted angrily.

The tall figure suddenly bowed to Richard and continued:

"I'm sorry! This respected wizard, the gift you gave me is too valuable. It can actually slightly improve my mental power. I'm really surprised."

"Hey!" The Apache shaman couldn't help it immediately. He picked up a golden horned frog egg and put it into his mouth, showing an expression of enjoyment as well.

But he was not as shocked as the leader of the Benlang clan.

Also, the mental fluctuations that the Apache shaman has just revealed are no weaker than Stephanna. As a formal shaman, the golden horned frog eggs have little practical use, but they can be used as a rare delicacy that can be tasted occasionally.

"Distinguished guests, please come to our tribe and rest for a while." The wrinkles on the Apache shaman's face seemed to have been smoothed a lot by taking golden horned frog eggs.

"Thank you, Apache Shaman and Chief Benlang, please excuse me!" Richard bowed slightly to express his gratitude.

The group of people arrived at the dome wooden house in the center of the Benlang tribe's camp.

There was a blazing bonfire in the center of the wooden house, surrounded by several circles of cushions made of unknown animal skins.

After everyone sat down, many young tribal women came in and began to grill a lot of processed animal meat beside the campfire. These animal meats were all covered with light yellow juice, and some of them had been skinned. Various spices are placed in the belly of the little beast.

As the roasting progresses, the aroma of meat begins to spread.

"Master Wizard, what's the matter with you coming to Basileus Island?" After giving the gift, the Apache shaman took the initiative to speak without the need for Richard to speak.

Richard thought for a while and said, "We came here this time to find the wizards our ancestors left on the island."

Just as Richard started to tell, a young and capable indigenous man ran in with a panic look on his face and said to the Apache Shaman and Chief Running Wolf at the main table:

"(Indigenous language) Jili Gulu"

Suddenly, the expressions of the two supreme leaders of the tribe suddenly changed.

I saw the Apache shaman saying to Richard very apologetically: "Dear guest, I am very sorry. We have a rather difficult matter now that needs to be dealt with first."

"A few guests can enjoy the grilled caracal and elk ribs of our Benlang tribe first."

Richard glanced at the slightly panicked indigenous warrior who ran in. After thinking for a moment, he decided to find out more about the situation.

If they can help the Benlang tribe solve their difficulties, naturally, they will do their best to help them find the Rodrigo ruins.

Of course, if the opponent encounters a difficult problem, he will not jump out and be a hero.

"Your Excellency Apache Shaman, can we go take a look with you? Perhaps, if the problem we encounter is not so difficult, we can help a little bit." Richard stood up and said.

The Apache shaman thought for a while and said, "Okay, distinguished guest, time is tight, let's talk as we go."

Everyone walked out of the dome house and came to the center of the square of the tribal camp. They saw an indigenous warrior being tightly tied to a thick wooden stake. There were many criss-crossing wounds on his body. The appearance of the wounds made both Richard and Stepina quite puzzled, because there were many small deep holes in the other person's body that could only be caused by blowing darts.

Could it be that there were other tribes nearby and a battle broke out?

However, what caught Richard's attention was that the other party's body was emitting a strange fluctuation. He was very familiar with it. It seemed to be the fluctuation of a spiritual body?

Could it be that.

As if considering that Richard was by his side, the Apache shaman adopted common language this time and asked several indigenous warriors on the side: "How long has Cassie been in this situation?"

"About an hour and a half ago, we were hunting by the Lunn River. Suddenly a strange white shadow appeared. Then the white shadow flashed and attacked Cassie at the back."

"Apache Shaman, is Cassie possessed by an evil god?" The leader of the indigenous hunting team next to him explained the situation nervously.

"Master, why do I feel that this warrior of the Running Wolf Tribe who is tied to a wooden stake seems to be possessed by an evil spirit? I seem to smell the evil spirit." After looking at the unconscious warrior, Stephana pressed Richard whispered in his ear.

Richard nodded slightly and said, "I feel the same way. It's just right. Let's see how the Benlang tribe handles it."

After listening to the hunting team leader's story, Apache frowned and murmured to himself: "Could it be that the scope of the forbidden area has been expanded this year?"

"Forbidden area?" Richard caught this word keenly.

But immediately, the Apache shaman put back his wandering thoughts and began to perform a witchcraft similar to soul detection.


I saw a light yellow mist suddenly drifting from the top of his bone staff to the indigenous warrior tied to the wooden stake.

Suddenly, the indigenous warrior's whole body became motionless. The next second, he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the Apache shaman with an extremely vicious look.

A white shadow about two meters tall appeared behind him. His face could not be seen clearly, but it gave the impression that the shadow was watching everyone around him.


Suddenly, the Apache Shaman cast a yellow beam of light, which struck the white shadow from in front of him.

Suddenly, the white shadow wailed, and rushed towards the Apache Shaman with its hands spread wide.

At this time, Chief Running Wolf, who had been guarding the Apache Shaman, suddenly roared, and the strange runes on the surface of his skin lit up. Chief Running Wolf immediately took a step forward and blocked the white shadow's attack line.

I saw him waving the mace in his hand and giving a heavy blow to the attacking white shadow!

The physical mace that originally passed through the illusory white shadows suddenly flashed a yellow light in a strange way, sending the illusory white shadows flying for more than ten meters.

Along with a shrill scream, the white shadow became transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, Chief Benlang's attack hurt Bai Ying.

Richard looked at the light flashing from the tattoo on Chief Runlang's body with great interest, which reminded him involuntarily of the seal on Prince William's body. It seemed that the two had the same purpose.

They also rely on the witchcraft array drawn on the body surface to trigger specific energy particle fluctuations, achieving an effect that is almost like innate witchcraft.

Richard thought about it and immediately decided to help.

"Death Ray!"

I saw a black beam of light striking Bai Ying from the tip of Richard's index finger!


The black beam of light instantly penetrated Bai Ying's chest, making Bai Ying dim and almost transparent!

"Psychic shock!"

The next second, a transparent mental wave hit the white shadow. In an instant, the almost transparent white shadow could no longer withstand the consecutive blows from the Apache Shaman, Chief Running Wolf and Richard, and immediately dissipated into the air. .

Only a thin layer of black ash was left on the ground.

The Apache Shaman and Chief Running Wolf, who saw the two witchcrafts directly killing the evil spirits, looked at each other and were surprised by each other. They did not expect that the Richard wizard was stronger than they imagined. , much stronger.

"Thank you distinguished guest for your help. You have gained the friendship of the Benlang tribe!" the Apache shaman bowed slightly towards Richard.

"You're welcome, Your Excellency Apache Shaman, this is just a little effort!" Richard smiled slightly.

The young aboriginal hunter who was tied to a stake after being expelled from the evil spirit slowly regained his consciousness, but needed some time to nurse himself back to health.

Now that this matter was perfectly resolved, Richard and his group returned to the dome house again.

Sitting down again, the atmosphere became even more lively!

Richard took the initiative to ask: "Your Excellency Apache Shaman, the reason why your tribe's warriors were injured just now seems to be an encounter with evil spirits. Do you think evil spirits often appear around here?"

Apache shook his head and seemed to have no intention of hiding anything. He said directly: "Dear guest, this kind of weird white shadow has never appeared around our tribal camp. Do you call it an evil spirit? It's a very vivid statement. .”

"We call them immortal ghosts. This kind of weird thing used to only appear in the forbidden area. But in the past few decades, the probability of Bai Ying appearing outside the forbidden area has become higher and higher. I don't know why!"

There is almost no difference in description between the immortal resentful spirit and the evil spirit. It is just a few more words and a few less words. What Richard is paying attention to is the forbidden land mentioned by Apache again.

This forbidden area interested Richard quite a bit.

This kind of place where evil spirits appear is usually the favorite of necromancers. It is very likely that the legendary wizard Rodrigo left ruins in the forbidden area.

"Your Excellency, Apache Shaman, can you tell me what's going on in the forbidden area?"

"The forbidden area is the Forest of Silence. Walk along the west side of the camp for about fifty miles and cross the Lunn River, and you will find the Forest of Silence!" It seemed that he had thought of something terrible. When the Apache shaman told about the forbidden area, he looked shocked. .

"There are all kinds of weird creatures there, including walking skeletons, tall ugly deformed monsters, and knights riding bone horses! Including the evil spirits that were just eliminated, they are also very common in the Forest of Silence!"


This made Richard's eyes light up!

After Richard and Stepina looked at each other, they both saw the same answer in each other's eyes!

This is most likely their destination on Basileus Island - the site of the legendary necromancer Rodrigo's ruins.

"Sir Apache, your tribe must have knowledge of the entire Basileus Island. Apart from the Forest of Silence, are there any weird or strange areas on the island?"

Richard thought for a while and decided that it would be better to ask more comprehensive questions.

"There are two more places. One is a haunted gold mine. It is about thirty miles directly north of the camp. In an abandoned gold mine, as you go down, you will hear strange roars. The more obvious it becomes.”

"Our tribe doesn't mine, so we don't know exactly what's inside. This is a theory spread by outsiders."

"The other place is the Eye of the Sky. The Eye of the Sky is a deep pool area. No one knows how deep it is. The warriors of our tribe have seen huge creatures swimming in it."


It seems possible!

This made Richard ponder. Among the three, which one is the most likely location of Rodrigo's ruins?

(End of this chapter)

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