The wizard starts with the get inspiration panel

Chapter 229 The sequelae of the black dragon’s blood

Chapter 229 The sequelae of the black dragon’s blood
When Richard walked out of Hawkins' office again, his face was still expressionless, showing no emotion or anger, but if someone familiar with Richard was around, he could see something in his eyes. Clues.

That is restrained happiness.

Richard took a bulging black bag and came to the lobby on the first floor of the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood. He called Stephana who was waiting for him here and prepared to return to Fana's villa.

Although a month and a half has passed, Richard's original villa was severely damaged and is still being repaired. Therefore, Richard's master and servants are still living in Fana's villa.

Just as Richard and Stepina were preparing to leave the headquarters of the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood, a voice sounded from behind:
"Master Li Wei, please wait a moment."

Richard turned his head and looked behind him in confusion. It turned out to be Fritz, the butler on the second floor.

"Director Fritz, is there anything else?"

"Master Li Wei, I heard that you are looking for an inscription master to help repair a piece of equipment. Maybe I can help a little bit with this matter. I have a good friend who happens to be an inscription master. He just came from two days ago. The imperial capital comes to Tuge City.”

Upon hearing this, Richard raised his head and looked at Fritz. He didn't expect that when he visited the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood headquarters today, he would be able to get a double blessing.

Could it be that this is what was said in the previous life, that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have blessings in the future? How can you know that a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise?

However, compared to the danger of assassination, this blessing was worth it. Thinking of this, Richard couldn't help but shake his head mockingly.

However, Richard's expression made Fritz confused.

"Master Li Wei, you."

"That's great, Manager Fritz, I'll leave this to you. I'll ask Fingart to deliver the item to you later." Richard said immediately with a smile on his face.

"Okay, Master Levi."

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, they said goodbye to each other. They had a tacit understanding with each other and did not discuss how many magic stones were needed.

For Fritz, in the eyes of Vice President Hawkins, Master Levi, whose status is increasing day by day, is an important friend of his, not to mention that this person is also a person who is proficient in the branches of pharmacy and explosives. Grandmaster.

You may not know which day you will cause trouble to the other party.

As for Richard, having the friendship of such a general manager on the second floor would make it easier to do some things.
A few days later, Richard finally solved the spar problem. The number of flame spar he currently has is (27/27) and flame essence (9/9).

The remaining period of the last use of Swamp Giant's blood also happened to be over.

Immediately, Richard opened the box again and couldn't help but couldn't wait to see the blood-red black dragon origin blood crystals!
However, he thought about it and closed the box. Before starting to improve, he needed to adjust his condition to the best.

Half a day later, Fingart stood guard at the door of the alchemy room.

Stephana accompanied Richard into the alchemy room for a good reason. Now that she is an official wizard, she can help Richard if anything happens to him.

Since the last battle with the assassins, the relationship between the two has become closer, and Richard did not reject Stephana's concern.

"Stephanna, then I'll get started."

"Master, won't you wait for a while longer? Third-level source blood."

Stephana lowered her head, with an indelible sadness on her brows.You must know that this is the third-level source blood. When Stepina helped Richard search for information these days, she also learned that generally those who take the third-level source blood are at least the second-level great wizards.

But his master is only a first-level wizard, not even a high-level wizard. At least in the relevant records he searched, he couldn't find a third-level origin blood user with such low strength.

Unknown means there is risk.

"Don't worry!" Richard smiled slightly and said to Stepina.

"Come on! Master! I believe you will succeed." Although Stephanie said this, her clenched fists still revealed the nervousness in her heart.

Immediately, Richard placed nine flame essences and 27 flame crystals in the mixed crystal aggregation witchcraft array that had been prepared in advance according to specific regulations.

Taking a deep breath, Richard used his mental power to control the witchcraft formation. Suddenly, a red light burst out, and an unusually hot energy began to gather in the center of the witchcraft formation.

As the concentration of energy increased, a small flame began to appear out of thin air above the witch formation.

But this was just the beginning. As the energy fluctuation reached its peak, this small flame gradually transformed into a person-high flame elf that resembled a first-order fire element. However, the surface of this flame elf actually shone with a faint golden light.

Seeing such a scene, Stephana was immediately dazzled.

However, she immediately covered her mouth, fearing that she might inadvertently make a sound that would affect her master, Richard, who was concentrating on the side.

At this time, Richard, who was staring intently at the sky above the witch formation, nodded slightly. It was consistent with the vision of using the Heart of Flame recorded in the book, and everything was moving in the expected direction.

At this moment, the flame temperature had reached its highest level, and Richard quickly ejected the blood-colored crystal the size of a fingernail that he had prepared in his hand into the arms of the flame elf.

In an instant!
The mixed black dragon source blood crystal shattered!

In less than a second, a simple and ancient aura came from the center of the witch formation. Stephana on the side suddenly felt something bad. This aura was completely irresistible to her. It had nothing to do with strength. It seemed to come from An instinct deep in the blood.


A mini version of the black dragon's shadow suddenly appeared in mid-air, roaring at the golden fire element.

The two seemed completely irreconcilable, and they were suddenly at war with each other.

It was completely different from what Richard expected. Although the mini version of the black dragon shadow was less than half the size of the golden fire element, the result was that the mini black dragon defeated the opponent steadily.

This suddenly shocked Richard!
If the situation continues like this, the ignition plan will inevitably fail.

"Stephanna, add the flame crystal!"

At the same time, Richard immediately began to increase the input of mental power. The flames in the witch formation suddenly burned more intensely. The golden fire element suddenly boosted its morale and started fighting the mini black dragon phantom again.

However, the 27 flame crystals in the witch formation are also dim in color at this moment. Apparently, more than half of the energy has been consumed.

If no new force joins, I'm afraid the Golden Flame will still be unable to support it at first.

This counterattack has become a comeback.

Fortunately, Richard still made two preparations. Although he couldn't get the second-order flame essence in a short time, he still prepared ten more first-order flame crystals.

After replacing some of the broken flame crystals with these "new forces", the golden flames finally suppressed the mini black dragon shadow.The mini black dragon phantom was a rootless grass after all. Without energy supply, it finally began to scream, but became increasingly powerless.

In the end, the mini black dragon phantom didn't even have the strength to whisper!

Just when the mini black dragon phantom's intelligence collapsed, without any hesitation, Richard swallowed the refined mini black dragon phantom directly into his belly.

A black light suddenly entered Richard's mouth!
The next second, Richard felt as if his soul was sleeping in his mother's arms.
A kind of comfort and ease comes from the depths of the soul.

When Richard woke up again, he found that Stephanna was already napping in a chair nearby. Obviously, his improvement took a long time.

Richard called up the inspiration panel and took a look:
【Name】: Richard Clavell
[Attributes]: Strength 11.2, Agility 12.1, Constitution 11.9, Spirit 68.5 (atomization 62%)

hiss!His mental power has increased by more than [-] points, and Richard can clearly feel that this increase will continue for a while, although the magnitude will be much smaller.

The atomization level has soared to 62%, skipping the middle level of a first-level wizard and directly entering the high-level level of a first-level wizard.

This made Richard extremely happy!

You must know that even if you practice the mutant meditation method that has reached the extreme level every day, it will take at least five years to reach the current level.

But with the help of the essence of the Black Dragon's bloodline, it only took one day to complete the journey that originally took five years!

Richard held his breath and focused his consciousness into his body, carefully checking his physical condition. After a while, his face changed slightly, and there was a vague shadow of a black dragon entangled deep in his body.

It was completely different from the previous one with the Swamp Giant.

That time, Richard could clearly sense the approximate remaining period.

But this time.
The residual period of the blood essence seems to be quite long, not a few years at all, it seems to be ten years or even longer!

Richard thought for a moment, then shook his head and threw the idea behind him.

His strength has been greatly improved. Even if his bloodline remains for a long time, it is a good thing that he can only make money but not lose anything.

Others can’t even dream of it!
Although my strength has greatly increased this time, I can obviously feel that my perception is sharper and my mental power is stronger, but it seems that
Why do you think Stephana is prettier?

Could it be because the other party has been promoted to an official wizard?
Or he said that he had never thought about this aspect before.

Look at Stephana’s charming face, seductive lips, long eyelashes and curvy figure
Why is there always an uncontrollable feeling in my heart that is ready to take action?

A flash occurred in my mind.

Dragons like to do happy things with various creatures, and leave many dragon-veined creatures or heirs.
Could it be said that using mixed black dragon origin blood would still have such sequelae?
Stephana, who was taking a nap, suddenly felt someone hugging her.

When she opened her eyes, her joyful expression hadn't fully appeared yet.
Fingart, who was at the door of the alchemy room, once again heard the familiar voice coming from inside the door: "Ah! Master, I can't stand it!!"

Fingart couldn't help showing an envious expression. Hey, the master has helped Stephana improve her strength again?

I'm really envious!
I don’t know when my master will be able to help me improve my strength.
A few minutes later, Fingart outside the door seemed to be unable to remain calm anymore. He took a few steps forward, shook his head slightly and said, "Alas! Although it is to improve the strength, the voice is too seductive and easy to let people know." Misunderstood!"
At this time, several uninvited guests came near Fana Villa.

I saw only a few people wearing black robes and hoods, and their faces could not be seen at all.

However, the weapons in the hands of the three people are unique and have their own characteristics. They are a giant bow, a pair of swords and a short staff.

The woman in black robe holding a short staff looked at each other and jumped directly into the villa after looking at her companion.

After entering the villa, the black-robed woman had no intention of avoiding the guards.


"Enemy attack!!"

A group of gray dwarf guards in the villa immediately blew the warning whistle.

Since the last attack by the Jade Fire Cult, Fana's villa has strengthened its guards, almost doubled its personnel, and raised the threshold of guards to above the level of an intermediate knight or a third-level wizard apprentice.

It can be said that as long as there is any disturbance in the villa, it cannot escape the control of so many guards.

But she never expected that someone would enter the villa so carelessly without hiding anything.

After a while, Fana led more than ten guards to surround the black-robed woman!
"who are you?"

Fana looked at the other party solemnly. Although there was no fight, the faintly powerful aura of the other party clearly showed that the other party was not an easy person.

"Everyone should have arrived by now."

The woman in black robe answered the question inappropriately.

It seems to be more of a self-questioning and answering question.

Suddenly, the woman in black robe took out a transparent glass bottle from her waist bag. The bottle was only the size of a palm. After removing the stopper, she quickly took out a black pill and threw it into her mouth.

"not good!"

When Fana saw it, she immediately shouted: "Attack!"

But the woman in black robe suddenly accelerated her actions!
After a few simple chews, the black-robed woman opened her mouth, and saw that the original small cherry mouth had now been opened to the earlobe, looking extremely ferocious and strange. At the same time, she made two twisted luminous gestures forward with both hands. runes.


An extremely sharp sound came from the bloody mouth of the black-robed woman.

Everyone, as long as they were directly in front of the black-robed woman, were shocked by the high-decibel harsh noise, which made their whole body numb and their eardrums ruptured.

For a moment, in a huge fan-shaped area with the black-robed woman as the apex, everyone stopped their original spell-casting or attacking movements, covered their ears with their hands, and staggered in pain.

The black-robed woman had no intention of stopping and continued to output sonic attacks. Many people in the fan-shaped area could no longer hold on. They fell to their knees and wailed in pain, or rolled on the ground and held their heads with both hands, unable to hold their heads back. Severe pain like tearing!

Because Fana was at the forefront of the guard team and the closest to the black-robed woman, she was the key target of Sound Wave's attacks.

Therefore, although she cast defensive witchcraft in time, the sonic attack still made her dizzy!
Of course, the sound wave attack of the black-robed woman with such a strong decibel not only alarmed Fingart outside the alchemy room door, but also alarmed the two people inside the alchemy room.
(End of this chapter)

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