Hogwarts God of Ice and Fire

Chapter 332 Fire Phoenix and Ice Phoenix, a romantic dance floor!

Another period of time passed, and Linn and Irina found Irvin walking down the stairs. He was wearing a tuxedo with black as the main color and purple lines. He looked heroic.

The person holding his hand was a delicate-faced little witch whose height only reached Irwin's chest. The little witch was wearing a long black and white dress that hung directly to her feet.

If Linn guessed correctly, the little girl following Irvine was Astoria Greengrass.

At this time, the little wizards around were looking at Irwin with disgust, their eyes full of condemnation. Looking for a second-grade little witch, you are such a beast!
Irwin turned a blind eye to these looks, or in other words, he had become accustomed to these strange looks throughout the day.

"Lynn! Irina!"

Irwin greeted Linn and Irina.

After seeing Lynn and Irina, Astoria also took the initiative to introduce herself: "Senior Luo Er, senior sister Lowell, hello, my name is Astoria Greengrass. Just call me Astoria! I have heard about your deeds in the castle and admire you very much!"

Hearing this, Lin En and Irina just smiled and greeted the two of them, saying "Merry Christmas" to each other without saying anything else.

After Irvine, the last warrior who was not present also came. Harry and Hermione were seen walking down the stairs, and Hermione couldn't help but be shocked by her appearance in her dress.

I saw that Hermione's hair was no longer as messy as before, but became soft and shiny. It was pulled into an elegant bun on the back of her head. She was wearing a flowing dress. The robe made of light purple and blue fabric, even her temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, as if she was a different person.

Not long after Harry and Hermione arrived, the time came to eight o'clock, and the door to the auditorium was opened, and Professor McGonagall's voice came out: "Please come here, warriors!"

After hearing Professor McGonagall's words, Linn and Irina, Harry and Hermione, Fleur and Roger Davis, as well as Krum and another little Slytherin witch they didn't know, all came. In front of Professor McGonagall.

At this time, Professor McGonagall was wearing a red tartan robe, with an ugly thistle wreath on the brim. She asked everyone to wait by the door, and let the other little wizards go in first, waiting for the other little wizards to sit down. After deciding, they lined up and walked into the auditorium.

When the four warriors and their dance partners walked into the auditorium and walked towards a large round table in front of the auditorium where the judges were sitting, the people in the auditorium applauded enthusiastically.

The walls of the Christmas hall were covered with sparkling silver frost, and the ceiling was a starry night sky. There were hundreds of garlands of mistletoe sprigs and ivy hanging on it. Four college tables were missing. In their place were a hundred small tables lit with lanterns, with about ten people sitting at each table.

This year's Christmas dinner was different from previous years. Even the little wizards had exclusive rights to order. They kept shouting out the names of the dishes one after another, enjoying themselves.

After the dinner, the Weird Sisters Dance Troupe, which many little wizards were looking forward to, took to the stage. They performed passionately, and the little wizards in the audience burst into thunderous applause and cheers.

Not long after, the lanterns on the table went out, which also meant the start of the Christmas dance.

Lin En and Irina quietly stood up and walked towards the dance floor. The seemingly ordinary wizard robes they wore actually changed rapidly the moment they stepped onto the dance floor at the same time, turning into that Fire Phoenix Qiu and Ice Phoenix Yu Fei with exquisite tattoos!
The fire phoenix on Lin En's body is mainly dark red, with red and golden lines intertwined on the dress to create a "phoenix" pattern soaring in the sky. This phoenix looks lifelike, with phoenix eyes. There is also a ruby ​​set in place, making it even more dazzling.

The ice phoenix Yu Fei on Irina's body is mainly made of ice blue. The lines like snow mountain elves are intertwined to form an equally lifelike phoenix. Ice blue orbs hang at the position of the phoenix's eyes, shining brightly. Shine.The moment when Lin and Irina changed their clothes suddenly attracted the attention of all the little wizards. They marveled, cheered, and at the same time envied the beautiful dresses.

"Change your clothes instantly! Coach, I want to learn!"

"Crawl away, I want to learn too!"

"What a beautiful dress. If I can get one, I will have no regrets in my life..."


Amidst the exclamations of the little wizards, Linn and Irina had already slid into the center of the dance floor, dancing to the symphony of music.

Beautiful dances were presented in front of everyone, and Lin En and Irina, who were responsible for presenting the dances, looked lovingly into each other's eyes and saw their own reflections in each other's eyes.

They danced selflessly, with eyes only for each other and nothing else.

As time passed, pairs of little wizards slipped onto the dance floor and began their own dance, but no matter how well they danced, they could not cover up the brilliance of Lynn and Irina.

"Inject the power of ice into Ice Phoenix Yu Fei, and there will be surprises!"

Once their bodies met, Linn leaned over and whispered in Irina's ear.

Hearing this, Irina nodded trustingly, mobilized a ray of ice power and injected it into Ice Phoenix Yu Fei.

At the same time, Lin En injected a wisp of Gubulai's fairy fire into Huo Fengqiu.

The next moment, the entire dance floor was shrouded in two dazzling lights. The fire phoenix on Lin En's body seemed to be alive. The blazing flames bloomed on his clothes. The fire light shone with a sweet sound. The cry of the phoenix came out, and the shadow of a fire phoenix suddenly rose from the soles of Lin En's feet, flew through Lin En's body towards the ceiling full of stars.

In front of Lin En, ice-blue light also lit up on Irina's Ice Phoenix. The ice phoenix seemed to have been injected with soul and life. The endless ice mist spread and enveloped the entire place in an instant. The dance floor makes the entire dance floor bloom with a hazy and dreamy light between red and blue, making it look extremely romantic.

What's surprising is that although the ice mist spreads around people, they don't feel cold at all.

Immediately afterwards, in the ice mist, a crisp phoenix cry came out immediately after the previous phoenix cry. A shadow of an ice phoenix suddenly rose from the soles of Irina's feet, and moved towards Irina through Irina's body. Flying in the sky.

The fire phoenix and the ice phoenix intertwined and entangled, and finally turned into ice and fire and scattered in the starry sky displayed on the ceiling! (End of chapter)

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