Hogwarts God of Ice and Fire

Chapter 141 is a Horcrux, right?

Chapter 141 is a Horcrux, right?

Looking at Lynn's red eyes and the unscarred blood on his skin, Professor McGonagall was silent.

After a long time, she nodded slightly and said, "I'll call Dumbledore."

Professor McGonagall left, while Lynn was so tired that he sat down, leaning against Irina's hospital bed and panting.

Now both Irina and Ginny are receiving Madam Pomfrey's treatment, while Lynn has temporarily refused the treatment, holding on to his heavy body and waiting for Dumbledore's arrival.

With the passage of time, the adrenaline that had previously been soared due to emotional agitation gradually subsided, and the pain from the body that had been ignored by Lynn also surged up like a tide.

Lynn felt that his eyelids were getting heavier, and when he was about to close his eyes, the gate of the school hospital was pushed open again.

Dumbledore, with Phoenix Fox on his shoulder, walked slowly to Lynn, and Professor McGonagall followed Dumbledore.


Dumbledore muttered, he did not expect that Lynn, who was always cautious about his life, would be so bold as to break into the secret room with Irina today, and even kill the basilisk.

As Lynn guessed, Dumbledore didn't really leave Hogwarts. During this time, he stayed in Hogsmeade Village, which is closer to Hogwarts Castle. Learn more about what happened at Hogwarts Castle.

Therefore, after Professor McGonagall contacted Dumbledore with an owl, Dumbledore let Fox take him back to the castle as quickly as possible.

As the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry, Dumbledore knew about the injuries of Lynn, Irina, and Ginny the moment he returned to Hogwarts Castle, and he thought of the recent frequent incidents. Given the attack and the basilisk in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, it was not difficult for Dumbledore to guess what Lynn and the others had done tonight.

"Minerva, could you please inform the other patrolling professors to wait for me in the principal's office?"

Dumbledore looked at Professor McGonagall beside him, and said softly.

Professor McGonagall nodded. She trusted Dumbledore so much that she didn't explore Dumbledore's purpose, so she turned and left.

After Professor McGonagall left, except for the unconscious Irina, there were only Lynn and Dumbledore left here.

As for Madam Pomfrey, she had already left to prepare potions for healing, while Ginny was assigned to a hospital bed on the other side of the school hospital, so she couldn't hear any sound from here.

"Can you tell me everything that happened tonight, Lynn?"

Dumbledore looked at Lynn gently, and there seemed to be a light flashing in his blue eyes.

Lynn nodded, he told everything that happened today, including they "borrowed" the sorting hat, got Harry's Parseltongue as a key, and then went to the Slytherin chamber to kill the basilisk, and was attacked by Riddle , and finally succeeded in killing the basilisk and destroying the diary, and told Dumbledore after a little straightening out.

After listening to Lynn's story, Dumbledore pondered.

After a while, Dumbledore asked softly: "Lynn, but I see that you and Irina don't seem to be wearing those alchemical glasses that can resist the basilisk. How are you immune to the basilisk's magic?" "

Hearing this, Lin En chuckled and said, "The alchemy glasses are too ostentatious. When the black hands behind the scenes have not surfaced, we can only win without attracting the attention of the black hands behind the scenes... …But unfortunately, we were still noticed by the man behind the scenes."

As he spoke, Lynn raised his hand, and the contact lenses worn on his eyes were sucked out by a magic force, and two small lenses lay quietly in the palm of his hand. "Ah, presenting the alchemy glasses in such a hidden form? What a genius idea..."

After seeing the contact lens in Lynn's hand, Dumbledore involuntarily let out an exclamation. He lightly touched the two small lenses and exclaimed.

Lynn said: "Professor is awesome, this contact lens was invented by Muggles as early as 50 years ago, I just borrowed their ideas."

Dumbledore nodded slightly, and said, "I'm very happy that you can readily accept things from Muggles instead of being blinded by the thoughts of pure-bloods."

At this moment, Dumbledore noticed the serious injury on Lynn's body, and he said, "You're injured too, Lynn, let me ask Bobby to treat you."

"Wait," Lynn stopped him, and he stared at Dumbledore seriously, "Professor Dumbledore, what do you think is that diary from Voldemort?"

Dumbledore fell into deep thought again. He actually had a guess in his mind, but he was not sure.

"Maybe... it's a product of black magic that we don't know about. Remember, we can't trust those magical products with their own thinking, except of course the Sorting Hat."

Dumbledore said so.

Hearing this, Lin En chuckled lightly, and asked, "It's a Horcrux, right?"

Lynn used interrogative sentences, but his tone was full of certainty.

Although Lynn had no reason to know about Horcruxes, he no longer wanted to be intimidated. If Dumbledore could be informed of this information in advance, perhaps many unnecessary sacrifices could be reduced in the future.

Hearing Lynn's words, Dumbledore's body that was going to turn around to find Madam Pomfrey froze in place.

He looked at Lynn again, a little surprised: "Why do you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lynn interrupted him and continued: "I think my father's death that year may also be related to Voldemort's Horcrux."

Dumbledore froze in place.

Was Hendry's death also related to Voldemort's Horcrux? !

Recalling the boy who came from Slytherin but had a sunny temperament, Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a little absent-minded.

Hendry was killed by Voldemort for unknown reasons, and the last message he sent to the Order of the Phoenix before his death was related to his outing with Regulus Black.

"Regulus Black found me and wanted to take me to a place where the weapons that could defeat Voldemort were stored..."

This is all that Hendry left before his death, and what Hendry called "the weapon that can defeat Voldemort", Dumbledore had been thinking about it for a long time, but he couldn't get any results.

But now, Lynn destroyed the diary that was Voldemort's Horcrux, and proposed that Hendry's death was related to the Horcrux, which forced Dumbledore to link the so-called weapon with the Horcrux.

(End of this chapter)

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