The Heavens: Beginning with the Holy Son of Butianism

Chapter 296: Emphasis on weapons and despise Taoism

Chapter 296: Emphasis on weapons and despise Taoism

Ever since Jiang Hengyu, Jiang Tianzun, left Heavenly Court, there has been a turmoil within Heavenly Court that has not yet subsided. Everyone knows that the change of dynasty, a major event that can affect the entire universe, is finally about to begin.

In the past, the Tianmeng still played the game under the rules of the Longhan Heavenly Court. There were naturally many loopholes in it, so many people had room to benefit from it. Many powerful clans rose up in this process.

But changing dynasties is not so easy and pleasant. It is not a simple business. The process of power transfer can be fatal.

That is the re-establishment of a humane order. The founders of the new order will definitely kill those who have vested interests in the old order. Otherwise, how will they satisfy the vested interests in the new order.

Therefore, many wealthy clans who only wanted to protect themselves chose to move most of their clansmen out of Heaven. They did not want to put their wealth and lives on the illusory future.

In the eyes of these people, even if Haotianzun has the best chance of becoming the new Heavenly Emperor, that is only on the surface.

It happened that Qin Kaifang brought back the news of the other side of the world in the land of Taixu. People were shocked to realize that there was another founding emperor Qin Tianzun in the land of Taixu. Together with the seriously injured Huo Tianzun and Xu Tianzun, they chose to There are even more wealthy families who have fled the heaven.

Moreover, it is rumored that there is also a conflict among the other eight Heavenly Lords in the Heavenly Court. The reason is that things in the Taichu ancestral land of the Emperor of Heaven are lost, and Haotianzun suspects that the other five Heavenly Lords did it.

Qin Kaitai, the chief culprit, was a little surprised when he heard about this matter. He wondered if this matter was not suitable for strict confidentiality. How could it spread in heaven so quickly.

So he thought about the reason, and soon discovered that this was a plan by the Eight Heavenly Lord to lure the snake out of its hole.

Because of the matter of the Emperor's Eggshell, there were originally six Heavenly Lords fighting, but they have not yet broken up.

Except for the three Heavenly Lords Jiang, Huo, and Xu who were not in Heaven before, the other six Heavenly Lords all had quarrels with each other, including Hao Tianzun, who had always been the most angry.

After Jiang Hengyu left not long ago, Hao Tianzun once again asked the five Tianzun to hand over the Emperor's egg shells.

But the five Tianzun naturally refused to admit that they fell into their hands, so Hao Tianzun wanted to search them.

Originally, Tianzun could not tolerate Hao Tianzun's request for a body search, but after Huo Tianzun came back, he fully supported Hao Tianzun. Originally, Hao Tianzun was the most powerful, and with Huo Tianzun's support, the other Tianzun was no match.

There is an undercurrent surging in heaven now, which is extremely dangerous.

There are rumors that the Eight Heavenly Lords even plan to take back Yutianzun, the artifact that suppresses the heavens, and return to heaven to prepare for war.

The heavens under the command of the Heavenly Lord are also dispatching troops. Many armies of gods and demons are dispatched from the heavens and rush to the heaven. Even the ten guards of the heaven are dispatched.

In Mu Tianzun's mansion, after Qin Caipai heard Hu Ling'er reporting the news, he felt something was strange and suddenly asked.

"The Ten Heavenly Guards have also been dispatched?"

Hu Ling'er nodded and confirmed after hearing this.

"There are people doing business with me in Yankang near the Ten Guards station. The news has been confirmed by them. The Ten Guards have indeed begun to mobilize not long ago."

Qin Caimai felt something was wrong, stood up and walked around, thought for a moment and said to himself.

"No, no, the ten guards of the Heavenly Court, the left and right Yulin, Longwu, Shence, Shenwei, and Shenwu are directly ordered by the Emperor of Heaven. It is impossible for the Eight Heavenly Lords to mobilize the ten guards.

The dispatch of the Ten Guards can only be ordered by the Ancient God Emperor, and the Eight Heavenly Lords can control the Emperor's physical body. The eight people restrain each other, but they cannot mobilize the Ten Guards. There is something very strange in this. "

Hu Ling'er blinked her big eyes, looked at his moving figure, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"what do you mean?"

"The civil war between the Eight Heavenly Lords is just a facade, and its purpose is to lure the snake out of its hole."

Qin Mu stopped and suddenly punched his fist, making a crisp sound and said in a deep voice.

"If the Ten Guards of the Heavenly Court remain motionless, conflicts between the Heavenly Lords may break out, but if the Ten Guards are dispatched, that will be impossible!
The Ten Guards of the Heavenly Court are the ten most powerful armies in the Heavenly Court. They each have their own strengths and are under the direct jurisdiction of the Emperor of Heaven. They recognize military symbols but not people, and they recognize the Emperor of Heaven but not the Heavenly Lord.

If there is a civil war between Tianzun, then no one can mobilize the ten guards of the heaven. Now the ten guards of the heaven have been mobilized. Therefore, this can only be a situation to lure the snake out of the hole! "

Hu Ling'er was a little confused and couldn't help but ask.

"Leading the snake out of its hole? Who has such a big card to allow the Eight Heavenly Lords to lay out the plan? Isn't the entire universe under their rule?"

Qin Kaicai glared at Hu Ling'er and replied.

"I ask you not to just focus on business matters. You can't even think about such simple things. There are many enemies in heaven, and they can't cover the sky with one hand.

For example, the Kaihuang Heavenly Court and the Creator Clan in the Land of Taixu, as well as the ancient god princes such as Tian Gong Tu Bo and Si Yu Emperor, and even Jiang Tianzun who just left. "

"Then who does the young master think the Eight Heavenly Lord's target is to lure the snake out of the cave this time?"

Qin Kaichai frowned after hearing this question and began to speculate on the goals of the Eight Heavenly Lords in his mind.

First of all, Jiang Tianzun, the troublemaker, can be eliminated, because the heaven will deal with him last.

Then they sent the Kaihuang Heavenly Court and the Creator who were far away in the world on the other side of the Taixu Land. Even if those two major forces want to leave the Taixu Land, it will be a long time later. Now they just have the intention to be born.

Tiangong Tubo's combat power is too strong, and there is a high probability that it can be ruled out. Then the answer is one of the four emperors, or it can be said that the four emperors can handle it even if the eight emperors are hooked at the same time.

Qin Kaifan suddenly sweated profusely on his forehead. If the Four Emperors were eradicated by the Tianmeng, then the Kaihuang Tianting and the Creator would be at an absolute disadvantage even if they came out.

Not everyone among the Ancient Gods can see that this is a game against the Ancient Gods. On the contrary, the Ancient Gods have been oppressed for too long and have been waiting for an opportunity. But now the opportunity suddenly arrives, making them think that the time has come.

Although most of the ancient gods are pig teammates, the dismantling of Yankang and Qin can only maintain the situation in this barely balanced situation.

So he immediately decided to meet the four ancient gods and persuade them not to die because of impulsiveness.

Mu Tianzun's Mansion was closest to Xitian Gate, so he went to Xijitian first, because among the four emperors, only Xi Emperor was the most impulsive.

On the other side, Jiang Hengyu also got the news. He just went to Antarctica and then left with peace of mind.

At this time, Suzaku was able to break the shackles of the ancient god at any time, and at the same time, he also learned all the weaknesses of the artifact Yu Tianzun from Jiang Hengyu.

As a result, Huo Tianzun, who relied on the artifact Yu Tianzun, lost all possibility of suppressing Suzaku.

But as long as Huo Tianzun dares to take action, whether he can survive depends on how Suzaku is feeling at that time.

The reason why Jiang Hengyu is not interested in what is about to happen is because he recently discovered a problem worth studying. A rune actually has many different manifestations in two different worlds of heaven and earth.This is most obvious in Xuandu and Youdu. Youdu and Xuandu are two great realms with completely opposite avenues. Although the main avenue is composed of the heavenly path and the earthly path, there are still some common runes in the two realms.

The next question is the most worthy of consideration. Jiang Hengyu discovered that a rune in Xuandu should belong to yang according to the yin and yang classification, but in Youdu this rune belongs to yin.

This gave him considerable inspiration, and he also discovered a problem in previous research, which was that there was no distinction between external factors and internal factors.

For example, in Xuandu, the Xuandu Avenue is the internal force factor, and the complete avenue of the entire universe is the external force factor.

In this universe, the complete avenue of the entire universe is the internal force factor, and the infinite chaos outside the universe is the external force factor.

After thinking about this clearly, Jiang Hengyu returned to the Yuan Realm and returned to the Tianzun Mansion at the top of Yuan Mu.

He needs to sort out his thoughts carefully. Maybe there are further possibilities in "Tai Xuan Suan Jing" and "Zhou Tian Suan Jing".

He placed Yuntianzun's Mansion in Yankang, near Yuetianzun's peach grove, so there would be no problems.

Not long after Jiang Hengyu came back, Kaihuang came to visit him. He had only seen Kaihuang once before, and it was a quick glance at the Yaochi grand event in the early years of Longhan.

Back then, Qin Tianzun was still a young man, tall and tall, handsome and cheerful, with a kind of temperament that the world will change easily and I will never change.

Now he has become a middle-aged man, but his unique temperament has not changed, and after being the emperor for so many years, his temperament has become even stronger.

Yi Shisheng left here after bringing him over, ignoring what the two Heavenly Lords were going to say between them.

Qin Ye looked at Jiang Hengyu, who looked like a young man in front of him, and then said.

"Jiang Tianzun, I have admired your name for a long time."

Jiang Hengyu nodded, still sorting out some scattered thoughts in his mind, so he asked straight to the point.

"I wonder what's going on with Qin Tianzun's visit?"

"I heard the content of Jiang Tianzun's previous sermon from Yankang, and I couldn't help but feel a little excited. I happened to hear that Jiang Tianzun had moved the Tianzun Mansion to Yuanjie, so I came here to visit."

Jiang Hengyu frowned slightly after hearing this. He heard the hidden meaning in Kaihuang's words and wanted to find out his attitude.

He thought for a while and decided that it would be better to explain some things clearly, so he spoke.

"Qin Tianzun, please come with me. Follow me to a place and you will know my attitude."

After speaking, Jiang Hengyu opened a golden avenue and stepped directly onto it. Kaihuang followed without thinking.

The two of them appeared in a void, with only a world slightly larger than the small heavens in front of them.

"Because this world is very remote, there has always been no communication with the outside world, even before the Longhan Heavenly Court was established. Even the God of Heaven rarely paid attention to this world.

The Longhan Heavenly Court once ruled here, but only for a few decades. Because this world was at the edge of the universe, there were no special products, and the cost of ruling was too high, so it gave up.

Later, I discovered that this world is very interesting, so I came here often to see how they were developing. During that time, the Shenzang Tiangong system was brought to the world, allowing the indigenous creatures in this world to step out of the barbaric era.
But so far, no creature in this world has become a god. After all, the cultivation environment is too harsh. For those with supernatural powers, this world is their entire scope of activities.

Since the maximum lifespan of a person with supernatural powers is only five or six hundred years, in order to survive, many people with supernatural powers have created various methods and even begun to transform the entire world.

The ideas of some of these methods are very interesting, and even I was amazed. It shows how much wisdom living beings can explode in order to survive, and survival is the greatest motivation.

But many problems have also arisen from this. This small world has been messed up and is not presentable. Qin Tianzun will understand when he takes a closer look at the inner avenues of this world. "

Kaihuang nodded after hearing this, and then went directly into this world to understand the avenue, and soon he discovered the problem.

Not to mention the great roads in this world, the living environment alone is no longer decent. Desertified land already accounts for [-]% of the entire world.

If you look at the chaotic avenue and the crumbling sky, you can definitely say that this world is a world that is constantly dying.

Kaihuang didn't understand what Jiang Hengyu wanted to say to him for a moment, so he came to Jiang Hengyu and asked directly.

"Jiang Tianzun, what do you mean by asking me to see this world?"

"Qin Tianzun, I want to tell you with facts, how terrible things will happen when a civilization starts to transform the world when it only knows a little about it."

Jiang Hengyu sighed and said this. In fact, he wanted to use Taiyi's cutting down of the World Tree as an example.

But this matter cannot be explained clearly. Now it seems that there are only advantages and no disadvantages, so he can only use this isolated small world as an example.

Kaihuang couldn't help but frown after hearing this. He heard Jiang Hengyu's negative attitude towards the reform in his words, and thought for a moment before asking.

"Jiang Tianzun, didn't you support the reform in your previous sermon?"

"Yes, I do support the reform, but I just want to find fellow Taoists who can study the mysteries of the great road with me.

I brought you to see this world to remind you that your creation of the Emperor's Heavenly Palace is too dangerous and has a tendency to overemphasize the power of the people.

Influenced by your founding emperor era, the Yuanjie Yankang Reform is not yet visible at this time, but Heaven already has the idea of ​​replacing everything with utensils.

They even want to use utensils to completely replace Tiangong Tubo in the future. I heard that this idea was originally thought up by you.

If it succeeds, the benefits will indeed be great at first, as it will allow the center to better control the avenues of heaven and earth, but is this really the case?

You must know that the universe is a whole. The subsequent impact of the disappearance of Xuandu Youdu will be very large. No one knows what will happen.

Isn't this why he started to transform the world when he only knew a little bit about the avenue of heaven and earth, especially when the weapons that replaced Xuandu and Youdu were built with a little understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth. "

After hearing this, Kaihuang was shocked and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

Jiang Hengyu looked at him and said calmly.

"So my attitude is, wherever you end up succeeding, I'm going to stop that from happening."

(End of this chapter)

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