Meiman: The Heavens Plunder!

Chapter 292: Technology’s dimensionality reduction attack!

Chapter 292: Technology’s dimensionality reduction attack!
Ministry of Defense.

General Swannick rushed to the conference room.

Just because he got the news that something big had happened.

Pushing the door open, someone was already waiting inside.

The general looked at the central screen and asked an old man with a white beard:
"Doctor, what's going on? A comet? Or an asteroid?"

At this time, there was a picture on the projection screen, with a blurry spaceship in the center, and the background of the picture was a dark starry sky.

The doctor replied, "Comets don't make orbital corrections, General."

Hearing this, the general's face became solemn. Apparently, he realized something.

"General, look, this spacecraft seems to have entered a state of synchronization with the moon's orbit."

"As for the reason, I'm not sure."

The doctor tried to use simple words to explain the spacecraft that suddenly appeared outside the earth.

The general understood and asked:
"Have you tried talking to it?"

"Tried it, but it didn't respond."

The general's face darkened. He looked at the spaceship parked in outer space in the picture, and his mind was working rapidly, thinking about various possibilities.

"I'm just guessing, but I think the person controlling that thing might want to make a dramatic appearance."

Others in the conference room were stunned when they heard the general's words.

at the same time.

Every technologically advanced country in the world has seen this spacecraft parked in outer space, in the lunar orbit.

After trying to contact this strange spaceship and getting no response.

All countries have entered a state of emergency alert.

Not long after, the spacecraft flew towards the earth.

In an instant, all the countries on the earth felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, and many people proposed launching missiles to eliminate this strange invader.

However, before they had time to react, the spacecraft entered the Earth's atmosphere.

At the same time, most of the satellites in the outer space of the earth, as well as the earth's network, etc., are controlled.

The leaders of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of National Defense turned pale instantly when they saw that all computers, monitors, etc. were inoperable.

"Crushing, this is crushing on a technological level!"

The monitor turned into a snowflake, and then a line of text gradually appeared.

"You're not the only one"

There is also a heavy male voice reciting.

This line of text is played in a loop in various languages ​​popular on the earth.

Ordinary people on the earth, when faced with the strange situation in front of them, are shocked, screamed, panicked, despaired, etc.

The senior officials were panicked, not to mention ordinary people.

I don’t know how many people thought it was an alien invasion and the end of the world was coming.

All kinds of things broke out at this time.

Some people just go to the streets to rob, vent their desires wantonly, and do things they didn't dare to do before.

Some people hurt people at will, some cried in despair, some were hysterical about life, and so on.

Of course, these were only temporary, and officials quickly dispatched police to suppress the rioters.



Among the scout ships.

Clark also quickly learned about the outside world from Joel.

One person and one intelligence can jointly view this video scattered on the Internet and various media.

A blurry figure appeared in the video and said in a deep voice:

"My name is General Zod. I come from a distant planet. I traveled through the void of the universe and came here."

"Your Earth is hiding a person from my planet. I ask you to hand him over. Leave him to my custody."

"For unknown reasons, he chose to hide his whereabouts and blended in with you."

"His appearance looks the same as yours, there is no difference, but he is never one of you."

"Those who know where he is, please tell us quickly. The future of the earth is in your hands."

"Kal-El, listen up, you have 24 hours to surrender, otherwise you will bear the consequences for the earth."

Having said that, the video ends here.

Clark's face became serious after watching this video.

He looked at Jor-El, the artificial intelligence with the memories of his biological father.

"What should I do? Just go out and surrender to Zod?"

Joelle's face was solemn.

"Zod is threatening you with the earth. What do you want to do?"

Seeing Joelle throw the question back, Clark pondered for a while.

Finally, he solemnly said:

"Nothing can happen to the earth because of me."

Hearing this, Joel sighed, he knew what Clark was thinking.

However, he had other options.

"Zod threatens you with the Earth. All major countries cannot count on him. I suggest you go find Luo Ming. He is very mysterious and does not look like an Earthling. He may not be able to help you."

"I found out that he has a lot of assets on the earth, and he will definitely not let the earth be destroyed."

After hearing Joel's words, Clark nodded hesitantly.

Leaving the scout ship, he flew towards Metropolis.


At the same time, the Internet, television, etc. on the earth were completely exploded.

All the topics were talking about Zod from the alien world and Kal-El hiding on earth.

The news that aliens do exist was exposed to the public for the first time.

Prior to this, the top leaders of various countries, even if they were not sure whether there were aliens, knew that there were not just ordinary humans on the earth.

There are also people from various major pantheons such as Atlanteans and Amazons.

After Zod's threats, various emergency discussions were carried out to formulate corresponding plans.

However, after being completely suppressed on the Internet, the think tank is not very hopeful about all plans.

Because Earth's technology has obviously been crushed.

In a short period of time, the other party hijacked the earth's network in a way that none of them knew.

If Zod hadn't given up the kidnapping after explaining his purpose, the earth would have been almost completely black.

The network was hijacked, the satellites were hijacked, and the earth instantly returned to the era before the explosion of technology, when news was basically delivered by roaring.

Being crushed on the Internet, one can imagine other aspects of technology.

All the earth's nuclear weapons can only be launched to cleanse the surface, but Zod, an alien, is excluded from possessing the ultimate weapon similar to the Star Destroyer Cannon, which can directly destroy the planet.

Therefore, think tanks from various countries have suggested that finding Kal-El and conflict with Zod, an alien, is a last resort.

Not long after, news of the search for Kal-El appeared on the Internet and in the media.

Specifically, ever since General Zod stated his purpose, the topic of Kal-El has never stopped.

Countries around the world have tacitly chosen to remain silent when it comes to alien invasions and hijacking of the Earth's network.

After all, no matter how you answer such a shameful thing, it will damage the government's credibility.

And if he responded rashly, it would be bad if Zod saw it as a provocation.



In Luo's Manor.Luo Ming watched the TV with interest.

The artificial intelligence on Zod's ship is powerful, but not powerful enough to threaten his Skynet.

However, under Luo Ming's instruction, Skynet not only protects relevant network data, but also avoids conflicts with Kryptonian intelligence.

Now, Luo Ming browses various information on the Internet at will.

Zod does not directly threaten the major powers to help find Carl, but uses roundabout tactics.

Naturally, it was because he came to the vicinity of the earth and investigated the conditions of the major countries on the earth, and knew that the earth was difficult to deal with.

Although mankind's most powerful weapon cannot compare with Krypton's high technology, it is absolutely no problem to destroy Zod and his cobbled-together spaceship.

Moreover, because it is a pieced together spaceship, Zod does not have powerful weapons.

The weapons carried on Zod's spaceship, except for the World Engine, a special instrument that can change the planet's environment, are very average in power and are not even as powerful as human nuclear weapons.

Therefore, Zod pilots the spacecraft to park in outer space and does not dare to land on the ground rashly.

Of course, just the crushing on the Internet has already made mankind on earth almost despair.

After all, there are many smart people.


The screen turned, and Luo Ming saw a man being interviewed by the media to discuss Karl's affairs.

"Sir, what do you think of Carl, an alien hiding on earth?"

"I think he is dangerous and should take the initiative and take responsibility."

"But the other party has been hiding on the earth for more than 20 years, and it seems that it has not caused any harm to humans."

"Those who are not of my race must have different intentions. If he really has no intention of harming us, he should surrender and bear the consequences himself. After all, if it weren't for him, General Zod would not have come to Earth."

Continuing to read, most people support Karl's initiative to stand up.

After all, they didn't know anything about Kal-El.

It's too hard to find just one name.

What's more, Carl's name on Earth is Clark Kent.

The Earthling named Kal-El on Earth was immediately found by officials from various countries.

However, after interrogation and elimination, it was found that they were not the people Zod was looking for.

Therefore, the people on earth only hope that the real Kal-El can take the initiative to stand up on his own.


While Luo Ming was waiting leisurely.


In front of him, two sparks appeared.

The sparks gradually expanded, forming a circle.

This is space magic. There is a woman standing in each of the two circles.

One is Wonder Woman Diana wearing a classic Greek war helmet.

One is Atlanna wearing the golden armor of Atlanti.

When the two women came out of the space wormhole, they both noticed each other.

Almost at the same time, they all snorted coldly, and then looked at Luo Ming with unkind eyes.

Seeing this, Luo Ming smiled awkwardly.

"Diana, Atlanna, why are you here?"

After getting together with Atlanna, Luo Ming didn't want to hide it from her, so he picked an opportunity to tell Atlanna about Diana.

At first, Atlanna was shocked, then disbelieving, sad, and so on.

She didn't expect that Luo Ming was a playboy, and besides her, there were other women. The other woman was Diana, the modern princess of the Amazon.

Atlanna was naturally angry and sad about what Luo Ming had concealed from Diana.

Luo Ming spent a lot of effort to coax Atlanna.

After coaxing Atlanna, Luo Ming turned around and told Diana about Atlanna.

Diana and Atlanna's reactions were basically the same. She didn't expect Luo Ming to be a scumbag. She just blamed Luo Ming for hiding it so well before.

Her father, Zeus, was a scumbag and hurt her mother.

Now, the man she is looking for seems to be similar to Zeus in terms of relationships.

And she herself seemed to be going through what her mother had gone through, and Diana was so angry that she wanted to kill Luo Ming on the spot.

Facing Diana, Luo Ming also spent a lot of effort to coax her.

Although he is a playboy, he truly loves his women.

After Luo Ming's rhetoric, Diana reluctantly accepted Atlanna's existence.

Her father is also a scumbag.

Everyone understands the ethical relationships in Greek mythology.

As for the fact that Luo Ming found another woman, Diana could only hold her nose and admit it because the fact had already happened.

The relationship with Luo Ming for more than 80 years cannot be given up just now.

The same goes for Atlanna, who has deep feelings for Luo Ming, and finally reluctantly accepts Diana's existence.

However, although the two women accept each other's existence, they are not very interested in each other.

With their personalities, being able to accept each other's existence is entirely due to Luo Ming's strong personal charm and deep feelings, otherwise they would definitely give Luo Ming a good look.


Closer to home.

Luo Ming looked at the two women, opened his arms without leaving a trace, and took the two women into his arms.

The two women noticed Luo Ming's movements and subconsciously resisted.

However, their strength is smaller than Luo Ming's, and resistance is useless.

In the end, the two girls were forcefully held in Luo Ming's arms.

Looking at Luo Ming who was so shameless, Diana gave up her resistance and said angrily:

"What do you think? I'm not here just because of Zod."

While talking, he did not forget to grab the soft flesh of Luo Ming's waist and rotate it 360 degrees.

Atlanna next to her then spoke:

"Zod held the earth hostage to force the so-called Karl to show up. As the lord of the ocean, Atlantis naturally cannot stand by."

At the same time, her hands were not idle, and she placed them on Luo Ming's other waist, making the same movements as Diana.

Feeling the small movements of the two, Luo Ming grinned in cooperation, showing a painful expression.


With his current body, the two women couldn't hurt him even if they tried their best.

However, now is not the time to show off, so naturally you have to give your woman some face.

Therefore, when the two of them started to fight, Luo Ming controlled his body in cooperation and reduced his physical strength.

Looking at the painful expression on Luo Ming's face.

Diana and Atlanna both curled their lips.

How could they not know that Luo Ming's pain was just an act.

However, they just have a temper and want an attitude.

Since Luo Ming was so sensible, they vented their resentment and returned to normal.

After the fight was over, Diana said seriously:
"Okay, stop pretending, let's talk about how to deal with Zod."

Atlanna added:
"Judging from the previous situation, Zod's technology is better than Atlantis. We may have to face a tough battle."

Luo Ming smiled slightly when he heard the two women's words.

"There are other ways to deal with Zod, we don't have to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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